
I was standing in a grassy hill looking at the two people known as Kazuma and Aqua. Aqua was laying on the ground with slime and some blood on her from the frog and Kazuma standing from afar with his knife? dagger? short sword?... well i don't know what it is other than it looks like a $20 knife bought from Walmart but i guess that that's the only thing they can afford right now so..... meh.

y/n: so how you've been guys, it really has been a while since we've seen each other.

Kazuma approached me to get a better view of me and also to hear better.

Kazuma: yeah! man, where have you been.

y/n: well y'know, I've been here and there but I've mostly spent my time in the woods for an assassination quest. right now I've finished my third quest and was heading towards the guild for my reward then i saw you two having trouble with some frogs so i decided to help

Kazuma: umm, it's a TOAD actually.

y/n: yeah, whatever you say teach.

suddenly a slimy yet disgusting and crying girl came up out of nowhere and tried to embrace me, this very stinky, repulsive, useless.... OH wait, its just Aqua. so out of instinct, you knocked her out cold leaving her body on the ground.

y/n: don't you dare touch me you filthy piece of-

Kazuma: wanna get out of here and go to the guild?

y/n: sure.


we are at the guild sitting at our table. I was doing nothing, Kazuma was contemplating about his reward money while the recently awaken aqua was eating their frog meat, surprisingly it tasted really good not gonna lie.

Aqua:(still has food in her mouth) we can't handle these frogs by ourselves

y/n: first of all, yes we can because I AM HERE!!! and second of all, SWALLOW YOUR GODDAMN FOOD YOU DISRESPECTFUL SWINE!!!

Aqua then swallows her food down with her beer.

Kazuma: so you're suggesting that we get new recruits?

Aqua: EXACTLY! because who wouldn't want to have an arch priest in their group plus we have y/n an assassin.

Y/n: i guess you have a point, i mean you two can't even handle yourselves out there so having a few members might be good

Kazuma: i guess, Aqua you can make the poster then post it at the board.

Aqua: you can count on me!


it's been a day and a half but none showed up to join and the two were losing hope while i didn't really care. Kazuma then spoke up.

Kazuma: i don't think anyone's gonna show up


Kazuma: Aqua what did you even put on the poster.

Aqua: well this.

she then got a copy of the poster she made and..... it looked like shit, just shit.

y/n: well that answers that. how about we lower the bar a little bit, recruiting only advanced class adventurers are a little too strict, don't you think Kazuma?

Kazuma: yup.

Aqua: B-But-

Y/n: No BUTS!!!

Aqua: ok

Y/n: alright so I'm going to take down that disgrace of a poster

Kazuma: alright then go right ahead then

As I stood up and turned around I was then met by a girl with crimson colored eyes, who was apparently wearing some witch costume holding a staff and had some kind of eye patch. I would guess she's some kind of wizard or archmage.

Y/n:'what the heck who's this kid!?'

???: I saw your notice calling for high class adventurers.

Kazuma: yeah, that's us

???: Heh! That we should meet is a fate chosen by this world, at long last my long search for companions to quest with is finally come to an end...

Y/n:' I know what this is. SHE'S A CHUUNIBYOU!!!!!'

Megumin: My name is Megumin, I am an ARCH WIZARD Who wields the ALMIGHTY EXPLOSION MAGIC!!!

Then she did a very good jojo pose which to me was so MAJESTIC and BEAUTIFUL, so out of instinct my inner jojo appeared.


And after saying that I quickly did a DIO! Pose.

Kazuma: what the heck?

Megumin: uuuummmmm...

Y/n: ignore that

Megumin: OK...., Ahem, Does thou desire to align yourself with a power so MAGNIFICENT and STRONG that I have been ostracized by the world? If so, then show me thy resolve and join me and stare at the abyss with me, if man stares at the abyss, the abyss stares back. So will you stare into the abyss with me?

When she finished her speech we suddenly heard clapping and sobbing, wait... Its just me. I got moved by the way she presented her speech a true chuunibyou by look and heart.

Y/n:*sobbing* I am so moved by your presentation, though I didn't understand half of the words just said but DAMN that was AMAZING

Megumin: Re- Really, you think so *blushing slightly*

Y/n: yes, yes I do.

Kazuma: Jesus Christ... Are you pulling my leg or something?

Megumin: WHA!? NO I'm not!

Aqua: your eyes are red, are you perhaps a Crimson Demon?

Megumin: why yes I am, in fact I Megumin is the best mage in the Crimson Demon village, my powers can demolish the tallest of mountains, smash the..... Hardest... Of stone...

She then fell over I tried to catch her but didn't because I ain't no SIMP!!! Kazuma then went to her check if she's OK. What a fucking simp.

Kazuma: Hey! You OK.

Megumin: oh! I'm fine I just haven't eaten in three days, could you perhaps give me something to eat, please.

Kazuma: well I'm OK with treating you but what's with the eyepatch, if your hurt Aqua her can heal you, I mean that's her ONLY redeeming feature.

Y/n: yup, her ONLY feature

Aqua: hey!!! What do you mean by ONLY!!!

Megumin: Hhmm, this patch is an ancient seal, if the seal were to come off then a GREAT catastrophe will fall upon the world.

Y/n: OK, even I know that's a barefaced lie

Kazuma: R-Really

Y/n: are you kidding me Kazuma.

Megumin: no that was a lie, I just wear it for fashion purposes

Y/n: called it!

Kazuma then pulls on her patch to its limit with Megumin trying to get Kazuma to stop, after a minute or two Kazuma lets go of her patch then it slams onter her eye leaving her holding it in pain as she crouches to the floor. I was surprised at this action Kazuma, I guess he's not much of a SIMP after all, good for him. After that whole ordeal Kazuma treated megumin to eat, during that Aqua was looking at her adventurer card, she went on about how the adventurer cards can't be forged and that she'll be a great asset to the team, although Megumin's speech was amazing I wasn't still convinced yet, I have to see her power before we let her into our party, so I decided to get her to help out on kazuma's quest to see what she's capable of in the battlefield.


We were at the fields with the frogs on the horizon, Kazuma, Aqua and Megumin were setting up their game plan on how to kill the frogs, except for me, seeing that I can kill them easily I decided let them have their moment. There was a frog coming up from the other side so Kazuma and Aqua were going to deal with it while Megumin will fire at a frog farther away while I will watch everything unfold.

Y/n: alright! Lets see what she's got.