Brothers Meet

Soon, Qian Yanjue arrived.

As they had not seen each other in a long time, the two good friends were locked in a tight, sentimental embrace.

After the excitement had died down, Qiao Yanjue introduced the two to each other.

"This is Qi Xibei," Qiao Yanjue said proudly to Han Rui. "Bei, this is my bro, Han Rui."

The two glanced at each other and responded with a nod.

Han Rui had already removed his disguise. 

It was obvious that his disguise was made up of various weird cosmetics. 

If one had looked closely, they could see that his face was covered in many layers of powder. Removing such a disguise would take a lot of time.

While waiting for Qiao Yanjue to arrive, Han Rui had borrowed Xia Xibe's bathroom to remove his makeup. Without the disguise, Han Rui's skin was visibly rough and not in a great condition.

Even though a rugged man like him didn't need such delicate skin, his skin still looked a bit too rough.