
Han Rui worked in a special forces unit that nobody understood much about.

Apart from his few close friends, Qiao Yanjue included, no one was aware of his involvement with the special forces, including his family. 

Han Rui's missions were extremely dangerous, and he kept them a secret from his family to prevent them from worrying.

This time, he only sought Qiao Yanjue's help because of the exceptional circumstances, but his family had zero clue about what was going on.

It was unfortunate, because his recent experiences had been full of ups and downs. 

He was assigned by the organization to go undercover in a drug cartel, but he was quickly exposed.

"Exposed?" Qiao Yanjue frowned. " Your identity was leaked?"

"Yes," Han Rui nodded, his expression cold. "It should be someone from our team."

Han Rui looked very upset and rather dejected when he talked about this. 

He never imagined that his own teammates would betray him.