Turning the Tables

Other celebrities watched as Qi Xibei's name frequently appeared in various news articles, filled with envy. 

They exhausted all their efforts to make it onto the trending lists just once or twice, hoping to gain recognition from netizens. 

Qi Xibei, on the other hand, skyrocketed to popularity directly! 

Observing the discussions about Qi Xibei on the internet, they were frustrated to the point of grinding their teeth. 

They couldn't replicate such maneuvers! 

Whenever they were targeted with malicious rumors, they could only grit their teeth and endure. 

Even if they tried to explain, more often than not, their explanations were not accepted. 

This constant frustration left them sleepless at night. 

In contrast, Qi Xibei's counter attacks were fierce, and they could hear the resounding sound of people being slapped in the face.