Somewhere on a cliff with an ominous looking castle...


Y/n: so this is the place, huh...

I was laying on the grass behind some bushes looking at the castle for any entrances I could use to get inside. It was a relatively a big castle and also it looked kinda abandoned at first glance but if you really look you can tell that there are some undead troops stationed around the castle. my quest was to kill a demon lord general but since I'm not stupid I'll collect some information about the enemy before attacking, basically I'm doing a reconnaissance mission.

Y/n:' alright, so I take the back entrance, takedown some of the zombie guards that will pose a hindrance later, challenge the demon general and see how he fights, and get out. Quick and easy' alright, let's do this.

I get up and sneak my way towards the back entrance of the castle. I look around a corner to see two undead minions guarding the back entrance door. i then summon an assault rifle with a silencer and shot both of their heads allowing me access to the door.

Y/n: alright, now the real show begins...

As I opened the door I saw what looks to be a tunnel leading below the castle. I walked down and around the tunnels until I heard some footsteps. I was going to hide but I was too late, a bunch of undead soldiers turned the corner and saw me

Y/n:' well this is a predicament. '

(watch this video and imagine yourself as John Wick and the other people are undead soldiers wielding tier 3 bows and swords)

I walked onto a another passage until I found some stairs leading up to the floor above. As I reached the end of the stairs, I was met by a long hallway full of pictures and and doors, presumably rooms of some kind. I activated my lurk skill and started to find where the demon general is. My first guess is a throne room of some kind so I tried to find that first. I sneaked around every corner, avoiding anything that might detect me. The hallways had massive windows so the sunlight was the only thing illuminating the place. After minutes of searching I finally found the throne room, how? Well it had a door that looks like it was made of bones and obsidian... oh, and also it had a sign that says "throne room". I saw a crack between the big obsidian bone door and used it to peek inside so I can make an assessment on what I would be dealing with.

Y/n:' okay, I can see a lot of pillars, podiums full of artifacts, banners, and a throne with an armored man on it who is apparently headless. Yup, fits the description.'

I opened the door a little, just enough for me to enter. I hid behind one of the many pillars in the room and tried to think up a plan of action while also listening in on him.

Demon general: .... I'm so bored, why hasn't anyone challenged me yet.I just want a good challenge, its all I want....

Y/n: well how about I challenge you then.

The demon general gets spooked by the voice that just spoke to him. He looks around to find where the voice came from and found me standing in the middle of the room in front of him.

Demon general: jeez, you scared me.... wait, how did you get past my defenses!?

Y/n: easy... stealth.

Demon General: I see... so, where are your party members? Or is it just you who wants to challenge me?

Y/n: just me. why? Were you expecting more?

Demon general: oh don't get me wrong, I admire your bravery to challenge me alone, but I was expecting a group of adventurers and not just a single mercenary. So I commend you brave hero.

Y/n: yeah, yeah, whatever, let's just get down to business, shall we?

Demon general: a straightforward man you are. Ok, we shall! But before that I should introduce myself. I am Verdia, and yours?

Y/n: L/n, Y/n L/n.

Verdia: ok then, Y/n... let's start our battle

Y/n: gladly!

I then summoned a double barrel pump shotgun while Verdia took out his massive sword and got into a stance. I readied myself and aimed at him, but before I even could, Verdia swung his sword and cuts everything in half above my head by just an inch off.


Verdia: as you can see, This is my power. so, are you still brave now?

Y/n: yeah! of course I am!

But to be honest, I was literally shitting myself! Like it was and inch away from beheading me completely. I was in over my head. He was leagues above me. I. was. Fucked. Or so I thought... as my life flashed before my eyes I saw something that could possibly help me in this situation. My special move.

Y/n: well Verdia. Since you've shown me what you can do, it's time that I show you what I can do!

... I turned tail and ran out of the room.


Verdia: Wha!?- GET BACK HERE!!!


I looked behind me and saw Verdia chasing me down with his sword drawn and ready to kill me!


Verdia: RAAAGHH!!!

Verdia swung his sword and created a big gust of wind that blew everything away, including me, onto the castle's courtyard.


I landed with a bunch of rubble beside me as the castle's walls were demolished by Verdia.

Verdia: Fool. I can't believe that you'd be a coward and just run away from a fight that you engaged. Even I, a demon general, wouldn't back out from a fight.

Y/n: fuck... me...

Verdia: well I guess this is the end for you, adventurer. Say hi to the gods for me.

I was dead, I couldn't do anything. He was better than me, stronger than me. All I could do was just wait for my demise. But as the sword came down, lady luck came also. A huge explosion erupted on the castle! Making everything vibrate and took the attention of Verdia. His sword stopped just right above my chest as he turned around to see his castle had been bombed.

Verdia: WHAT!!? WHAT THE HELL!!!?

Taking this as a sign from the gods above, I got myself up and ran away while he was distracted. He turns around to see nothing but rubble and ash. I was long gone and he was angry.

Verdia: DAMMIT ALL!!!

He cursed to the sky as his castle was ruined and was unable to kill me. I on the other hand was bruised and battered and was running for my life.

