Where Is It From?

Xia Xibei was equally curious about this matter.

"Moreover, do you know how the shadowless bee came to be?"

Qiao Yanjue looked at her expression and immediately understood, "The phantom flower?"

The oil in the fruit of the phantom flower was a favorite of the shadowless bee.

Therefore, shadowless bees would usually follow these smells to find their way here.

If one were to simply rely on the shadowless bees to find Xia Xibei's whereabouts, the owner of the bee would need to spend a lot of effort.

Only by using the oil of the phantom flower would it be easier to track the shadowless bees, so he definitely had something from the phantom flower on him.

"Right," Xia Xibei nodded approvingly.

Ever since Qiao Yanjue had recovered his memory, he knew these things very well, and it didn't take her much time to explain them to him.

"But… How can there be a phantom flower here? Where did you find them?"