The Brothers

Ling Yade and Ling Yajian were brothers. They looked middle-aged, but they were actually in their seventies.

They were very strong to begin with. Otherwise, they would not have been targeted and treated as experimental subjects.

After that, they were stuffed with many strange things and did many experiments.

They looked strong and strong, but their actual situation was not good.

Moreover, they also knew that their bodies were the same as the loopholes. Their insides were already broken.

They didn't have much hope. After all, they knew how much pain they had gone through.

They only wanted to take revenge and then go back to wait for death.

However, who would have thought that a young lady would suddenly appear and tell them that she could cure them?!

Ling Yade hugged Ling Yajian and cried pitifully.

They were already so old, but they were still crying like this. It was also because they had lived too hard these years.