

"A very good job the investigators had done

It's funny how fast secrets came out in the open but weren't really taken seriously. Is it because the people involved are very popular, wealthy, and they belong to an influential kind of family? Anyways, you still haven't found me. What are you guys doing?? Lol"


We nervously read the twitted post. What the hell is wrong with the weirdo that's posting all of this shit? Why is he or she all tricky?

It doesn't even scare me anymore.

Everyone knows my secret and there are no more secrets, I definitely have nothing to worry about except-


"Don't you think this is getting really weird and tiring?", I asked looking up at Jason.

"I think it's getting really interesting the murderer wants us to find him or her and is using us as a cover", he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whosoever the person he or she is pretty dumb ", he said.

"Why will you say that?", I asked.

"If he wanted to play his card well, he should do his best to send one of us to prison for a bit of trickish play", he grinned.

I slapped his chest softly with a chuckle.

"Why are you sounding like you know the murderer?", I asked.

"What if I am the one?", he said sounding all scary all of a sudden and for a second I was scared as I stared at him.

"Boo", he grinned and I screamed in fear getting off him and he laughed.

"What? were you scared?", he said.

"Why wouldn't I ?", I said.

"C'mon it's just a joke", he whined, his laugh slowly dying down.

"That is too expensive", I winced.

"I'm sorry I was joking", he said seriously now.

I cleared my throat and sat beside him and leaned into him.

"I have a confession to make anyways", I whined.

Payback time.

He kissed my head.

"What?", he asked.

"I'm sorry I never meant to do it but I really love you", I said sounding all serious and now I'm sure I got his attention.

"What did you do?", he asked, his curiosity not leaving his voice.

I stood up and looked at him.

"Don't turn me over to the police please, I just wanted to be with you", I pleaded and he sat up straight really really curious, and a glimpse of fear forming in his eyes.

"What would you do to make me turn you over to the police? It's not like you killed anyone?", he shivered.

"That's it Jason I killed Simon and lily", I confessed and gasped.

"Are you going to turn me in?", I asked curiously and soberly.

"Stop joking around, you're trying to play a prank on me", he laughed uneasily.

"No I'm not", I hurriedly said.

"I wanted to be with you and I didn't know what I'll do", I said with the 'I mean it' emotion well written on my face.

"I was gonna tell you early enough, but, I thought you'd think I'm a psycho", I said sounding all serious pacing the living room.

I should pursue a career in acting.

"You've gotta be kidding me", he muttered his voice totally failing him.

Yes! I got him.

I caught a glimpse of his face! He looks shit scared.

I mentally laughed.

"I killed Simon because he found out the truth I didn't want you to know about it so I had to find a way to take him out", I said.

"I knew about you and Lils so I killed her, I'm jealous", I muttered and looked at him. He wasn't even moving or blinking.

"Jason you won't report me, right?", I asked.

"You still love me?", I asked.

"Jay", I called and he jerked.

"You're not scared of me, are you?", I asked walking towards him.

"I.....I don't know", he muttered and shivered.

Lazy kid.


I laughed really hard.

"Lord", he said heaving a very deep sigh and taking his hands to his chest.

"You need to see your face", I laughed.

"Damn I almost peed myself", he muttered and stood up.

"That was really scary", he growled.

"You're not the only one who can tell scary stories", I said and wrapped my arms around his body.

He was still slightly shivering.

"Fuck I didn't know I scared you that bad", I said looking into his eyes, he was avoiding eye contact.

"You really did", he said.

"I was fucking scared, the situation is really scary", he said and looked at me.

"Did you almost believe?", I asked feeling really sorry.

What if he starts seeing me that way?

"I almost did", he said.

"Urm...I mean why will I believe my girlfriend is a murderer?", he asked.

"But fuck it really got me", he said, touching his chest and I laughed.

"I'm sorry", I said.

"I could need a kiss baby", he said dramatically, reaching for my lips as I chuckled lightly and we kissed.

Real kiss.


I stared at my phone all morning, contemplating whether to do what the officer told me to do.

Officer Elle had told me earlier to contact Bianca and Jason and try to get them to tell me something they know because she suspects them.

All of me wants to do it because I haven't talked to anyone in hours.

I naturally have no friends because of my proud nature and now this case is making everything worse plus my parents who keeps acting like they are ghosts in the house. I am totally tired of the police being the only people I converse with.

If I contact Bianca I get to talk to her and Jason as well as a cover, but she isn't the kind of girl I hang out with.


It wouldn't kill

Will it?

I pressed my lips together and typed in Bianca's name and typed on the message icon and texted her

"I think I know the murderer, should we meet up and talk on how to catch him to confess to his crimes..... Jason should come too, if you can reach him", I typed and breathed out.

I read the message over and over again, still contemplating whether I should send it or not.

But I did.

I pressed the send button and hurriedly dropped my phone on the bed.

I hope she answers and does not ignore my message.


My phone beeped interrupting my romantic session with Jason.

"Babe", I called pulling my lips from his.

"Do you have to check"? he asked.

"It could be my dad", I said and he got off me.

"Go ahead, I don't want him to kill me", he said and I chuckled as I stood up from the bed.

"Dude I think he likes you now", I muttered as I hurried towards the dressing table that held my phone.

"Babe he can easily dislike me, if I fuck up", he muttered and got off the bed and I chuckled.

I got to the dressing table and hurriedly picked my phone. I swiped it open and it turned out the message was from a number I didn't save which is so weird cause I save every number.

