
i opened my eyes to see a medieval style town with people dressed like mages, knights, thieves, and more. i took a look at myself and was wearing a assassins outfit that was dark blue with leather boots and a hood.

y/n:'oooOHH! HELL YEAH! i'm finally going to do something with my life, this is so cool!!!'

i inspected myself further and found a bag on my back of my waist. i open it to see a pouch filled with coins and tiny note. the note says...

"Dear y/n,

here is your starting money. use this to register as a adventurer and rent a room.


so apparently there is a registration fee to become an adventurer. i was about to go find the guild but out of nowhere the same beam of light appeared beside me which startled me causing me to throw the coin pouch on a moving carriage.

y/n: º_º.... well, FUCK!

i look towards Kazuma who was being shook around by a crying Aqua. i look away to see a bunch of people staring at us, some were whispering and because of this i just ditch them... well tried to because Aqua saw me sneaking away and then grabbed onto me while still crying her eyes out.

y/n: get off me would 'ya, i'm trying to get away from you.

Aqua:"crying intensifies" ahvwcehdvdjsjsjakasshhssh

y/n:' what the fuck was she trying to say!? that was pure gibberish.'

i just decided to knock her out on the spot to calm her crazy ass. i lifted her up and put her on my shoulder and look towards Kazuma.

Kazuma: thanks y/n.

y/n: no problemo amigo, now thats that why don't we go find a guild to officially start our adventure.

Kazuma: YEAH!


we eventually find the guild after some time. we took a deep breath as we ready ourselves to go in. as we went in we saw people who are either looking for quests or eating and drinking. we were approached by a waitress.

???(waitress): Hey! there,if you are here to register just go to the counter over there, if your going to eat just take a vacant table and we will approach you to take your order.

Kazuma: thanks.

???(waitress): no problem

the waitress walks away to take some adventurers order.

y/n: she's HOT!

Kazuma: DUDE!

y/n: WHAT! don't you think so?

Kazuma: lets just register.

y/n: fine!

we walk to the counter with a knocked out Aqua still. we were met with a woman who had yellow hair who wore a outfit showing a lot of, lets say her "MELONS".

???: OH! hello there are you here to register.

y/n: yeah we are.

???: ok let me introduce myself, im Luna nice to meet you.

Kazuma: nice to meet you too, im Kazuma, this is y/n-

y/n: Yo!

Kazuma: and the one who is out cold is Aqua.

Luna: ok, so to register you need to pay a registration fee of a 1000 eris per person.

Kazuma: registration fee?

y/n: Shit! i forgot about that.

Kazuma: i dont have money, Do you have money?

y/n: well... i did but i accidentally tossed it on top of a moving carriage.

Kazuma: are you serious right now!?

y/n: yep, as much as i hate it


we were sitting at a table with a knocked out Aqua lying her face on the table while me and kazuma were trying to figure out how to get us money.

???(waitress): you guys ready to order?

y/n: not yet, sorry.

???(waitress): ok.

the waitress walks away.

y/n: what are we gonna do now! we cant be able to register if we don't have money.

Kazuma: this is really a troublesome situation.

Aqua: i have an idea

y/n: WHAA! what the hell! how long have you been awake

Aqua: long enough to know the problem

Kazuma: okay! so what's your plan.

Aqua: you'll see.

Aqua then stood up and walk towards a priest. i couldn't hear their conversation but when Aqua went back to us she had a look of disbelief.

y/n: what happened Aqua? you look like you just got told you were adopted or something.

Aqua: the priest was one of the believers of the eris faith one of my kouhais and took pity on me and gave me the money we need.

y/n: ouch that's gotta hurt.

Kazuma: lets get registered then.


we were sitting in our table again with a depressed Kazuma, a High and Mighty looking Aqua, and a unamused me. what happened was Kazuma was told to basically give up being an adventurer right off the bat, Aqua was being praised by having above average stats considering she's dumb as a brick can be while me on the other hand had maxed stats which amazed everyone but me because i knew from the start that i would be OP AS FUCK.

y/n: so what do we do now?

Kazuma: we need to find a place to live

Aqua: yeah but where though?

Kazuma: i don't know? any ideas y/n.

y/n: well no i don't but i was thinking that maybe we should get a job first before we do anything else because we don't have money at the moment, right? so here's what i'm thinking, since i'm the only one with weapons at the moment i'll take on some kill quests while both of you get normal jobs to get money and a place while i do the dangerous stuff.

Kazuma: i guess that could work.

Aqua: alright if that's the plan then let's GO!!!!


And so our brave hero went on to earn money from kill quests while his friends started to work in a construction job. Kazuma and Aqua's cycle bagan where they wake up, work, party, then sleep while y/n was fighting monsters, going on assassination quests and many more. Kazumas cycle was still going until one day.


i realized that we have been in a cycle, a never ending cycle. we were supposed to be adventurers not laborers.

Kazuma: NOO!!!! THIS IS WRONG!!!!!

Aqua: Kazuma what's with all the yelling!?

Kazuma: we were supposed to be adventurers but we are just working in a construction job.

Aqua: then why don't we go on a kill quest tomorrow.

Kazuma: alright let's do a Kill quest tomorrow!!!


Kazuma and Aqua: SORRY!!!!



currently i'm being chased by some giant toads, why? well our quest was to kill 5 toads in three days but seeing that were in-experienced in killing monsters, we were struggling a lot. if a certain someone was helping me instead of being useless that would be great.

Aqua: HAHAHAHAHA!!! Kazuma if you want me to save you address me properly and call me miss Aqua.

Kazuma: SAVE ME MISS AQUA!!!!!!

Aqua: i guess i have no choice. Kazuma after i save you you must worship me as your god, when we are eating and i say "Gimme" you must give me your food....

while Aqua was mumbling about something both me and the toad stopped to look at her. after a couple seconds the frog then approached her and ate her. i was then forced to save her.

Kazuma: AQUAAAAAAA!!!!!!!


i got aqua out of the toad and she was covered in a lot of slime which made her stink.

Aqua: *sob* T-Thank you Kazuma *sob*

Aqua tried to hug me.

Aqua: *sobbing* T.. thank you *sob* Kazuma

Kazuma:'God she stinks' hey get off of me you stink.

after that she then charged at a nearby toad to vent out her anger. as she used her so called "GOD BLOW" on the toad to kill it but due to the toads body physical attacks don't do much damage. Aqua then looks up at the toad.

Aqua: y'know from up close you friggies look kinda cute.


the toad bit down on Aqua.

Kazuma: AQUAAAA!!!!

suddenly a color blue ray of magic shot through the toad making the toads guts explode everywhere. then in the distance i saw a very familiar face holding a sniper rifle. it was y/n and he was finally back.

Kazuma: Y/N!!!!

y/n: Hey! Kazuma, Aqua its been a while you two.