there are two categories that you can fall into. there is the extrovert and the introvert. you are unfortunately in the introvert category and had lived a life of solitude of games and a LOT OF ANIME!!! this does not necessarily mean that your depressed but you just like being alone.


I woke up from a nap after watching a but load of anime. i got up to wash my face in the bathroom to refresh myself. after that I went to the fridge to get some food but to my surprise it was very empty.

y/n: oh, God dammit!

I stood there thinking about getting food or not but then my stomach was growling so i decided to change into my jacket and jeans and wore black sneakers and went to the convenience store.


after getting there i went inside to find some instant ramen. i quickly got them and waited in line. there were a lot of people so it was gonna take a while. i was looking around and saw the new issue of a anime magazine.

y/n: 'hmmmm... i wonder if JoJo part 6 gets an anime adaption, i'm really interested on what's going to happen to Giorno after he takes the position of boss.'

suddenly a black van showed up outside and 4 people got out of it. all of them were armed then suddenly one of them there what seemed to be a hand grenade which broke through the window and landed right by my feet.


all the people jumped away from the grenade but seeing as i don't do cardio i couldn't get out in time so i got blown up.







i heard a bit of ringing due to the explosion and i was unable to move and my vision was a little blurry. i was sitting against a wall and was trying to look around to see what happened.

y/n:'Oh God! everything hurts! my whole body is burning like hell. why the FUCK does this have to happen to me.'

i noticed that they were shooting at the other peoples bodies making sure they were dead. i tried to move but struggled a lot, one of them noticed me moving then walked towards me. i see him towering above me pointing his rifle at the top of my head.

y/n:'welp, this is it, huh? well if there is something this life ever taught me,..... its that LIFE IS A BITCH!!!'

a tear rolled down my eye as he pulled the trigger, BANG!!!!.... then silence. i opened my eyes to see nothing but a dark void and very fancy looking chair. i then realized that i was sitting on one, this got me, confused.

y/n: huh? what the, where the hell am i right now. what the Fuck happened!!?

???: hello young soul.


suddenly someone walked from behind me then proceeds to sit on the chair. it was a girl who wore a blue dress and had light blue hair that had a loop on top and coincidentally she wasn't wearing panties.

y/n:'why the fuck isn't she wearing panties!?'

???: you may be confused to what happend but believe me, you f/n l/n (first name, last name) are dead.

y/n: yeah! i know that miss uuuuhhhh....

Aqua: you may call me Aqua the goddess of water.

y/n: ok.

then out of nowhere a beam of white light appeared beside me making me jump a little, after it died down it showed a guy in a black and green tracksuit with brown hair.

y/n: Woah! what the hell!! who da hell is dis guy!?

???: uungh.... where am I?

Aqua: Satou, Kazuma. im Aqua the goddess of water and you are dead and now are in the after life, same as him.

Kazuma looked towards me as aqua pointed at me as she finished her statement.

Kazuma: hey! im Satou, Kazuma.

y/n: oh! im f/n l/n.

after we greeted each other we both then look back at Aqua sitting in her chair. Kazuma then asks Aqua something.

Kazuma: hey! ummm... a question, how is the girl that i saved from getting hit doing, is she doing ok.

Aqua: yes the girl you saved is quite ok.

Kazuma then had a sigh of relief. i can't believe that this guy saved a girl while i just got blown up by a grenade and got shot in the head, life is really is a BITCH!!!.

Aqua: although she would've been fine regardless of you pushing her.

y/n and Kazuma: What?

Aqua: pffft!!!

Aqua then bursts out laughing at Kazuma as me and Kazuma were left confused as to why?

Kazuma: what do you mean by that? i mean, that truck was going to hit her.

Aqua: hahahahaha it wasn't a truck it was a tractor you idiot.

Kazuma:s so how'd i die then huh? did it run me over.

Aqua: you died from shock because you thought you'd get run over, also you peed your pants and when you were taken into the hospital the doctors were laughing at you while you had an heart attack!


Aqua then stood up and whisper to Kazuma.

Aqua: also when your parents knew about how you died they also laughed at you. hahahahahahahahaha!!

Kazuma: STOP IIITTT!!!!!!!

remember when i said life was a BITCH. i think that might be an understatement 'cause HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKING CHRIST!!! that's some way to go out like, WOW.

Aqua: in all my life doing this i haven't seen anyone who died in such a pathetic way, HAHA.

y/n: hey, Kazuma its alright everyone has their moments.

Kazuma: *sob* so you don't think that my death was funny.

y/n: OH no! i think it was hilarious, the funniest shit ive ever heard apart from pickle rick.

Kazuma's face turned from sad to pissed as i said that.

Kazuma: Oh! yeah. well lets see how you died then. Hey! Aqua how'd he die.

Aqua: he got hit by a grenade and got shot in the head, it really was unlucky for him to be caught in between a terrorist attack.

the room went silent for a sec.

Kazuma: Oh! shit.


Aqua: ok so now thats out of the way let me tell you two about your choices on where to go from here.

y/n: choices?

Aqua: yes! you have 3 choices. one, you can be born back to your world as a baby but ultimately lose all your memories. two, you can go to heaven but let me tell you that heaven is a really boring place, there's no internet, no games, no anime and...

Aqua whispers to both me and Kazuma.

Aqua: you don't have a physical body so you can't do anything sexual.

both me and Kazuma had a blush on our faces when she said that.

Kazuma: Ok, so what's the third one then.

Aqua: third is you'll be transported to a another world in which has magic, monsters, and other amazing things.

y/n: yeah! ok so uhhhhh what's the catch then.

Kazuma: catch?

y/n: there is always a catch with these things so spill the beans, Aqua.

Aqua: well, the world is being conquered by a demon king.

y/n: there it is, so clishé tho.

Kazuma: so what's the point in going there if were going to die anyways.

Aqua: well, we the Gods will grant you one item or wish for you to bring down there so there's no need for worry.

y/n: ok! but what about the language there?

Aqua then summons a book out of nowhere.

Aqua: you don't have to worry about learning the language because we can just inject your brains with the language so you'll learn it immediately, the side effect though is that if your unlucky your brains might go "POOF"

y/n: Hey! i think you just said something important.

Aqua smiles towards me.

Aqua: no i didn't

Kazuma: i'm pretty sure you did.


Aqua: ok i'll grant you both of you one wish or just choose among the cards.

suddenly cards fell from the sky, still don't know where and how.

Aqua: so who's first?

y/n: i'll go first since i already know what i want

Aqua: ok! what's your wish y/n?

y/n: i wish to have the ability to summon any guns i desire.

Aqua: ok! wish granted

Aqua snapped her fingers and i suddenly start glowing and felt something change within me. after a couple seconds the glowing stop.

y/n: did it work?

Aqua: why don't you try it out.

i took her advice and thought i'd start off with a simple gun like a desert eagle. i held out my hand and yelled SUMMON!, then a light came from my hand there appeared a desert eagle pistol.

Aqua: WOW! impressive work.

y/n: thanks but the question is will it shoot?

i pointed my gun towards my chair and fired. the bullet then pierced a hole through the chair with ease, i noticed that the bullet was not a normal bullet but was a magic bullet.

y/n: so it shoots out magic bullets and not regular bullets.

Aqua: ok now that your ready it's time to send you off.

a magic circle then appeared from the bottom and started to glow blue and i started floating upwards into a bright light.


Aqua: goodbye y/n, good luck on your journey to defeat the demon king and save the world from his evil clutches.

i was then engulfed by the white light as i was now being transported to the other world. so now time for this lonely weeb start his adventure in the new world.