Telling the Truth (1)

Besides Director Smith's crew, people dug up all of Xia Xibei's previous exploits.

For example, her interaction with the tiger in "Hongyan Chance" was also said to be all post-production.

Haters said that she was not a "queen of animals" at all, but that her team had given her a fake persona!

The people online conducted a frame-by-frame analysis and found a lot of "suspicious" parts.

In addition to these stories, some people dig up Xia Xibei's variety show appearances.

Xia Xibei's previous performances in the show were said to be collaborations with the show.

As for the several good things Xia Xibei did, they were also said to be premeditated.

Even her capturing of the most wanted criminal was said to be planned. After all, she had so many benefactors.

When each of the benefactors helped her, how could she not be famous?!?

This kind of news came one after another, and the whole internet seemed to be discussing her.