For Self-defense

Qiao Yanjue raised an eyebrow at him, "Of course! I spent a long time working on this, you know!" 

If it had been in the Land of Fantasy, crafting weapons would be a simple task. 

After all, there were abundant materials and a different environment to work with. 

In this realm, it was a bit of a headache. 

Just looking for the right materials had taken him a lot of time. 

It was the hardest part of the process, as a lot of materials weren't available here. 

Therefore, he had to revise his plan over and over again, and even had to use substitutes for certain things. 

This wooden gun had cost him a great deal of effort indeed! 

Fortunately, after making the first one, the second one was much easier. He just had to duplicate it.

Nevertheless, Han Rui needed it the most. 

After all, he had to deal with a lot of danger and couldn't always carry a gun with him. 

Besides, if he did, his identity would be easily exposed.