Chapter 2238-Finding the Flying Cloud Leopard

The Flying Cloud Leopard was a very fast spirit beast, but it was relatively less aggressive.

However, it was a Sixth Grade Spiritual Beast after all. It was a piece of cake for it to fight against warriors below Fifth Grade.

If it wasn't injured, it would have killed these humans long ago.

However, the Flying Cloud Leopard was injured.

He was injured when he fought with other spirit beasts.

It was precisely because it was injured that it did not kill these humans in advance.

He did not expect that there would be so many humans now.

It was precisely because of the appearance of these humans that the Flying Cloud Leopard had hidden itself. It would not appear before the Ice Rain Flower matured.

However, Princess Ruyi would not let the Flying Cloud Leopard stay here.

What if he appeared at that time?

She had only just found out that the Flying Cloud Leopard was injured.

Since he was injured, it was even easier.