Telling the Truth (3)

After complimenting Little Green, Xia Xibei let the others go out, then walked over to Qi Zhi'an and Ling Xiao's bedside and started giving them medicine.

She had made antidote pills that would help them release the toxins from their bodies.

Soon, the two who had taken the antidote started to open their eyes.

"What the..."

Qi Zhi'an opened his eyes and was filled with confusion.

Only after a long time did he react. Shouldn't he be on the ship? How come he was here?

He tried to sit up but found that his body was weak and feeble.

Ling Xiao also opened her eyes and reacted similarly.

"Beibei?" They saw Xia Xibei and couldn't help but ask in confusion. "What happened?"

Xia Xibei took their pulse and made sure there was nothing wrong with their bodies before answering, "Qi Xin poisoned you on the ship and blew it up, then I brought you back."

The short sentence made both of their faces turn pale.
