Chapter 2237-Flying Cloud Leopard

There was a large forest outside Xuan City. On the other side of the forest was another country.

On this continent, there were green forests everywhere.

The forest provided abundant spiritual energy, allowing both humans and spirit beasts to cultivate.

Therefore, no one went to cut down the forest.

The more forests there were, the more spiritual energy there would be, but there would also be more spirit beasts.

It could be said that danger and opportunity coexisted in the forest.

For example, this time's Purity Rainflower.

Clear Rain Flower looked like a glass flower, very beautiful.

However, there was a guardian beast beside her.

Guardian beasts were usually very ferocious and would never let their things be taken away by humans.

This time, Princess Ruyi's men discovered the Icy Rain Flower and immediately reported back.

After knowing the existence of this thing, Princess Ruyi immediately sent people to guard it, but she did not tell her father.