Saving Cui Tong (1)

Xia Xibei and Qiao Yanjue had prepared many things for Han Rui.

In addition to basic weapons and medicines, they also gave him some listening devices.

These were all prepared by the two of them in the past few days, when they had time.

With their workload, it would have taken quite a bit of time to produce so many things at this time.

However, these were essential in order for Han Rui to investigate the Jiang Rongguang matter safely and smoothly.

After getting these things, Han Rui looked at the two of them with a grateful and complicated expression. 

"Thank you, I will take good care of myself!"

With so many things, he was also more confident about this mission.

The next day, Han Rui left.

When he left, Han Rui's parents were still out traveling.

He just said goodbye to Han Chuo.

Seeing her Brother Rui come and go in a hurry, Han Chuo was worried but didn't say anything.