Disguise (3)

Han Rui followed several experts and knew their situation like the back of his hand.

He also knew that if Qi Xibei and Qiao Yanyu wanted to go in, they would definitely look for someone who was similar in size to them.

Although both of them could transform their bones and disguise themselves as other people. However, if he wanted to maintain this body shape, it would be difficult for him to react in time when he encountered something.

If anything happened inside, it would be difficult to deal with.

Therefore, he found two people who were similar in size to them.

Fortunately, these people had different sizes, so it was quite easy to find a suitable one.

"Is there protection here?" Qi Xibei looked at the house in the distance with a cold gaze.

"Yes." Han Rui nodded." There are many security guards here. If I didn't rely on your support, I might not have been able to enter."

These were all very powerful experts.