I looked around only to find out Jason wasn't in sight, he was probably in the bathroom or closet.

I clicked on the message:

"I think I know the murderer, should we meet up and talk on how to catch him to confess to his crimes ..... Jason should come too if you can reach him"

What!!! Is the murderer trying to blackmail us?

"Jay", I called.

"Yea?", he answered from wherever he was.

"You have to see this?", I said.

"in five minutes", he said.

I sighed and looked through the message once more. My heart raced and I couldn't get most of the what-ifs out of my mind. I clicked on the number.


I hurriedly took my head off my bed as my phone rang. I was surprised Bianca called me back. I picked it up on the fifth ring and muttered a 'hello'

"Why does this voice sound so familiar?", she asked.

I pressed my lips together, not sure how the conversation was supposed to go.

"Bianca it's I, Lei", I softly muttered.

"Geez Lei you got me shit scared", she breathed and that made me chuckle.

"The message you sent, are you for real ?", She curiously asked.

"and by the way, I am really curious as to how you got my number?", she said and I smiled.

"I got it from the cops", I said.

"Ohh, I see", I heard her mutter and I smiled.

"By the way, do you really know the murderer?", She asked once more.

"Yea and I really wanna talk to you about it and Jason too if he's around", I softly muttered.

"Where should we meet?", Starbucks.

"Starbucks is quite far from us", she muttered.

"Yea, I figured it's better that way", I said.

"Right, sure", she said.

"I'll see you in thirty?", I asked.

"Yeah sure", she said and almost immediately dropped the call.

At least that went well.


I dropped my phone and sighed, it's a big relief it was Leilani.

"what's up?", I heard Jason say and I turned to look at him as he came out of the closet in a new set of clothing.

"Thank goodness you're changed, we have somewhere we are headed," I said hurriedly as I hurriedly picked up my jacket from the bed.

"Where are we headed?", he asked really confused.

I hurried to him and pulled him towards the door.

"Did your dad say we should get married?", He asked which got me to laugh hard.

"Where's your car key?", I asked as I flung the door open.

"it should be on the couch or something?", he said as I pulled him out of the room.

"Babe is everything okay?", he asked.

"I'll explain to you in the car, we're heading to Starbucks", I said.


We walked into Starbucks looking around for Leilani. Bianca already told me everything.

"Guess she ain't here yet, let's take a table", Bianca said and we walked to our favorite spots. The glassy wall at the end.

"I pray we figure it out", I breathed as I took my seat.

"I pray so too", Bianca muttered taking her seat beside me.

"What do you want, I'd get it for you?", I asked her and she looked around nervously, people were starting to look at us and whisper and I could tell it was bothering her.

"We became celebrities overnight?", I teased looking around as well and she managed to chuckle.

"I don't like the way we were known though", she muttered and I looked at her and nodded positively.

"it's going to be fine real soon, I promise", I assured hoping it would.

She nodded positively and looked around once more.

"babe don't look", I said pulling her face to look at me.

"I can't just help it", she groaned.

"Alright let's play a game", I said thinking hard as to what the game would be. I just want her to stop worrying.

"What's the game?", she asked her full attention on me.

"Urm... Staring contest", I blurted as quickly as the idea came to me.

"Staring contest?", She asked curiously.

"Yea, we'd look each other in the eyes, and the first one to blink loses", I said.

"You'd lose", she said with a small chuckle.

I smiled. I don't stare into people's eyes except hers and trust me when I say I am good at staring into her beautiful Hazel eyes.

"Let's make the game interesting", I said.

"What is it?", She asked curiously.

"If you lose, you get to give me a two-minute kiss", I said.

"In front of all these people?", she asked looking around and I hurriedly pulled her face towards me.

"Let your eyes be just on me", I said and she smiled.

"What will happen if you lose?", she asked.

"I'll go out there and yell I love you Bianca", I said and she chuckled before pressing her lips together.

"Shall we?", I asked.

"okayy then", she said and I smiled.

I am so getting the kiss.

" So blink all you can before we start", I said and she chuckled but blinked all she can.

"Okayy, I'm ready", Bianca said.

"Alright then, I said and we looked to each other.

"1, 2, go", I counted and we started.

I stared into her eyes and she stared into mine. She was really good until I noticed her eyes were starting to get watery and she blinked.

"I won", I groaned happily and she groaned grudgingly.

"I'm waiting for my kiss baby", I happily said cleaning my lips and she laughed.

"C'mon baby", I said again and she looked around again.

"All these people?", she said worriedly.

"Bianca I am so serious about this, if you look around one more time I'd be mad at you", I said and she sighed.

"I'm sorry", she breathed.

"I'll set the timer, at exactly two minutes we'd stop", I excitingly said reaching for my phone.

She laughed and I set the timer.

She nervously reached for my lips but she kissed me for the whole two minutes, I enjoyed it.

She slowly left my lips in fear of finding people's eyes on her. I pulled her into a soft hug so she could close her eyes for a while and relax.

I sighed and kissed her hair. She's my egg.

"Jason I love you", she softly breathed and I smiled.

My eyes looked around and caught the least expected person I'd ever see. She was placing an order at the counter and she turned around just for our eyes to come in contact.


I slowly left Bianca as I held eyes with Shyla.

"Jason", Bianca called worriedly.

I heard Bianca gasp.

"Shyla", I heard Bianca gasp.

I guess she looked to see where I was looking at.

I slowly got up and Shyla slowly moved away from the counter.

"Jason", I heard Bianca call and that was it!

Shyla took to her heels and I ran after her.