Y/n: I gotta get out of here! I need to get out of-

I then tripped on a elevated tree root and came tumbling down a very steep hill hitting everything from rocks, branches, trees and all as I came down. When I reached the bottom I heard a crack and a pain surging through my leg. I looked towards my legs to see one of them bent out of shape with a bone sticking out of my shin.


I screamed in pain as I look at my broken leg as I helplessly laid there. Broken. Afraid. The pain was unbearable. I could feel my consciousness fading as the darkness was enveloping my eyes. I was trying my best to stay awake, but I couldn't hold on. Then I saw something shine in the dark forest I was in. As if I was hypnotized, I had the urge to grab the light. I inched closer, and closer, and closer and each time I did the light got brighter and brighter. I was then close enough to see what the light was. It was some kind of orb like thing. I didn't know what it was but I just held it in my arms as my consciousness finally fades away.

Darkness, pitch black darkness. I thought I was dead and was back where i had met Aqua the first time, but I wasn't, I was somewhere else. I sit myself up and looked around. i then spotted a white light in the distance.

Y/n: what the hell?...

I stood up and went towards. It was then right in front of me, unmoving, so I touched it, then it suddenly started moving around me like it was observing me. It then stops for a moment and then lights up making me cover my eyes to avoid getting blinded. As I open them again, I saw that the white light morphed into... me. It was a white/light version of me.

Y/n: wha? What the hell? Who are you

Light/white Y/n: who do you think, dumbass? I'm you

Y/n: okay, no need for that. Jeez...

Light/white Y/n: I'm sorry, I guess you have questions

Y/n: several, yes.

Light/white Y/n: figures. But first, let me ask you a question.

Y/n: umm, okay. What?

Light/white Y/n: do you want power?

Y/n: what?

Light/white Y/n: I asked you if you want power. Well, do you?

Y/n: yeah, I guess. I mean, who wouldn't.

Light/white Y/n: I see, okay I'll ask you another question. Would you take the responsibility of having the power.

Y/n: yes, yes I would. i mean it's a give and take, It gives me power and in return I bear the responsibility of that power.

Light/white Y/n: I see, interesting. Here, take my hand.

Y/n: wot?

Light/white Y/n: just take it, take my hand.

Y/n: o-okay?

I shook his hand and out of nowhere it glows. After a moment, it died down leaving me confused as to what just happened.

Y/n: what? What was that?

Light/white Y/n: I just gave you power, and now you have to bear the responsibility that it brings with it

Y/n: well... I should have known. But quick question, what prey tell is the responsibility I have to bear?

Light/white Y/n: well as you can believe, you were sent here to defeat the demon lord and end his reign of terror on the world. I am one of those people who were sent here for the same job. Th power I picked was strength absorption but the downside was that I was to become an item. I lost my physical form and was turned into an orb of light. And was used by countless adventurers that seeked the same thing as us otherworlders. So the reason I look like you is because you were the only person I can copy currently.

Y/n: so wait, are you saying you were transformed into an item? So are you a girl or a boy?

Light/white Y/n: girl.

Y/n: 0_0... oh. So what's your actual name?

Hikaru: its Hikaru.

Y/n: well, nice to meet you Hikaru, I'm Y/n.

We shake hands as we properly introduce ourselves.

Hikaru: ok, back on topic. Basically, you'll be using the power I had given you to kill the demon lord.

Y/n: ok.

Hikaru: glad you understand, but from here on out, your the one who has to improve the power, I'm only here to guide you on how to do it.

Y/n: ok, makes sense.

Hikaru: alright, so seeing as you already understand everything, it's time to send you back, so bye!

Everything then turned white and suddenly I was back in the real world. I stood up and looked around to make sure I was back. After I was sure I was I inspected myself next, I concluded that my injuries were gone like it was never there, I was completely fine.

Y/n: well, that's neat.

I say as I start making my way back to the town of Axel.


we come back to the scene of Virdia's castle which was damaged due to the surprise explosion. We then see Virdia sitting on his throne being grumpy about today's events.

Verdia: I can't believe he escaped from me. That little weasel...

???: yes. That little weasel indeed...

Verdia knew whose voice spoke and immediately froze from fear. He started shaking as the unknown man stepped forward into the light to reveal himself to Verdia.

???: honestly, I'm disappointed in you Verdia. Having a simple weasel like him escape from the hands of you is quite embarrassing to say the least.

Verdia: I-I'm sorry lord Alrath, it won't happen again.

Alrath: do not apologize to me, you fool, do what you have to do to prevent something like this from ever happening again! Do you understand, Verdia?

Verdia: YES MY LORD!

Alrath: very good. I shall come back to receive your reports, and also I fixed your castle but do NOT expect me to do it again.

Alrath then proceeds to walk out of the room leaving a trail of magma lava behind, but before he exits, he asks Verdia one last question.

Alrath: Verdia, what was the name of the human that escaped from your clutches?

Verdia: I-I believe he said his name was Y/n L/n.

Alrath: I see... thank you.

And with that he leaves the premises back to his domain but not before he flashes an evil smirk as he gazes beyond the cliff side and mutters to himself.

Alrath: Y/n...