Telling the Truth (2)

As these people came in, Little Green grew larger and flicked its tail, effortlessly slamming the men onto the floor.

The four men who came over simply did not expect such a strange snake to appear here and were almost ruined.

Of course, they were not far from being ruined.

Little Green took care of these people and waved its tail, a little regretful.

Xia Xibei said it could not bite people.

After all, its poison was too vicious. If people were found to be poisoned and had died, it might cause problems.

Cause problems?!

Little Green was speechless. How could humans be so troublesome?

After these men were taken care of, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps outside.

Little Green waved its tail and changed back to its previous small form.


The door was opened and the panicked voices came to an abrupt end.

The situation here stunned everyone.

What was all this?!