???: CHARGE!!!

The adventurers swarmed the inside of the Destroyer as they just proceeded to wreck some shit, basically just going ape shit on anything that looked important to the structural integrity of the Destroyer.

Aqua: I don't want to be here! Its so dusty!

Aqua complained as they all ran through the destroyers halls.

Kazuma: stop complaining! You're lagging behind!

Wiz: Watch out!

Wiz warned as a turret came out of the ceiling in front of them and shot them with lasers, but thanks to Wiz's heads up, they were able to dodge in time.

Y/n: I got it! Light magic: white arrows!

Y/n then threw light arrows at the turret, easily destroying it.

Y/n: why is its defense still up!? it's self destructing!

Kazuma: no time! Keep moving!

Kazuma said before going ahead with the others following behind. While they were running, a figure in the darkness was watching them before backing into the darkness and disappearing. Suddenly, an explosion was heard by the group as an adventurer then yelled out to everyone.

???: we found something! Over here!

The group then headed towards that area in hopes to find what they were looking for. As they reached the place they were greeted with a skeleton sitting on a chair.

Y/n: oh damn. That's a skeleton.

Kazuma: is that one of the crew members?

Aqua: well, whatever he is, he's already passed on. Not only did he not turn undead, but he passed away peacefully without any lingering attachments.

Kazuma: no, he must have some attachments.

Y/n: yeah, everyone knows that you can never die without regrets. I mean, look at how he died. He looks like he died all alone. In solitary... all... alo- what was I talking about?

Kazuma: you okay?

Y/n: sorry, i'm still recovering.

Y/n said before going over to the skeleton. He looked at it before noticing a book on a table next to it.

Y/n: look at this. Its a book.

Y/n informed everyone as he grabbed the book from the table.

Aqua: give it here.

Aqua takes the book from him as she starts to read the contents of it. Kazuma peeks from behind aqua to see what its says.

Kazuma: what does it say?

Aqua: well it says... "this country's bigshots made an unreasonable request. Telling me to create a mobile fortress on this pittance? Absurd."

Wiz: so, the book is his diary?

Y/n: looks like it. Keep going, maybe there's something about the destroyer on there that we can use.

Aqua: okay...

~~<>~~ ~~<>~~

They asked about a power source, too, but what do I care? I told them to bring me some legendary coronatite or something.

???: Holy shit!

They actually brought it! What should I do? Will I get the death penalty if it doesn't work now? Please work I'm begging you!


All done. As of this moment, it's going on a rampage. The country is perishing, oh no! Oh no! Still, I feel kinda relieved. I'm satisfied. All right, I've decided. I'll spend the rest of my life here. I can't get out of this thing, anyway. I can't stop it either. The guy who created this must be some kind of moron!

???: ... wait, I was the one who created this.

~~<>~~ ~~<<3rd PERSON POV>>~~

They all stood there in disbelief at what they had just heard. Y/n took the book from aqua, and ripped it into pieces before burning it with a flamethrower.

Aqua: .... the end.

Kazuma: LIKE HELL IT IS! Don't screw with us!!!


Knowing what the source was now, they went around the place to find it and through their efforts, they finally found the coronatite as it stood in front of them in all its glory.

Y/n: we finally found the source.... what now?

Kazuma: well, we let dust and the others get away first and then.... get rid of this thing.

Y/n: yeah, but how?

Kazuma: that's still in the works.

Y/n: well, someone better has some kind of idea on how to get rid of this thing or else everything, including us, will get blown up.

Wiz: the coronatite looks like its going out of control.

Y/n: Aqua, can you do something about this? You are a goddess.

Aqua: what!? don't you pull that card out when its convenient! Also, I don't have anything that can possibly help in this situation so I'm useless right now.

Kazuma: well, she's the same as ever.

Y/n: right.

Aqua: you guys are so mean!!!

Aqua yells as she starts to tear up.

Kazuma: how about you Wiz? Can you do something about this?

Kazuma asked as they all looked at Wiz. Wiz then thought for a second before speaking up.

Wiz: well, I could use teleportation magic to send it somewhere-

Aqua: then do that!

Wiz: w-w-well the thing is... I don't have enough mana to do it.

Y/n: oh yeah, didn't you teach Kazuma Drain touch? Why don't you use that on him and replenish your mana.

Y/n suggested.

Kazuma: well, I guess I'm okay with it.

Kazuma then approaches Wiz as she then placed her hands on his cheeks. Y/n's eyes widened as he thought his bro was gonna get his first ever kiss.

Wiz: well... I guess it s time for me to suck it out.

Y/n was rooting for Kazuma in his mind as Wiz slowly inches her head towards his face.

Kazuma: 'mom, dad. I'm about to become a man in this parallel-

Then a twist happened as Wiz starts to drain Kazuma. No kissing, no lip touching. Y/n was a bit disappointed for his bro as he just got led on to think he was about to get a momentous event in his life.

