Camouflage (4)

There were also quite a number of surveillance cameras in the house, and these surveillance cameras were quite advanced. If Tang Luo hadn't upgraded their equipment again, they might have been discovered.

After entering, the two of them moved very quickly. When they encountered surveillance cameras, they avoided them if they could, and quickly went over if they couldn't, trying to reduce the risk of being discovered.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the expert's bedroom.

There were no surveillance cameras in the bedroom. After all, it was not that crazy.

On the bed, a figure was sleeping soundly.

The two of them did not go up immediately. Instead, they carefully used their spiritual power to probe.

After confirming the person's identity, Qiao Yanyu rushed forward and struck the sleeping person unconscious.

After confirming that the man had fainted, Qi Xibei stuffed another pill into his mouth.

This pill could make her hypnosis more effective.