



I nervously walked down the stairs and met Bianca coming out of the kitchen.

"Good luck", she said with a small smile.

"I have something to tell you", I said.

I should just tell it to her. It'd be better for her to hear it from me than from anyone else

"What is it?", she asked and then her phone beeped and my heart skipped.

"You should check your phone?", I hurriedly said and she suspiciously looked at me.

"You should check I'll tell you later", I added with a convincing smile 

"I want to hear it now", she muttered.

"I'll tell you once you check your message ", I said my heart beating fast. I couldn't sleep, my heart kept telling me I should tell her, and I'd hurt her so much if I tell her about it.

She checked her phone and screamed happily them showed me the message:

        "Come home now"

From her father.

Is he going to consider her?

It's good news!

"What do you think?", she asked.

I laughed and pushed her forward.

"Since you are dressed we should go I'll drop you off", I said.

"No you'll be late I'll find my way there, you know the house is quite far from here", she said and I nodded positively.

"You should ride my car I'll just hail a cab", I hurriedly said hurrying towards the door trying to avoid telling her what I wanted to tell her.

Part of me wants to tell her, another just doesn't.

I'm really scared of losing her, again.


"You must have known that Lily cheated on you", Officer Kelvin said and I was shocked at how he found out.

He carried a paper from his desk in between us and looked at it quickly before looking at me.

"Simon knew about everything and during our investigation, we had to hack his app and find out three other posts he was gonna post but didn't", Office Kelvin muttered, staring at the paper.

"One for you which is linked to Lily and Jason as well", he said and looked to me.

"One for Bianca I'm sure you saw the news", he said and I nodded positively.

"One for Leilani which is linked to Brie ", he said and that increased my curiosity.

Brie is Bianca's sister and doesn't even attend our school. Why will she be involved?

"I'll read this for you....", he said and lifted the paper.

"News news news everyone Jake Ray's so-called girlfriend cheated on him with .....", he said.


"News news everyone, Jake Ray's so-called girlfriend cheated on him with Jason Vuitton. Lol.. isn't Jason so amazing .. having fun with two best friends xoxoxo...", Officer Carl Marks read.

My heart skipped a beat and He dropped the paper.

"This wouldn't go to the press", he said.

"I know you did nothing to Simon or Lily", he said.

"But why did you kill Lily?", he asked.

"I didn't you just said it yourself", I said.

"You must have killed her so that Bianca wouldn't find out?", he persisted.

"The night I slept with her, it was a mistake and why will I even think of killing her?", I explained.

"We talked things out and we stayed away from each other since then", I said.


"Did you know?", Officer Kelvin asked.

"No", I simply said and he took another paper.

"We saw this in Simon's room ", he said.

"Things are about to go crazy Jake found out Jason slept with his girl and he is really angry", he read and looked at me.

Simon is a bastard. I thought we talked things out.

Fuck him...

"Well... you don't expect me to tell you that I know my girlfriend cheated and I know the person she cheated with", I scoffed trying to sound more convincing.

"With the way things looks, your girlfriend didn't know you knew", he said and I wasn't sure how to answer that.

Of course, she didn't know I knew. I would have broken up with her for a long time.

"Reply Mr. Ray", he said.

"I'm not sure if she knew I knew", I said shrugging my shoulders.

"You didn't tell her about it?", he asked.

"No I didn't I wasn't ready to let stupid things destroy our relationship, I love her", I said and he nodded positively.


".... it's part of the privilege of having a powerful father", Officer Carl said packing things up.

"No one would know about it", he said and that's a relief.

"When will you tell Bianca?", Jane asked.

She has been quiet throughout the whole interrogation. She's my lawyer, remember?

"You should mind your business", I said and Carl chuckled lightly.

"I think your dad says he'll be here to cheer you up", Carl said with a wink.

"What?! Why will he be here?", I asked.

"We talked this morning he told me about Bianca and how he really wants to help you with something but he can't think of one", he said and winked at me.

"Stop winking", I muttered and chuckled.

Carl is like the big bro I never had. Carl is also like the kind of son my dad wanted but didn't get. Instead, my dad got me. He even calls my dad, Father at times.

I really liked him and Jane often says she's jealous at the fact that I obey Carl more than I obey her.

"What?!? , I'm happy you guys are doing well", he said and got up.

"Let's go", he said and winked at me again.

"Fuck! Stop", I groaned with a slight chuckle as I got up and he laughed.


My phone rang again interrupting the intent stare I was getting from the police officer.