Wiz: I'm sorry! Drain touch!

Y/n: Wiz, uh... I think you should stop.

Aqua: Wiz! He's turning into a dried prune!

Wiz: Huh?

Because of their warnings, Wiz stopped the draining as Kazuma limply fell on the floor. Y/n comes over and helps Kazuma up from the floor.

Kazuma: ughh....

Y/n: there there.... you'll get your shot one day. Its just not today.

Kazuma: Shut.... it...

Now that Wiz's mana has been restored, She walks up to the coronatite and prepares to activate her teleportation skill.

Wiz: I guess now is the time to say this but, I have limited control over its destination.

Kazuma: no time. Just cast it.

Kazuma said as the coronatite was beginning to glow brighter and brighter every minute.

Wiz: b-b-but, what if I accidentally send it to a populated area?

Y/n: can't you just, I don't know... send it over to the demon kings castle?

Wiz: sorry, but that's treason.

Y/n: dang. Worth a shot though.

Y/n says under his breath as he thought that that would have worked on a person like Wiz.

Aqua: guys! I don't think we've got that much time left! Its shining white now!

Aqua pointed out as the coronatite was indeed glowing white.

Y/n: Wiz, Send it now!

Wiz: B-but-

Suddenly, Kazuma puts a hand on Wiz's Shoulder as she looks at Kazuma who then spoke to her.

Kazuma: don't worry, its a big world out there. If anything goes wrong, we'll take responsibility.

Y/n: like hell I am!

Kazuma: like I said, WE'LL take responsibility if anything bad happens. Now, do it!

Now, with Kazuma's encouraging words and Y/n's complaints. Wiz finally decides to send the Coronatite to a far away place where no one innocent will be harmed. hopefully.

Wiz: here it goes. TELEPORT!

And with that, she teleports the coronatite as the room was now covered in darkness as the light from the coronatite was not there to light it now.

Destroyer: Self destruct... sequence.... initiate...

The voice from the Destroyer said before finally shutting down for good. Outside, Darkness stood atop the Destroyer. Kazuma and the others come our from the entrance just behind Darkness.

Kazuma: oh, so you were here the whole time, Darkness.

Darkness: it's not over.

Y/n: what do you me-

Suddenly, hissing sounds were heard as the destroyer started to tremble a bit

Y/n: goddammit! Not again! Every in the portal now!

Y/n tells everyone before placing a portal down in front of his feet and the other, farther away from the destroyer. Every jumped inside as they all came out the other end as they look at the destroyer beginning to turn red from the pent up steam inside it.

Aqua: whats happening!

Y/n: it must be it's steam trying to escape the Destroyers body! Dammit! Why is it just one thing after another!

Wiz: if this keeps up, it'll destroy the city and everything around it in a blazing inferno!

Kazuma: what!? what are we supposed to do!?

Kazuma exclaimed as he tried to think of ways to possibly handle the situation. Meanwhile, Y/n looked at the Destroyer before looking at his hands as he thought of something. He clenches his fist before turning around to face everyone as he suggests something to them.

Y/n: I think I can do it.

Aqua: r-really!?

Kazuma: how?

They ask.

Y/n: well, it's just hunch but... I think I can launch it way up into the atmosphere before it blows up with my gravity gun.

Y/n explains as he looks up to the sky then over the destroyer.

Wiz: well, I'm out of mana, so I can't do anything.

Kazuma: 'shit.... it seems risky trusting a hunch... but knowing Y/n. he'l be able to pull it off... somehow.'

Kazuma thought to himself before deciding on what to do.

Kazuma: Y/n, you're the only one who can do something so we're trusting you on this.

Y/n: I wont let you down.... hopefully.

Y/n says as he mutters the last part to himself.

Kazuma: Aqua, cast a buffing spell on Y/n.

Aqua: alright.

Aqua goes over to Y/n before doing the thing she was told to. Now that he was somewhat ready, he walks a bit closer to the destroyer as he calmed himself before focusing hard.

Y/n: alright, lets send this bitch to heaven...

He summons his gravity gun as he aimed it at the destroyer. He then activated the gun as a blue beam shot towards the Destroyer, coating it in a soft blue light.

Y/n: now... to Lift!!!

He then proceeds to try and lift it off the ground but fails as, Despite the weapons power, the laws of physics didn't allow it to be that easy. What? Did you think you'd be that Op? Well, life isn't always gonna be like that. There will always be something in the way... like gravity.

Y/n: god!... it's... so.... HEAVY!

Kazuma: you can do it dude! Just keep trying!

Y/n tries a bit harder as he manages to slowly lift it off the ground. But it still wasn't enough to launch it into the sky.

