Today we see our main protagonists -Kazuma and Y/n- in the guild doing their own thing. Kazuma with his adventurer card trying to learn a new water based skill and Y/n just drinking some beverages while thinking about the many worlds theory in quantum mechanics.

Y/n:' so if I were to be in a situation where I can choose 2 options or more, then that situation will create as many realities of the possibilities as necessary depending on what choices... interesting.'

Kazuma: there, and there. boom!

Y/n then notices Kazuma doing something which pulls Y/n out of his thoughts and onto what Kazuma is doing. We enter Kazuma's Pov as he feels something change within his DNA, like that one scene in the original spider man movie, god I love those movies. Moving on, after that sequence we return to Kazuma feeling ready to do something as he puts himself in a stance and holds out his arm towards an empty glass. He then shouts the words...

Kazuma: Create Water

and he indeed creates water which shoots out of his palm and into the glass therefor filling it with, well, water. He then goes and drinks the glass of water feeling satisfied of what he had accomplished.

Kazuma: *drinks water* Aahh~

Y/n: *applauding Kazuma* Bravo, Bravo.

Kazuma: *bows* thank you. Well, that's not bad for a basic drink

Y/n: really?

Kazuma: yeah, wanna try?

Y/n: hell no! I am not going to drink your liquid

Kazuma: stop phrasing it like that, your making it weird! But, now that I have a skill, I feel like more of an adventurer!

Darkness: Kazuma! Y/n!

Darkness called the two adventurers as she was heading towards them with an enthusiastic demeanor.

Y/n: what's got her so enthusiastic?

Darkness: I had my armor repaired with the bounty I received from the cabbage harvest! Does it not look brilliant? What do you two think?

Y/n: eh, I've seen better armor back when I was still alive.

Darkness: when you were what?

Y/n: what?

Darkness: you just said something about you being alive or something

Y/n: no I didn't

Darkness: well.. okay then.

Y/n then slowly looks down at his hand which appears to be holding his adventurers card with the following written on it

"Speech: 100"

Y/n:' heh. I knew investing my points on that skill was worth it.'

Darkness: how about you Kazuma, what do you think of my new armor?

Kazuma: eehh, it looks like the kind of junk a spoiled rich son of an aristocrat would wear.

Y/n:*in background* damn! Shots fired!

Darkness: oh, honestly. Would it hurt you to pay a little lady a compliment every now and again? Your so rough, you never show me any mercy.

Y/n: dammit Kazuma! You unleashed her kinkyness! We don't need 1 more!

Kazuma:* turns to Y/n* 1 more?

Y/n then points to Megumin's direction to see her stroking her new staff in between her legs and all.

Y/n: Kazuma, stare long enough and the FBI will come and get you

Kazuma: there is no way they can even get me

Y/n: well that may be true that the chance of them getting you is low, but remember *whispers in his ear* its never zero.

Kazuma: please stop filling my head with stuff I don't want to know

Y/n: just thought you would want to be informed, is all

Back to Megumin still stroking her staff with her under-aged looking body even though she's seventeen. Which makes you think how Jotaro got his physique even though he was still in high school like goddamn! those biceps were huge! But back on the situation.

Y/n: damn! she wiggle...

Kazuma: if someone doesn't stop her, she's going to out perv you.

Megumin: Aah~ yes!~ I love you Manatite staff! With your throbbing magical power! Haah~ Hahahaah~

Y/n: well I think I need to go to the bathroom real quick!

Kazuma: Eugh! Gross dude

Y/n: What? I was gonna go piss, what did you think I was-... oh god! Kazuma, you did not just think that! Did you!?


Kazuma screams as his face flares up tremendously as he realized what Y/n had implied

Y/n: alright, BRB!

Y/n then goes to the bathroom to take a leak while the other three stayed behind until they heard Aqua making a fuss about something.

Aqua: THAT"S ALL!? GO ON!?

Aqua is seen holding Luna by her Breast strap of her outfit/uniform as Aqua is being a Bratty bitch complaining about her earnings in the cabbage harvest.

Luna: w-well, I- I checked your haul but I'm afraid that most of what you caught were actually lettuce.

Aqua: Well, Why are there lettuces mixed in all my cabbages!?

She says while on the verge of tears... again. Kazuma and Darkness look at the seen like it was a daily occurrence, which it was, for them at least.

Darkness: true, lettuces does have a low redemption rate than cabbages

Kazuma: well, would you look at that. You learn something new everyday, huh...

Suddenly a toilet flush was heard- don't know why though considering this was in the medieval period where plumbing still didn't exist yet -and see Y/n coming out of the bathroom, wiping his hands with his towel which apparently was on him the entire time.

Y/n: so what'd I miss?

Kazuma: that.

Y/n turns to see Aqua shaking Luna because of her hissy fit, Then angrily turning around to look at the three people of her group. She stares intently at Y/n, but Y/n, on the other hand doesn't know why as he turns to kazuma and darkness for some answers to see them looking away and not making eye contact with Aqua as she was walking towards the male in question.

Y/n: so this is how you treat me, huh? Even after I saved both your butts from different situations. I'm hurt

Kazuma: only man for himself... ' this should be fun'

Aqua finally gets in front of Y/n as her whole demeanor changed unlike earlier.

Aqua: oh, Y/n!~ hehehe~ how much did you get from the last quest, do tell?

Y/n: well... I guess it was about 990,000 eris, I think.

