Saving Cui Tong (4)

Cui Tong was taken aback by Xia Xibei's proposal. 

After all, they were both major celebrities. Wouldn't they be surrounded by onlookers if they went out like this? 

Xia Xibei chuckled and reminded her, "Are you forgetting something I have?" 

Cui Tong suddenly remembered Xia Xibei's magical masks. 

Xia Xibei had given her a few before, but had since claimed that it was out of stock. 

She had to use them sparingly, only when she had no other choice.

However, she had run out of them despite her efforts to save up. 

So, she had completely forgotten about this solution. 

"You refused to sell me more. If I had one of those masks, I could go out shopping! I haven't gone out shopping for ages!" 

Cui Tong looked at her with eyes full of grievance. 

Cui Tong was a girl and it was her nature to love shopping, but she couldn't go out freely because of who she was.