I looked at my phone.

The same fucking number.

How many times do I have to tell her not to call me unless I call?

"You can leave Mr. Ray we'll contact you if we need any more information", he said and I just didn't hesitate and walked out in a hurry.


I silently stared at Carl and my dad as they talked. I envy their relationship.

"You really should at least say hello", Carl suddenly said and I quietly bowed lightly.

"How was it?", my dad asked and I nodded positively.

"Let's go for a smoke together", my dad said.

"Sure that will be great I'm sure you'll like that Jay", Carl said happily patting my shoulder.

"Bianca doesn't like me smoking", I softly muttered.

"Wow are you serious?", Carl asked with a slight "I'm surprised" chuckle.

"That's good", my dad said.

"What about a drink?", my dad asked.

"She'd be mad but I could take a little", I softly explained and my dad nodded positively.

"Since your car is not here let's go I know the best place ", my dad said turning to leave.

"Alright then you guys should enjoy", Carl said turning to go into the office.

"Is today not your free day? Let's go together", I hurriedly said. It is going to be so awkward with just me and my dad.

"No, no, you guys should go ahead", Carl insisted.

"You should come Carl, since Jason wants you to come", My dad said.

"No, no it's fine you should go ahead", he insisted.

"Let's go huh", I muttered and placed my hands around his neck.

We are having the same height so it's easy to mess with him though he's six years older than I am.

We sat around a table and had a different bottle of alcohol on our table. We were drinking and talking. It was nice then I remembered Bianca and I was so silent. I still don't know how to tell her about the shit I did. I drank faster than normal. I was hoping it would help me tell her the truth. I would just go to her parent's house and tell her.

"Jay is something bothering you?", Carl asked pouring me a drink.

"No I'm fine", I said.

I looked at my dad, he was really wasted and so drunk.

I scoffed and poured the entire cup down my throat.

"Jason I'm proud of you", my dad suddenly said and that shook me.

"When I got home yesternight I did my entire research on you", he said.

"I was ashamed of myself I didn't even know half of what the internet knew about you", he said and gulped down an entire cup.

He widened his eyes then got it shut.

Who would believe their president is like this??

"Found out you own a gallery and a game company", he said and I poured myself a drink.

"I should have at least helped you out"

"Those years I kicked you out I didn't even send you the money to take care of yourself, you fed yourself, you paid your school fees, you bought a huge house, you have your car", he listed and breathed out.

"How the hell did you do that?", he exclaimed.

"I'm a shame to fatherhood", he exasperated and dropped his head on the table.

Thank goodness he knows.

"Is the old man asleep?", Carl joked and I laughed.

He poured me another drink.

"I'm proud of you", Carl said and I only smiled.

How did I do it? I don't know.

"How did you do it?", he asked pouring himself a drink.

"I guess I'm just blessed", I said with a shrug and poured the whole drink down my throat.

"Drugs?", he asked.

"I never really did drugs I was just caught with it, I consume them not sell them", I explained as he poured me another shot.

"How did you do it?", he asked.

"Just drew, I drew Jennifer Lopez and she saw it and she liked it ", I said with a shrug.

"She paid me well, I could get my gallery and do more arts and she helped me with the connection", I said.

"How old were you then?", he asked consuming his drink.

"14 or 15", I said.

"Wow", he muttered and I poured down my drink in one shot.

"I met Bianca in my first exhibition and I had to attend her school to be closer to her ", I said with a slight chuckle thinking back to those days.

Carl chuckled too.

"She helped me well too ", I added.

"She made me realize my love for games and technology and helped me well with finances she's a rich kid, her dad is Mr. Scott, this legendary boxer", I said and poured myself a drink then I poured Carl.

"I'm jealous", he muttered.

"Why will you be?", I asked and sipped my drink.

"You lost your parents when you were twelve and grew in the streets", I said.

I admire Carl, he grew in the streets, without pickpocketing and turning into a bad kid, as I did.

"Yea but you know your dad picked me up and since then here I am ", he said and gulped down his drink.

"I kinda enjoyed everything you should have enjoyed while you had to do things yourself", he said and I gulped down my entire drink.

"I love doing things myself", I muttered and he chuckled.

"Are you worried about telling Bianca about Lily?", he asked.

"Hell yeah I don't know how to say it", I confessed.

"It's really stupid you know", I said and he nodded positively in agreement.

