
Luna: Destroyer alert! Destroyer alert! All citizens, evacuate at once! All adventurers! Ready yourselves and Report to the Guild immediately!

Luna says through the speakers as everyone scrambled to get their things and run for the hills. Meanwhile, back at the Mansion. Kazuma and Y/n were standing out front, wondering what the fuck was going on.

Aqua: Kazuma! Y/n!

Aqua announced her presence to the two as she was seen carrying acart with their things onboard.

Y/n: Aqua, the hell are you doing?

Aqua: we're running away! We are running as far away as possible!

Kazuma: the hell are you talking about?

They converse, the two boys still confused about the situation. Megumin had exited the house with her stuff inside a sack as she tried to explain the situation to the two.

Megumin: the mobile fortress, Destroyer... Fighting that thing would be reckless, at best.

Aqua: yeah!

Kazuma: like I've been asking, what the hell is a Destroyer!?

Kazuma inquired with a yell as he was already tired of all the vague answers he was given when he asked about the Destroyer. Thankfully, Darkness was there to give an actual answer as she herself walked out of the house, fully armored and ready.

Darkness: the Destroyer is an ancient weapon that went on a rampage. They say that where it passes through... not even grass remains.

Y/n: is it that destructive?

Kazuma: well, that's all the more reason to go to the Guild!

He says in a determined tone.

Aqua: Why!? weren't you listening, you NEET!?

Kazuma: I was! I decided that I'm not gonna let some "Destroyer" Destroy our house that we oh so deserved after so many sleepless and painful nights! I refuse to let our hard work be for nothing!

Kazuma exclaimed. Y/n on the other hand, sighed as they were all going to do this no matter what they say or do.

Y/n: y'know... after what I went through last night, I decided to do nothing today other than relaxation. But no, it's just one thing after another I guess. Life really is a bitch...


Within the guild, we see the entirety of the city's adventurers as Luna debriefs them on their current situation and objective.

Luna: all of you are this city's last bastion of hope. We humbly request you're assistance.

Luna pleaded as the Adventurers thought over their decisions.

Assistant: at present, the mobile Fortress, Destroyer, is on a direct path to this very city, invading through the northwest. One hour remains until arrival.

Y/n: that is one big mechanical spider.

Kazuma: tell me about it.

They comment as they gaze at the Destroyers appearance through a glass orb that the assistant used to show the current position of the Destroyer. On the other side of the orb, a bird had flew over the Destroyer and was shot down by a Laser that came from the destroyer, causing the orb to abruptly stop projecting as the connection had been severed.

Y/n: uh... did anyone see what I just saw?

Kazuma: it has Lasers!?

???: um... the Destroyer was created by an ancient magical Kingdom, correct? did the people who created it prepare any countermeasures?

She asked.

Y/n: before that, what kind of ancient magical kingdom had resources to create such a behemoth of a structure, let alone the creation of LASERS!

Y/n said to no one but himself, as he thought that this world didn't operate with such sophisticated technology like the laser.

Luna: to answer that, they were the ones to perish in the Destroyers rampage.

Kazuma: 'we are fucked. There's no point in denying it. we are abso-fucking-lutley screwed.'

???: if only Mitsurugi-san were here right now...

Said a random adventurer.

???: I wonder where he went?...

Said another.

Emerald: Kazuma, who's Mitsurugi?

Asked Emerald as he was still new to the city.

Y/n: yeah, who is he?

Y/n asked as well.

Kazuma: did you seriously forget!? he's the guy you shot on the head with revolver!

Y/n: do you have any idea how little that narrows it down? I shot a lot of people, be specific.

Kazuma sighed at his forgetfulness before speaking again.

Kazuma: ... lord douchebag. He's Lord douchebag.

Y/n: that guy!?

Kazuma: oh my god...

Kazuma mutters as Emerald still didn't get an answer and was left even more confused.

Chris: I suggest you all run away immediately.

Chris suggests.

Darkness: they can't. the townspeople would lose their homes if they do so.

Darkness refutes.

Chris: you're as stubborn as ever, Darkness.

Chris says in return.

Y/n: well if we can't run, we have no choice but to fight then. Luna, is there anything else we should know about the Destroyer? Anything at all?

Y/n asks.

Luna: well, it does have a barrier that surrounds it at all times. It keeps any and all things from getting near it. That is, if they don't get blasted by its beams.

Kazuma: a barrier...

