104. Rena's Suspicion

Hearing Fredy's words made Elise turn to Brian with a questioningly astonished look. Why is the man running?

As if he understood the question that was implied in Elise's eyes and had to explain the situation so that Fredy wouldn't get mad at him, Brian said, "I saw Elise's car go by. And I chased her to the parking lot. I'm afraid she also bought food for Mommy. already bought it. " A lie that was created very quickly and there was no room for suspicion. All because Brian's sharp eyes saw Elise carrying plastic wrappers filled with food and also Fredy who brought the same thing.

"You shouldn't have to run just because of that!" Fredy protests with his exasperation.

"You know I hate wasting money the most. If there is too much food, isn't that a waste." Brian answered casually who only got Fredy annoyed.

"Ah I should have told you if I was going to bring food for you." Said Elise with a tone of regret.