Everyone except Kazuma: *Le gasp*

Everyone except Kazuma were perplexed at the sudden announcement of Y/n's earnings from the last quest but one of them was more eager to get some of that dough through any means necessary. That person was Aqua-of course -who was looking at the man with hungry eyes as she thinks up a plan on how to get that sweet, juicy, as- I- I mean money!. that plan was, flattery. The oldest trick in the book I must say.

Megumin, Aqua, Darkness: 990,000!!?

Y/n: yup that's what I said I earned. Why?

Aqua: eheheh~

Aqua then put her plan into motion as she tries to compliment Y/n into submission.

Aqua: um, Y/n?~ I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but, that I think your... amazing! Yup, just Amazing!

Y/n: Aqua, just stop. Your degrading yourself even more if you resort to such simpery tricks. I should know, I was once one of them...

Kazuma: wait, you were? I thought you were anti simp?

Y/n: well I was after I saw the harsh reality that is ZA WARUDO. But anyway, you shouldn't beg for me, you should beg for Kazuma

Aqua: huh? Why?

Y/n: well, Kazuma earned more than me so he should have more to spare, right Kazuma? Tell'em

Darkness: oh yeah, how much did you earn Kazuma?

Kazuma: oh y'know... 1 million

Everyone except Y/n: *Bigger Le Gasp*

Aqua then slides over to Kazuma resuming her plan once again on him.

Aqua: oh, Kazuma!~

Kazuma: God! just stop and tell me what you want already!!

Aqua then tears up a little before bursting into another crying fit.


Y/n looks over to where Aqua pointed during her little exposition on her situation and sees 2 very typical shady men you always see in movies.

Y/n: what kind of business were you doing with them, Aqua?

Kazuma: Jeez! That's not my problem!your the one who said we keep our haul separate instead of combining it!

Aqua: But I only said that because I thought I would make a killing out of that quest.

Kazuma: greedy bitch!

As this went on, the other people in this group who were watching this were feeling a little bit uncomfortable seeing Aqua begging so much

Y/n: this is just sad...

Megumin: totally...

Aqua: Please Please Please! Let me have some money! I just need enough to pay my debt!!!

Kazuma:*stands up* the answers no, Dammit! I'm sick of sleeping at the stable so I'm gonna use this money to get place of my own.

Aqua was really at the end of her robe but she tries to persist and stoop lower as to blackmailing Kazuma into giving her what she wants.

Aqua: a young man like you should have a place of his own, but I'll miss hearing you Rustle around next to me, breathing heavily, moaning like your having a stomachache an-

Kazuma then quickly shuts Aqua up by covering her mouth with his hand and ultimately making him submit defeat.


The other three members look on the scene with in differing faces, Darkness with a blank stare, Y/n with a disappointed look, and Megumin who is utterly confused as to what they were talking about.

Y/n: JESUS Christ! this is a shit show.


we see Aqua holding a bag which is presumably the money she got from Kazuma.

Aqua: Kazuma you a true ally. I'm so honored to be in a party with you! Hehehe~

Y/n: I bet He can't say the same for you, am I right lads or am I right lads?

Kazuma: you are definitely right lad...

They both then gave each other a fist bump, after that Aqua happily skips over to the two shady guys from before and hands them the money.

Kazuma:' Damn her!....'

Y/n: well, it's like I always say.... life's a BITCH!


It's the next day and we see the whole gang in the guild again with Kazuma showing off his new outfit he bought.

Megumin: Kazuma looks like a real adventurer now! don't you think?

Aqua: Yeah! His tracksuit really didn't go well with the whole fantasy vibe at all.

Darkness: What fantasy world?

Y/n: damn Kazuma, your outfit really suits you.

Kazuma: thanks, you don't look to bad yourself.

The three girls turn around to see Y/n in a different outfit from before.

Girls: woah...

Y/n: well I kinda had to change the outfit cause it was a little too much clothing to be honest and also it had light colors so it sucked when I do stealth quests with it y'know.

Kazuma: I guess I can see the logic in that.

Y/n: so what are you gonna call your look?

Kazuma: well, I call it "the magical swordsman without shield look"

Aqua: at least you don't look like a creeper anymore.


Megumin: Alright! Let's go out and test the power of my gorgeous new staff!~

Darkness: no wait! We should go after strong monsters! Oh yes!~ Massive and brutal!

Aqua: No! We should all go on a quest with a huge payout! After paying my tab, I need cash to buy a meal

Kazuma: 'they can't agree on anything.' Y/n help me out here

Y/n: sorry Kazuma but I gotta go on a solo quest so you'll be taking care of them.

Aqua: what? Why are you going on a solo quest? Aren't we a team?

Y/n: yeah but the thing is, like you Aqua, I kinda spent all my money into this outfit so I really need the money and since this quest is stealth based, I don't think you guys would even last a minute. so to avoid team damage, I'll do this quest on my own. That okay with you dude?

Kazuma: yeah it's fine. Just come back alive, please? I don't think I can handle them without you her to help me.

Y/n: alright, I'll do that. Well, I guess I'll see ya guys later.

Kazuma: later!

Aqua: bye!ooh and also bring me something on your way back

Megumin: so long comrade.

Darkness: safe travels Y/n.

Y/n: thanks you guys, Bye!

And with that he left but not before confirming his quest with Luna. When he finally reaches the Towns gate he took in a deep breath and spoke to no one in particular.

Y/n: it's back to business...