"I didn't cheat there was this time we broke up, we were apart for two years and during those years I happened to see Lily in a club and I was drunk and I kicked off", I confessed in frustration.

"Tell her about it, she wouldn't be that mad", he said.

"Explain things to her", he added and I nodded positively and got up then realized my dad was there.

"Help me with the old man", I said and Carl nodded positively.

"Good luck", he said.


All eyes were on me and I had my eyes on the floor.

"He came around", My mom broke the silence.

I lifted my head and looked at her.

"He begged your father for you", she said.



"I like him", my mom said and excitement ran through my entire body system.

I looked to my dad hoping he'd say the same thing.

"He says he'd kill me if I hit you again?", my dad grudgingly said.


I chuckled lightly.

"How can he even say that to his in-law?", my dad said.


My phone beeped and Ihurriedly checked it:

"Can you come out"

From Jason.

"Dad can I step out for a minute", I said and my dad looked away grudgingly.

"Sure do", my mom said.

I hope my dad would say something but I was really curious as to what Jason wants, so I left.

"How was it?", I hurriedly asked once I got to him.

"Did you drink?", I asked almost immediately. He smells of alcohol, thank goodness he didn't come in.

He nodded positively.

"I want to tell you something", Jason softly muttered.

"What?", I asked curiously and anxiously.

He walked closer to me and dropped his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry", he softly said.

"What's wrong? You're making me scared", I said my heart racing fast.

"I mistakenly had a night with Lily", he muttered.

My entire system suddenly went blank and there was silence.

He fucking did what??

The hell?!!!

"I didn't do it on purpose it was during the years we had broken up", he softly and regretfully whispered.

It took me a while before I could understand everything.

It wasn't his fault. I don't expect a guy like him to go years without sex because of some sort of a lady.

The idea of him sleeping with my best friend is crazy. Crazy, I don't know how to react.

"I can't look at you right now", he muttered.

"I'm sorry", he added.

I gently pulled him up and kissed his lips leaving him surprised.

"It's fine, it's in the past", I muttered.

I don't know what to do. I couldn't freak out. 

"Do you wanna come in?", I asked.

"Your parents aren't in?", he asked anxiously.

"They are", I said and smirked and hit his shoulder jokingly.

"Heard what you did", I said and he smirked.

"Is he accepting me now?", he curiously asked.

"I don't know but I think he has softened up, he wouldn't hit you", I teased and he chuckled.

"Come in", I said.

"No no I can't", he said.

"Why?", I asked.

He hurriedly removed his earings.

"I don't look presentable", he muttered.

"I should have worn something to cover these tats and I wouldn't have drank so much", he nervously said.

I collected the earing and wore them back on him.

"Be you if they don't like it, we'll do something about them", I said.

"Are you sure?", he asked nervously.

"Sure ", I said and kissed him softly which he replied.

"That worked", he said and I chuckled.

"Dad", I called once I got to the living room. He looked away from his newspaper and looked at me and was surprised when he saw Jason.

"He wants to say hi", I nervously said.

I didn't think I'd be nervous.

"Good he can leave now", my dad groaned and looked back to his newspaper.

I looked to Jason who made his right hand go through his hair in frustration.

"Dad", I called again.

"Bianca let me be, I haven't even settled things with you yet", he said not even looking up.


"Mr. Scott", Jason called and my heart skipped few beats. I hoped he wouldn't say anything wrong to make my dad kick us out but I allowed him to say anything he wanted.

"Why do you have to be so hard?", Jason asked.


No, no, no!!!

I looked to him, he looked really serious, I looked to my dad who looked at Jason in awe.

"Even my dad the hardest man I have ever seen accepted me back, why won't you accept your daughter?", he asked.

"Why didn't he accept you?", my dad groaned ready to face him.

"Probably because of your worst character, you don't even know how to talk to an elderly one", my dad complained.

"Well I was thrown out of my father's house at the age of 14 I'm sorry I had no older one to teach me manners", Jason argued back.

I looked at him. He doesn't like talking about his past. He looked okay so I looked at my dad, he was quiet and softened.

"Well, why were you thrown out?", my dad asked more like a challenge.

"My mom died when she tried giving birth to me and my dad got married to another woman and she threw me out ", he explained and chuckled softly.

"You can say that my dad doesn't like me because I killed his love indirectly or directly", he muttered.

I looked at him, his sad face appearing.

You see this guy, he's been through a lot of shit.

I looked to my dad who was now totally quiet and sober.

"But yesterday your daughter fixed a relationship I couldn't fix and I had a drink with my dad before coming here", he concluded.

