Unleash the Beast

"Well, if you don't want to see me, you shouldn't have knocked on my door," Leo said as he took in my disappointment after he answered the door instead of my gorgeous boyfriend.

"No, I'm not..." he raised an eyebrow as I started to fumble for a valid excuse.

"Percy's in his room packing," he shrugged before he turned and walked down the hall towards his room. "Oh, and don't worry," he said, stopping in his door. "I know you're always happy to see me too, even if I'm not going to suck your dick."

I found myself smiling at that as I closed the door behind me. Leo disappeared behind his door, and I made my way to the opposite door, slipping inside to find Percy racing through the room like the Tasmanian devil.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he rushed passed me, giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"My mom called and asked me to come home for the weekend," he answered as he went about what he had been doing. "Apparently she has some big news."

"Well, why do you have to go this weekend?" I asked, maybe a little disappointed that I was going to have to spend the weekend alone. "Christmas break is in two weeks. Can't it wait for then?"

"Jase..." he turned to face me for the first time since I walked in the door, "...if my mom wants me home, I'm going," he stated with a stern look, almost like he was scolding a five-year-old. Damn mama's boy.

"Besides..." he shrugged, suddenly cheerful again, "...it'll give me a chance to talk to her about your proposal," he said pointedly.

That got me. I wanted Percy's answer, or any indication of what he wanted, as soon as possible. I wanted to know whether or not he was going to move in with me. All he had given me was 'I need to talk to my parents'. He hadn't said that he would like to move in with me, or that he didn't want to. Nothing, he had given me nothing.

"Fine," I relented begrudgingly. "I hope you enjoy yourself." A soft smile graced his lips as he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me.

"You wanna come too?" he asked in a cooing voice. I raised an eyebrow at that. "I'm sure my mom won't mind," he said, genuinely. I lightly pushed him off of me, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

"I don't want to intrude on family matters," I answered softly, and Percy huffed in what seemed annoyance.

"Jason, you are now part of my family, so any family matters involve you too," he said, cupping my cheek lovingly. "The question is whether or not you want to come."

"I've met your mom once, Percy," I started. "And we weren't even dating."

"And in that one encounter she had come to adore you, she told me so herself," he cut me off. "When I told her we were officially dating, she was over the moon," he said matter-of-the-factly. "In fact, she told me not to screw this one up."

"Well, you have screwed me up..." I teased with a smirk, "...and down, and up against the wall in your shower..." the words were barely out of my mouth before my back met the door with a thud, a lean and robust body holding me in place.

"Want to add up against the door to that list?" Percy asked in a low growl, his eyes suddenly full-blown with lust. My body reacted almost instantly, my dick growing hard. I loved Percy like this, so animalistic. It reminded me of our first night together, before he found out I was a virgin.

It both scared and aroused me. It made me realise that even though Percy had fucked me hard, he was still holding back. He was holding back a piece of him I would have met that night, a part I was almost desperate to meet now.

Asking him to move in with me had brought a change to me. I wanted to know everything about him, experience everything about him...which is why I had been withholding sex since we got back from his dad. I had hoped that it would unleash the animal I had glimpsed that first night. It was starting to pay off. He was so frustrated that he would react quite beastly to any mention of sex. I moved in closer, brushing my lips over his earlobe.

"Not yet," I whispered. Percy let his head fall onto my shoulder with a frustrated groan before he pushed off of me.

"You know you were the one who asked me to move in with you, right?" he asked as he turned towards his bed.

"Yes, and the offer still stands," I answered, which made him groan again.

"So tell me again how the one who wants us moving in together after less than three months of dating, is complaining about going too fast," he nearly screamed, throwing his arms into the air before starfishing onto his bed. I couldn't help but chuckle as I walked over to his bed, swinging my leg over his waist so I could straddle his hips. He was rock hard under me.

"I'm not complaining about us going too fast," I said while purposefully grinding my hips into him, drawing a hiss from his lips as he clutched at my hips. "I'm complaining about our emotional relationship, not keeping up with our physical relationship." That had been my excuse to withhold sex.

"We know we love each other, but there is still a lot we don't know about each other." I was somehow really enjoying torturing him. Maybe it was payback for him teasing me at his dad's. I sensed he was close to his tipping point, though. Perhaps one more weekend's teasing would do the trick, and he wouldn't do anything in his mother's house. He was too much of a mama's boy to risk his mother walking in on her son balls deep in his boyfriend. I jumped off him and made my way towards the door.

"Where are you going?" he asked in a very disappointed tone as he sat up.

"I have to go pack if I'm going to your mother's house this weekend," I called over my shoulder before I once again closed his door behind me. I barely reached my flat's door before my phone in my back pocket vibrated. I opened the text along with the door.

You have 15 minutes. Percy seemed very eager to get to his mother. I rushed to my room and then I had a thought. He'll come over here if I'm late...and I, of course, want to look my best for his mother. I packed most of my things into a bag and then set out a new set of clothes. I stripped on my way to the bathroom, jumping into the shower.

