
After knocking out Han Rui, Qiao Yanjue placed him on the sofa and turned to look at Xia Xibei. 

"Can you cure him?" 

He had great confidence in Xia Xibei's medical skills.

Xia Xibei was very accomplished in the field of medicine, it was just a pity that he didn't have much knowledge in this field. 

However, it didn't matter as long as Xia Xibei was there.

Although it was a terrible poison that they were dealing with, Qiao Yanjue still had confidence in her.

"I'll take a look." 

Xia Xibei didn't give her promise right away. After all, she had never encountered such a thing in the Land of Fantasy.

She hadn't dealt with problems of this sort here either, so she didn't want to make any guarantees.

"Okay," Qiao Yanjue immediately stepped aside and handed it over to Xia Xibei.

Xia Xibei went forward and took Han Rui's pulse, her expression calm. After a while, she released her grip and nodded, "No big deal, it's reversible."