Y/n and Kazuma:' I can't believe this...'

Here we see every adventurer having the time of their lives and our group of Misfits are at their usual sitting spot at the guildhall eating some simple cabbage stir fry. Megumin, Aqua, and Darkness were having a conversation with each other while Kazuma and Y/n were reflecting on the things that brought them here in this predicament.

Kazuma:' how can a simple cabbage stir fry be so goddamn tasty!'

Out of nowhere, Y/n slams his fists onto the table earning the attention of everyone in that table. After a moment he started speaking.

Y/n: I refuse to believe this! How can such a cruel world have the most tastiest stuff! Its unfair!...

Aqua: what do you mean?

Y/n: back from where I come from, I was DIRT cheap! I ate cabbage stir fry every single week because cabbages was the only nutritious meal I can afford. And you wanna know what it tastes like!?

Kazuma: u-umm.... wha-


Then after his little outburst of frustration he then quietly sobs on the table with his head down on his arms

Kazuma: *comforting the crying Assassin* there, there, I feel you too man... Shits rigged

Aqua: well, I guess that was a thing. Anyway there is no doubt that you are a crusader, even without your armor, your still so fierce, those cabbages couldn't get past you

Darkness: we- well... actually, I'm just built solidly. Protecting someone with my body is all I'm good for

Y/n: well that's not true

Darkness then looks at Y/n who was now over his crying fit and was now looking at darkness with a bored look on his face.

Darkness: I- it's not?

Then a little tint of pink crept onto her face as she was anticipating a compliment, not insults but an actual compliment.

Y/n: your also good at being a disappointment to your father

Kazuma:* punches Y/n shoulder* Dude!

Y/n: what? I know that you agree too, right?

Kazuma: yeah, but you didn't need to say it, because now she's either mad or turned on

Y/n: its probably the latter

After he said that, their heads slowly turn towards darkness and, lo and behold she's aroused. They weren't even surprised. Before anything goes on further, Megumin breaks the commotion by speaking up.

Megumin: Aqua, your natures beauty spell was perfect! The cold water quenched every ones thirst on the battle field and kept all the cabbage fresh in the cages!

Aqua: oh it was nothing! That's why having an arch priest around is important

Kazuma: for what? Squirting water?

Y/n: that's not the only thing she can squirt if you catch ma drift *nudges Kazuma's shoulder twice* eeh! Eeh!

Kazuma: dude, just stop

Y/n: what? I know you want tap that pus-

Kazuma: atatatatatatt! NOT. A. SINGLE. WORD.

Y/n: alright! Alright! Jeez, *whispers* your not the only one y'know...

Aqua: well an Arch priests magical water is the purest!

In the background we can hear our duo reply to Aqua's statement with a sarcastic "really?".

Darkness: your spell was also astounding, Megumin.

Again we hear our duo reply now to Darkness's statement with a meek-ish "really?"

Darkness: you wiped out an entire swarm of cabbages in one blow

Again our duo replied to Darkness's statement again in the background with an even more sarcastic "Really?".

Megumin: that's the power of the crimson demons! Breathtaking isn't it?

In the background again is not the duo but only Y/n as he says "Keanu Reeves?" under his breath.

Darkness: Yes! I've never seen an explosion with such fire power before!

Kazuma and y/n: please don't make it a habit of it?

Aqua: you both were pretty amazing out there yourselves!

Megumin: I agree. Well, Y/n is already a given seeing as his magic can summon things I've never seen before,...

Y/n: why thank you!

Megumin: when you made yourself invisible with your Lurk skill and attacked the enemy from behind with Steal, it was handled with the precision of an assassin, truly impressive

Y/n: I'd say, maybe more like a skilled thief.

Aqua: well, Kazuma,by the holy name of me I hereby bestow upon you the title of "The Great cabbage thief"

Y/n: ya hear that Kazuma? Or should I say The Great cabbage thief?

Kazuma: GOD! PUT A SOCK IN IT! Ohoho, what'd I ever do to deserve this life!...

Darkness: yes, well now you all know what I am now capable of...

Y/n: apparently jack shit...

Darkness: As a crusader and ally, so once again, I am Darkness, even though I wield a two handed sword, please do not expect too much of me, I'm far too clumsy so my attacks rarely hit their mark, however I make for an impenetrable wall!

Aqua: our party is turning out to have quite the impressive roster, don't you think?

Y/n: yeah, impressively useless...

Kazuma: gee, thanks for the insight...

Aqua: first, we have me, an Arch priest, then Megumin an Arch wizard, Y/n, an Assassin, and now we have Darkness, a crusader. There aren't any parties where four out of five of its members are advanced classes!

Y/n was looking at Kazuma with a very smug grin on his face while Kazuma was looking at Y/n grumbling

Y/n: heh.

Kazuma: grrrm, *sigh* if she was, y'know, normal, I wouldn't have a problem with her joining, I mean she's so hot!

Y/n: amen to that!

Kazuma: *nods in agreement* right?.... still

Kazuma looks over at Darkness as Darkness was talking with the others. She looks over and notices Kazuma looking at her and decides to give him a closed eyed smile... that turns into an aroused face as her face blushes in intensity.

Kazuma: She's so Kinky, a real life Masochist!

Y/n: yup, can vouch for that.

Kazuma: yeah, to some folks out there, I bet this looks like a perfect set up, but from where I'm sitting, its a recipe for disaster!

Y/n; you and me both brother! You and me both...

Darkness; if I fail to live up to my duties, feel free to reprimand me harshly, abandon me to the clutches of your enemies if you wish, *turned on* I- I w-would not mind their clutches at all!~ so, good sir. I look forward to working with you!

Kazuma:' it's all hopeless...'

Y/n: there, there, Kazuma. Atleast now we have more cannon fodder.

Kazuma: I guess...

Y/n: so, wanna drink the night away and forget our problems entirely

Kazuma: yeah, a drinks sounds nice right about now

Y/n: yeah! That's the spirit!

And so, the group of misfits partied the night away like there was no tomorrow and drank all night long, along with the rest of the guild of course. But what will our brave adventurers encounter next time?