Saving Cui Tong (5)

After entering the shop, Cui Tong still looked enthusiastic. 

"Let's continue shopping after we finish eating. I have so many more things I want to buy!" she said, still full of energy. 

It was a rare chance to come outside, so how could she not make the most of it?

"Okay," Xia Xibei nodded, "However you want to shop today, I'll accompany you."

"Tsk tsk..." Cui Tong looked at her, "How are you so kind today?"

She was actually willing to be her shopping companion for an entire day!

"Consider it a bribe, just remember to sign a contract with our company later," Xia Xibei said with a frank smile.

"Hmph! So you do have a scheme up your sleeve!" Cui Tong laughed and chided good-naturedly.

As the two joked around, their food arrived. 

While they ate and chatted, Xia Xibei suddenly pointed at something and whispered, "Is that..."

"What?" Cui Tong looked in the direction Xia Xibei was pointing.