Sheer Regret

Before this, these advertisers couldn't even imagine that Qi Xibei would turn out to be so amazing. 

They believed that with all the trouble she caused, she wouldn't be able to survive in the entertainment industry. 

As a result, many advertisers went to the SY Company to terminate their contracts with Qi Xibei.

Previously, Pan Yan was furious when faced with such a situation. 

How could they rush to terminate contracts before the matter had even concluded? 

However, Qi Xibei said that anyone who wanted to terminate the contract could do so directly. 

She would compensate those who required compensation, no matter the cost. 

But the compensation for the advertisements signed by Qi Xibei was not insignificant. 

How could anyone come up with a nine-figure compensation sum?

However, since Qi Xibei made such a statement, Pan Yan had no choice but to comply with her demands.