Team LAGM mission

Training the main cast of rwby in various fighting arts has gone wonderfully. They're much stronger and smarter combat wise than the original and have much more variety. Ruby is a human wrecking ball after Logan was finished training her. Weiss with her swordsmanship became a blur as she fought as wasted movement was removed and her speed increased thanks to the weight training.

Blake can actually fight now rather than act like an assassin. Yang and Pyrrha has special attention so of course they aren't going to be worse at combat. Nora and Ren were already competent so they only needed to boost their stats. Jaune had the biggest improvement with his aura unlocked, semblance (boost) gained and combat ready. The only issue was learning a European sword fighting style as Logan hadn't fought or learned one before. His only reference was some ninja who used tanto so that knowledge was used for Blake.

Alice also became a killing machine after learning her semblance and practising aura arts. Her world had stories to so she trained using their methods which seemed to have worked. Mogana was trained by giyu who mainly just worked out and trained in his swordsmanship. Logan as always just worked on body refinement and copying more fighting styles. Beacon had a wide variety of people who all fought in a unique way.

His talks with velvet who has in depth footage of students in action both on and off duty certainly helped. Anyway onto their mission, Ozpin tasked them with Grimm extermination in a forest bear a town on the outskirts of vale. They geared up and rolled out quickly wanting to get it out of they way. This world is so relaxing compared to theirs.

Mogana, Alice and Logan had training and work to stress them out and giyu had his demons to hunt. No one would think a deadly place like remnant would be a vacation spot for some people.

Once the bullhead dropped the team off they aimed for the town hall of the town and asked about what species they were hunting. Upon confirmation from the footage obtained it was confirmed to be a nest of deathstalkers which are scorpion Grimm. In the series only two were shown but they were variants. The normal ones would be the size of a large dog not a tank.

Notable traits include poison, shooting their stinger, their varying claw strength, hypnotic gaze, tendency to cling to the ceiling and perform a drop attack and lastly the ability to spit webs which was only present in small variants. A pack of 8 was spotted dragging prey back to the nest which indicates a queen presence.

We marched towards the place they were spotted to find their tracks. Alice had experience hunting in her world and we have all been learning intently at Hogwarts I mean beacon. The tracks led to an uprooted tree that leads into their nest. Rather than rush in blindly we chose to use some hunting tools.

A sonar device developed for lair and nest reconnaissance. Tech in rwby is much more advanced towards hunting so we took advantage of it. Giyu has begun stockpiling it because of its usefulness back in his world. The results of the scan showed a second entrance about 900 meters a away so we chose to block each exit and smoke them out.

Me and Alice left for the other exit which we swiftly found as it was smaller yet covered in webbing. I took a magazine filled with flame dust and tossed into the hole with a primer in my hand. I waited for the signal. Mogana used her reward abilities alongside her own to unleash a devastating screech into the tunnel which made everyone in the town cover their ears.

A little aura reinforcement over the eardrums did wonders to prevent deafness. The same couldn't be said to the Grimm. The device showed that 3/4 of them dusted while the others were rushing to our position. I pushed the button on the primer resulting in a boom. Two minutes of silence as we waited for the others to rush at us only to be met with silence. The device recalibrated to show only the queen was alive.

We entered the next after confirming each others position with the scrolls. Passing through scorched terrain we arrived to find the massive death stalker queen rolling in agony due to the earlier noise. Rather than have a drawn out fight Alice used her weapon as a Javelin swiftly piercing one of its many eyes which made it squeal louder before freezing. We snapped a pic and made our way back to the town for a swift rest.

That night the local inn experienced loud moaning coming from two rooms. Mogana x Giyu confirmed was my thought was Alice and me sat at the breakfast table grinning at the blushing Mogana and stoic Giyu trying to avoid eye contact. This inn meal is sponsored by raid//// I mean the mission that beacon promptly paid us for. Yes beacon pays for assignments which is why teams like CFVY always end up on mission. Rwby don't get them as they always end up caught up in the plot and jnpr never received them because of Jaune in canon. Now they are training so ozpin held off on their mission till the next semester.

Next week is mid term break which means we have two weeks to kill. May as well check out patch right? I may have to fight a certain blonde later though. Worth it.