Chapter 2057-Cure

What did he mean by he could cure him?

The man thought he had heard wrong.

"You... You're right!"

If Qiao Yanyu hadn't stood in front of him, he would have grabbed Qi Xibei's shoulders and shook him crazily.

She actually said that it could be cured?

What a joke!

"I can cure it." Qi Xibei repeated in all seriousness.

The man's eyes widened as if he had been struck by lightning. He was extremely shocked.

The reason why they risked their lives to find this place was for revenge.

Although they looked like ordinary people now, they knew their physical condition.

It could be said that their current situation was extremely tragic.

They looked normal and their movements were normal, but their bodies were already riddled with holes.

If this continued, they might die in a few years.

And all of this was caused by these people!

Therefore, they had to take revenge!

If they didn't kill these people, they would die with grievances!