Kazuma muttered as he proceeds to think of how to get rid of the barrier. After a bit, he finally gets an idea as he turned to Aqua who was idling near the quest board.

Kazuma: Aqua, couldn't you break it's barrier?

Aqua then gave Kazuma's question a thought before responding.

Aqua: well, I'm not really sure but I think I could do it.

Y/n: well we are running on a tight schedule so that'll have to do.

Luna: then that's one thing taken care of.

Emerald: but, after destroying the barrier, we would need some hard hitting magic. Where could we find a person with that kind of magic power?

They all went into thinking as they all cycle through the list of mages that could deal heavy amounts of damage. Their attention was then taken by a Random adventurer who suggested someone.

???: ... we do have, "that". if we need heavy fire power, we do have her right? The crazy one.

He suggested. The other adventurers then instantly knew who he was talking about.

???: that's right, the crazy one!

???: the Crazy girl could do it.

They say before they all look at Megumin who still was processing who this "crazy one" was.

Y/n: well, would you look at that. You're famous Megumin.

Y/n quipped as Megumin now realized that she was the one they called the "crazy one".

Megumin: wait, you're talking about me, aren't you!? don't call me that! Otherwise, I'll show you all just how crazy I can be!

Y/n: I suggest you do that at the Destroyer once its Barrier is down. Kay?

Darkness: your explosion magic is the most destructive magic this city has. So, will you be willing to do it? Megumin?

Darkness asked as Megumin stutters to answer as she begins to get a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility of destroying an ancient fortress that was built solely to destroy anything in its path.

Megumin: w-well... I don't think even my explosion would be enough to take it down with a single blow.

She says as she was now doubtful of her magic's capabilities.

Y/n: well, if that's the case, all we have to do is find someone who can deal a similar amount of damage to Megumin's.

Emerald: but where are we gonna find someone like that?

Asked Emerald. And as if on cue, Liz had arrived as she tries to get through the crowd of adventurers.

Wiz: I-I'm sorry I'm late! I'm the proprietor of Wiz's Magical tool shop.

Y/n: would ya look at that, Wiz is here. Hi Wiz!

Y/n says as he waved at Wiz who also waved back at him before going back to what she was saying.

Wiz: I'm a qualified adventurer, so I've come to help...

Suddenly everyone cheered her arrival. Wiz was apparently famous within the guild. She had made a name for herself as the "master Arch wizard".

Luna: Alright! Everyone, the emergency quest will now begin!


???: Hurry! The big one's gonna be here any second!

Everyone: Right!

The Adventurers had built a wall of defense just outside the City's actual walls believing that it would actually do something against a fortress that was built to level kingdoms. A fair bit a away from the city, Darkness was seen standing alone. Awaiting the Destroyers arrival. Kazuma and Y/n had now Joined Darkness as they walked up to her from behind.

Y/n: Darkness, what are you doing all the way here?

Kazuma: I know how stubborn you are, but set aside your fetishes and come join us back there would y-

Kazuma was then cut off by Darkness, who was acting a bit serious. Which was unusual for them, considering how she is all the time.

Darkness: given my usual behavior, it can't be helped if you both think that way of me. But, do you really think I'm a woman of such rigid adherence to my own desires?

She says in a very serious demeanor. The two, without hesitation and very bluntly, answered her question.

Y/n and Kazuma: yes.

Darkness: wha-... a-ahem. I must protect the inhabitants of this land. I'm sure the residents of this city won't pay me any mind. But that, at the very least, is how I feel.

Y/n: ..... riiiight.

He said as he was still skeptical about what she just said.

Kazuma: do you have some reason for that?

Kazuma asked.

Darkness: ... you see, my real name is actually Dustiness Ford Lalatina.

Kazuma: lala- what now?

Y/n: la la land?

Darkness then turns towards the two as she continues her exposition.

Darkness: I'm the daughter of the dustiness family, which governs this area.

Kazuma: so you're a rich girl!?

Y/n: well, it kinda makes sense that you were hiding something. Like, who in the right mind would name their child "Darkness"? their either emo's or edge lords.

Darkness: you two, please don't tell the others. I don't want them to think of me any less than who right now.

Kazuma: s-sure thing.

Kazuma says while Y/n just motion himself zipping his mouth shut.

Darkness: I am a knight. Protecting the livelihoods of my countrymen is both my duty and my honor. Tell me, both of you... do you dislike selfish, stubborn allies?