Wow! He did?

"I'm sorry I'm a bit tipsy ", he said and I chuckled and heard a soft chuckle too.


I looked at her and waved which she waved back. I guess she just came back from school. I didn't see her when I came in earlier.

"Ohhh Jason you're here", my mom announced coming towards us in an apron, she was coming from the kitchen.

"You should have lunch with us I made cookies we don't have much for lunch but you can manage ", my mom said smiling.

It looks like, she already accepted him.

"Yes Jason, you should have lunch with us, my mom's cookies are the best", Brie added.

My father cleared his throat and got up.

"Which kind of father drinks alcohol with his son? ", my dad said and looked at him.

"How many bottles did you take?", he asked.

"4 or 5", Jason muttered.

I mentally slapped myself. Why does he have to be so honest? I guess the alcohol is working.

"You reek of alcohol", my dad muttered and looked at me before walking ahead.

"You should come fast", my mom said and walked after my dad.

"Did dad call you back?", Brie asked excitingly.

"Yea", I muttered.

"Jason is....", she said and kept quiet causing us to chuckle.

"I envy you guys", she said.

"Let's go", she muttered and walked ahead.

I looked to Jason, he seems tipsy.

"Are you okay?", I asked.

He rubbed his forehead and nodded positively.

I took his hand and we walked to the dining hall.

"You know what just happened when I came in dad asked of Jason", Brie said and my mom chuckled.

"He was like... ", Brie muttered.

"Why is Jason not coming?", Brie imitated his voice.

I chuckled lightly and we took our seats.

I looked to Jason who was really off himself. Too quiet and he looked drowsy. I poured him a cup of water. It should help.

He took it as fast as he could and I badly hoped he wouldn't throw up here.

"Bianca I feel like I wanna throw up", he whispered to me.

I smiled uneasily.

"If you'd excuse us", I hurriedly said and pulled Jason up.

"If you guys can't make it for lunch I'll ask Brie to bring it upstairs", my dad said and I smiled appreciatively. I think my dad is beginning to accept him.

Once I opened the door to my bathroom he ran in and kept throwing up.

"It's amazing how much alcohol you took and could still keep your balance", I said and he looked up from the basin and looked at me and winked.

"That's called alcoholic resistivity", he said and ended up throwing up again and I chuckled.

"I'll get you anything that will help you out", I said.

"Please not ginger", he groaned.

"I'll get that one", I groaned.

"C'mon babe", he groaned but threw up again and I had to leave the room, chuckling.

"Here", I said giving him a cup of ginger tea. This time, he was sitting on my bed.

"Fuck Bianca", he groaned collecting it.

"I never sent you to drink", I said with a shrug and he groaned.

"Aren't you going somewhere?", he asked.

"So you'd pour it away huh?", I asked and he chuckled.

"Take it all now", I ordered.

"Do I have to?", he asked.

"Of course or you're gonna be hungover ", I said.

He sighed and gulped all in a hurry and I laughed.

"Damn", he groaned cleaning his mouth.

"You take alcohol in one shot and you can't take a cup of ginger tea", I groaned and collected the cup from him.

"There's a clear difference between ginger and alcohol", he muttered and I laughed as I dropped the cup on my dressing table and walked to him and sat beside him.

"How did your date with your dad go?", I asked.

"Normal", he muttered and I got up and went behind him, leaning on his back and my hands around his neck to the front so I could tease his chest.

"How was it like?", I whispered sexily.

"We drank and talked", he muttered and moaned.

"He said he was proud of me and he's sorry for not being there", he said with a hint of happiness.

I'm happy for him. His father is a really cruel man. He makes him sick all the time. He doesn't need his father, but they must be on good terms.

"Do you have something bothering you?", I asked, he was being quiet and calm.

" I just feel restricted ", he muttered.

"How?", I asked.

"I have to be so composed I have to please your father so he'd accept me", he muttered and turned his head to look at me and kissed my lip.

"You know I want you", he whispered looking into my eyes and I nodded positively.

"I think he likes you already", I said teasing his chest.

"Let's go have some cookies", I groaned and stood up.

"I badly wanna taste some", I whined and he stood up with a small chuckle.

"Not as I want to I have missed a mother's food", he grinned and I jumped on his back with a laugh.

"Your dad mustn't see us this way", he laughed trying to get me off but I wouldn't bulge.

"Go go Mr driver move or we'll be late", I joked and we both laughed.