105. This Is Very Suspicious

"I see." Rena replied briefly and continued eating. She seemed to understand and accept Elise's reason. But somehow in her heart, Rena felt a suspicion that she couldn't get rid of. Because Rena saw a big difference between 'Elise' who she met before and Elise who was in front of her right now. Rena is not too old to remember what clothes the "two Elise" were wearing tonight.

Their clothes are very different. The 'Elise' that she had previously met was wearing a loose plaid shirt with jeans, while Elise in front of her was wearing a casual dress with a cardigan overlaid. Isn't that a huge difference!

But Rena did not say that to demand Elise's explanation. She would quell these suspicions and secretly investigate herself. Because there are too many changes and oddities that Rena feels from Elise. It was as if there were two Elise with different personalities but with the same face.