Aqua: c'mon! You can do it!

Wiz: we believe in you Y/n!

They say, as their encouraging words reached his heart as a burning fire started within him.

Y/n: come... on! You can do this!

Y/n said to himself as he attempts to fling it upwards. But even with his friends encouraging him from the sidelines, he still didn't have enough power to fling it. As when hope seemed to be lost, a crowds cheer was heard as Y/n looked back for a moment and caught a glance of something great. Every single adventure in the city, cheering his name.


???: YEAH!


Those words were echoed within the crowd as the fire burning inside Y/n grew brighter and brighter, before turning into a blazing inferno. Now with his newfound determination and everyone's cheers , he once again tries to fling it.

Y/n: God... if you're watching...

Y/n starts as the Destroyer was being lifted up in increasing speed.


He screams before successfully launching the Destroyer way up into the atmosphere. Over to where Emerald and Megumin were. They looked towards the sky as the Destroyers body was launched up.

Megumin: woah...

A second passes before a booming explosion happened in the sky as the shockwave from it was able to reach everyone on the ground. After the explosion subsided, everyone stood silent before suddenly erupting into cheers as the Destroyer was no more.

???: WE DID IT!!


???: HOORAY!!!

The Adventurers scream in joy as all their efforts, given how little others contributions were, were not in vain as the city and its towns people get to live another day. Y/n took a second to catch his breath from the excessive force he had to use to launch a fortress into the air. Before long, his friends had arrived over to him as they start congratulating him for his efforts.

Kazuma: dude! You did it! You crazy son of a bitch, you actually did it!

Aqua: way to go Y/n!

Wiz: splendid work!

Y/n: thanks you guys. As cheesy and cringey as it sounds. I couldn't have done it without everyone's encouragement. Thank you. Also, don't let me hog all of the spot light. Everyone here is a hero! Even Aqua.

Aqua: I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.

Y/n: you figure that out yourself.

~~<>~~ ~~<>~~

The battle with the Destroyer had came to an end. Finally. This good for nothing world, so very far off from the thrilling adventure we thought it would be. Our reluctant party of horrible allies. Our life in a house finally obtained after a lot of painful and sleepless nights. Our agonizing days of impossible difficulty. However, those times where everything seemed impossible, is the times that helped us grow.

Kazuma: heh... that was one heck of a long tutorial.

Y/n: I can already tell that you had a whole monologue playing in your head.

Kazuma: shut up.

I say as I continue to polish my sword. Y/n just chuckled before going back to polishing his orb. Suddenly, there was rapid footsteps outside as the door suddenly slammed open to reveal Aqua who looked like she had something to tell us.

Aqua: Guys! We've got trouble!

Y/n: god... what s it this time?

Aqua: knights are coming from the imperial capital!

Aqua says.

Kazuma: oh, are they coming to deliver my- I mean our compensation in person?

i say as I quickly corrected myself from saying my instead of our.

Y/n: well, fi getting compensated for real this time. We can officially say that our real adventure begins!

Kazuma: Yeah!

He says before we both pump our fists into the air.

~~<>~~ ~~<<3rd PERSON POV>>~~

???: Satou Kazuma. You are hereby suspected for the crime of subversion to the state. You are under arrest.

The woman said as the two guards beside her, took out hand cuffs. The group was inside the guild as they all thought they were gonna get their reward but instead, was given the surprise of a lifetime.

Kazuma: WHA!?

???: the coronatite that was teleported at your instruction had obliterated overlord Aldarp-sama's mansion.

Kazuma: ... HUH!!?

Y/n: yikes. Sucks to be you.

Darkness: that's definitely...

Aqua: huh? We're not being compensated?

Y/n: well if this is how they reward someone, then count me out.

Emerald: but, didn't you and Kazuma save the city? Why is he getting arrested for that?

Megumin: well, I guess I'll see you all later. My next adventure is calling me.

Kazuma: Hold it!

Kazuma says as he holds onto Megumin's cape collar to stop her from leaving.

Kazuma: 'that's right. Nothing actually goes right for us. That's the sort of thing that this good for nothing world will offer.

Aqua: Kazuma-san! You're a criminal! What are we gonna do! Killing the demon king is totally out of the question if you get arrested!

Y/n: yeah! I can't take care of all these idiots, save for Emerald, all on my own!

Emerald: t-thank you?...

They all say to Kazuma but Kazuma was just dazed from the fact that after saving the town and the lives of many with his comrades, he was now getting arrested for treason against the law.

Kazuma: 'oh. God, up above. I pray that if I ever get another chance to go to another parallel world.... PLEASE MAKE IT A WONDERFUL WORLD!!!'

Y/n: like I said, its just one thing after another.... life really is a bitch.

TO BE CONTINUED IN SEASON 2!!!.... or whatever.

Thanks for reading!