Attack 2/2

**Author's POV**

7:00 PM

The seven boys, Uncle Vic, Auntie Olivia and David are now watching television.

Trying to distract theirselves from worrying and to not think about the war that was happening already.

While watching, a important news played.

Broadcaster: "Good evening everyone."

"We need to inform y'all about the war that was happening right now between our country and the other."

"Please just stay at your home for now and don't come out. It's dangerous outside since the war isn't staying in just a one place only."

"Be careful and kindly aware other people about it.

"Let's pray for our savior, Young lady and her whole group. Hope that our country will be save by her again."

"Thank you for watching the news and be careful once again!"

The news ended.

Alexa: "hope that the past won't happen." She worriedly said while looking down.

Auntie: "i'm starting to get nervous again." She said while rubbing her palms.

"I'm feeling something bad to this."

Uncle: "let's stay positive okay? They will make it. Let's trust Y/n."

David: "what if...what if she leaves me?"

"What if she leaves me like Dad and Mom did?"

"S-She won't, r-right?" He cried.

Taehyung: "hey bro. Don't say that."

"Your sis won't leave you. She won't leave us, okay?" He comforted as David nodded.

**Y/N's POV**

11:00 PM

The fight started an hours ago.

No matter what will i choose, whether Yes or No, the fight will still continue.

I'm not that dumb and stupid enough.

The whole area was now a mess.

Throwing bombs everywhere and firing guns where the enemies are.

We killed many men of Marcelus already, same with us also.

Daniel and John are still alive but badly injured, so am i.

I am now hiding behind a car to secure myself while reloading my gun.

Marcelus: "come out Young lady!"

"Is that what a leader doing? Hiding from your enemy?!"

"What a pathetic!"

With that, i quickly showed up with my gun ready to shot everyone.

I killed those men that was standing infront and behind Marcelus.

I reload the gun quickly to shoot Marcelus before he can even shoot me first, so i did.

Right in his chest but he also shot my leg.

Y/N: "Pathetic." I smirked as i winced when my body hurts.

Then Keifer appeared, shockly running towards his father who just fell down the ground.

Keifer looked at me angrily and quickly shot me which took me off guard.

He shot me.

Right in my chest.

Before he can even shoot me again, my partners and assistants came, firing towards the enemies.

One of them drag me inside our car.

James: "hey Y/n!"

My body feel numb and tired. Pain everywhere that i can't almost feel my own body.

Just pain. Especially in my chest.

The bleeding won't stop.

Daniel hopped in the car.

They put a towel to cover my wound and to stop the bleeding.

Keifer: "COME OUT Y/N!!"


He shouted somewhere.


We heard cars, driving away.

Daniel called our ambulance already as they arrived few minutes ago.

They put oxygen to my mouth since i'm having a hard time to breathe.

Dr.: "Young lady. Please just open your eyes. Don't close it!"

"We're near!" He worriedly said.

My family comes to my mind.

The scene in the kitchen where they are laughing and teasing around, just flashed.

Our happy and memorable moments.

The seven boys.






My body's already giving up. My eyelids were slowly closing.

The doctor shook my body to keep me awake.

Ambulance siren were ringing on my ears.

My partners and assistants were on the other ambulance.

Finally we arrived at the resort.

They know that i don't want to be treated in hospitals, so they build a operation room here.

The nurses pulled the stretcher i was lying and quickly make their way to the operation room.

And then i saw my family, running towards me.

Auntie: "w-what happened t-to her?" She teared up.

Dr.: "she got shot in her chest."

Uncle: "again!" He cried too.

Y/N: "i-i...fought f-for you." I weakly said to Taehyung while holding his hand as he was crying and looking at me.

Dr.: "i'm sorry but we need to hurry to save her!"

With that, my grasp on his hand got removed as we got in the operation room.

**Taehyung's POV**

While we're talking, we heard a loud ambulance sirens coming near the resort.

We all stood up worriedly.

Then doctors along with nurses came in with 5 stretchers.

They were rushing.

My eyes scan those stretchers that they're dragging.







She cameback.

But in a so much worst condition...

We stopped them for awhile.

Auntie: "w-what happened t-to her?" Auntie teared up while looking at Y/n's badly injured body.

Dr.: "she got shot in her chest."

Got shot.

In her chest!

There's so mant body parts but why the most important and sensitive part?!

Uncle: "again!" He cried too.

Then Uncle and Auntie approached their Son and Daniel.

Y/n lifted her hand and hold mine.

Her hand were bloody shaking.

Y/N: "i-i...fought f-for you." She weakly said to me as more tears came out from my eyes.

Dr.: "i'm sorry but we need to hurry to save her!"

With that, they drag her away from me. Our connected hands got removed.

The operation room door closed.

We all went and wait at the waiting room that has a glass wall so we can see the operation.

The doctors were doing their best to save and cure them.

Nurses were cleaning the wounds of Y/n's partners and assistants.

While three doctors focused on Y/n who's in a critical condition.

We can hear them but not that loud.

Auntie: "why her chest again?! I-if her previous wound there got open again,"

"I-it's dangerous." She cried out.

Dr.(1): "she lost so much blood."

One of the nurse quickly get some bag bloods.

We can see that they are having a hard time to save her.

The doctors panicked while operating her.

They didn't get the bullet yet.

Then suddenly the life line monitor started to beep.

We all looked to the monitor at the same time.

My world stopped. Body feeling numb as i can't look away from the monitor.

Her heartbeat.....

It was a straight line now.

Some of us including Uncle, Auntie and Alexa, stood up and approached the glass wall.

Auntie: "NO!!!"

Dr.(3): "g-give me the curved forceps!!" She shouted as the nurse give it.

They were trying their best to still save her.

I was out of my world. My eyes never leave Y/n's figure.

Tears streaming down with a fast and painful heartbeat.

She won't die.

The doctors removed the bullet already.

Her life line remains---