I knew I was playing with fire and I couldn't help but grin. Only a mad man would ever stand between Perseus Jackson and his mother. I stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and body wash. I stepped out into my room, clothed in nothing but my towel. Percy was on my bed, looking kind of depressed. I had expected him to be pissed.

"Sorry, I felt disgusting," I explained, walking towards my bag and letting my items fall into it. I then zipped it closed. "I'll be dressed in a moment." Percy just stared at me. I went to stand in front of him, carding my fingers through his hair. He reluctantly pulled his eyes off my wet abs to look up at me.

"Why do you have to be such a tease?" he asked.

"I'm not," I started.

"Yes, you are," he huffed, sounding almost defeated. "You never leave your clothes on the floor. It's not in your clean freak nature," he pouted as I tried to look past the 'clean freak' comment.

"You trailed your clothes to the bathroom so I would know without a doubt that you were in the shower." I had to give him credit. He did know me. "And it kills me that I'm not allowed to get in with you," he whined, which made me chuckle softly.

"Perce," I started. I didn't want him like this. Had I pushed him too far? Did he doubt me? "I didn't mean for you to feel like this," I said, still stroking through his silky hair. "I was just in a hurry so we could go to your mother, but if you want to, I guess we could..." I didn't have a chance to finish my sentence as my back met my mattress in a second. Percy was on top of me in the next, already shirtless, crashing our lips together. Fucking manipulating bastard!

He was apparently that desperate to make me cave. I had to admire his acting skills, but I would not give him the satisfaction. I had to fight - and by fight I mean choke it to death by its bearlike neck - my desire to wrap my legs around Percy's waist and let him have his way with me. My legs were physically shaking with the effort.

Percy's fingers slithered down over my chest to the hem of the towel, where they ran over my hip before they nimbly set to work loosening the towel. Just like that, I was butt naked and rock hard, fighting a losing battle. Percy forced his legs in between mine with a growl, and I realised I had to stop him then and there.

"Perce," I breathed as I broke our kiss, which he saw as an opportunity to attack my neck. "Stop." He didn't seem to hear me, and I thanked the heavens that it was scarf season as I felt him suck a string of bruises down my collarbone. "Percy, stop!" I said more forcefully, and he stilled.

He slowly pulled back to look at me, and the sight of him made me gulp as my dick twitched. He wore the expression I had expected when I came out of the bathroom. He was pissed, and I was both scared and extremely aroused. I had finally unleashed the beast.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Jason," his tone was very even. It wasn't a threat or a warning. It was merely a statement like any other. Shit, did I go too far? He got up off me nonetheless. "I'll be in my car." He said as he retrieved his grey, long-sleeved shirt and pulled it over his head.

He grabbed his leather jacket from the back of my chair and left, merely closing the door behind him. If I had pushed him too far, he would have slammed it, right? I didn't find comfort in that. Percy's calmness was like the calm before the storm. I wasn't sure what to expect.

As I lay there, among the uncertainty, one thing was obvious. There was no going back. Next time Percy got the chance, there would be no stopping him. It would either be the best sex in my life, or we were going to have the biggest fight we've ever had. I took a deep breath before I pushed myself off my bed. I needed to get dressed.

I slipped on my underwear with shaky hands. I had chosen my outfit because I knew it was Percy's favourite, tight, washed-out jeans, a white V-neck shirt, my baby blue, Lacoste sweater which he said brought out my eyes and grey vans. I quickly added a grey scarf after looking at myself in the mirror. I grabbed my grey coat as an afterthought, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

I headed downstairs to the parking lot, grabbing my keys and yelling goodbye to Frank on my way. Percy was leaning against his car, talking on his phone. He saw me approaching and fixed me with a predatory stare. I almost felt like running, and yet I felt thrilled.

"...yeah, Mom," he said, walking to the trunk and opening it for me. "Yeah, he just got here. We're gonna set off now...Yeah...Okay..." he handed me the phone as he took my bag. "My mom wants to talk to you." He lifted my bag into the trunk as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hallo Missus..." I started saying.

"Don't you dare!" The voice on the other end came. "You call me Sally, understood?" Percy closed the trunk and started walking towards the driver's side with a chuckle, knowing his mother well enough to know she would be objecting.

"Understood," I answered, getting into the passenger seat and buckling up.

"Good, now I want you to know that you are always welcome here and that I never want to hear you spewing nonsense about intruding on anything." I chuckled at that. Did he tell her about that?

"Yes, Sally," I conceded as Percy started the engine.

"The other thing is, please drive safe," she said, her voice laced with worry. "Percy always drives like a mad man when coming home." I felt a pang of longing in my heart and smiled at her motherly concern. "Just, rein him in, yeah?"

"I'll try, mam," I answered, looking over to my Greek god of a boyfriend.

"Okay, tell him I love him, and I love you too, dear." With that being said, the phone cut out. I sat in silence for a while, trying to register what she had said. ...I love you too, dear.

Only two women in my life have ever told me that they love me, or at least they're the only ones I remember. Thalia and Reyna, that's it. Percy's mom barely knew me. She did not have reason to love me, and yet, her voice held so much truth that I didn't doubt that she meant it.

Just like I never doubted Percy when he told me he loved me either, the only man to ever tell me that he did.