Y/n: well, to be completely honest, no.

Y/n said with no hesitation.

Kazuma: but, we're stuck with you all, so I guess it's better than nothing.

Y/n: besides, your reason for being selfish is way better then Aqua's se we don't mind it.

Y/n says. Darkness then forms a small, grateful smile.

Darkness: I see.

She turns back around as a comforting silence filled the air between the three.

Y/n and Kazuma: ... Lalatina.

Darkness: Don't call me by that name!!!


Now, the time had came for them to confront the Destroyer that was now visible in the distance.

Luna: All adventurers! The Destroyer will be within sight soon! Please prepare for battle!

She informed everyone as all the adventurers steeled themselves for what was about to be their greatest enemy yet. In the Distance, the Destroyer had destroyed a chunk of a hill as it walked through it like dry wall.

Dust: I-it's... so big!?...

Dust exclaimed as he backed up in shock and fear. Due to its enormous size and its destructive prowess shown by it trampling anything without problems. Megumin had started shaking in nervousness and fear as she and Wiz were the ones tasked with such an important job. One wrong move, and all would be over, she thought as she trembled. Kazuma had arrived at where Megumin was as he looks to the distance.

Kazuma: can we really pull this off?

Aqua: oi, Wiz! Are you sure you're up for this!?

On another tower, beside where Kazuma and Megumin were, Aqua was freaking out behind Wiz.

Wiz: please just leave this to me, Aqua-sama. I may not look it much, but I am the highest-ranked undead.

Aqua: so you are up for this, Right!?

Wiz: well, if I should fail, let us all return to the soil together, in good terms.

She says.

Y/n: way to lift every ones spirit Wiz! Good on you!

Y/n yelled sarcastically from the bottom.

Wiz: sorry.

Meanwhile, with Kazuma. Megumin was now saying things to herself to keep her from fainting in fear of disappointing everyone, and quite possibly, destroy the town.

Megumin: I-I'm okay... I.. I am s-strong!

Kazuma: 'this is not looking good. If this keeps up, she won't be able to perform well'

Kazuma thought to himself as he look at the trembling crimson Demon who looks like she's about to piss herself.

Megumin: I... I am the finest of Crimson Demon, a Genius magician...

She mutters as she repeats it over and over.

Emerald: Kazuma! How's it looking on your end!?

Emerald asked from below.

Kazuma: Not so good at the moment!

He replied.

Y/n: well then do something about it! This thing is almost here!

Y/n said as he looked at the approaching Destroyer.

Kazuma: alright, Megumin, don't over think it.

He reassures Megumin, trying to get her to calm down.

Megumin: I-I'll blow.... I'll blow it away with my magic!

She says as she slowly extends her arms looking like she was about to cast her spell.

Kazuma: Hey, hey, its still too early!

The Destroyer had was now in range as an Adventurer shouted to signal everybody to commence the operation.

???: It's here!!!

Y/n: you heard the man! Aqua, now!!

Suddenly, from the sky. A staff had fell as Aqua catches it before the flower on the staff bloomed with a beautiful pink flower. Aqua proceeds to spin the staff above her as she starts her spell.

Aqua: Sacred...

Suddenly, her aura spikes as 5 giant magic circles appeared before her.


She launches her staff forward as yellow beams of light shot out from the 5 Circles. The beams of light then merged with one another, slowly becoming on big giant beam. It then made contact with the Destroyers barrier as the beam had impacted it with so much force that gusts of wind formed from just the force alone.

Y/n: that's it Aqua! Keep it up!

Y/n said, trying to cheer Aqua on. The beams were able to push the destroyer back but it still wasn't enough to break the barrier. Aqua then decides to push it further as she gave it all that she had as she screamed.


The beams then increased in size and intensity as everyone below was blown back by the force.

Y/n: holy shit!!!

With that, the beam was able to destroy the Barrier.

Y/n: Alright! Emerald! Hold it in place as long as you can!

Emerald: I-I'll try! VINE PRISON!!!

Then up from the ground, several vines sprouted as they then proceed to wrap around the destroyers many legs, keeping it from moving anywhere.

Emerald: I... got it!

Y/n: good. Kazuma!

Kazuma: right! Guys, go for it!

Kazuma says, signaling for Megumin and Wiz to start attacking.

Wiz: Megumin-san, launch a concurrent strike!

Wiz says. But nothing. Megumin had once again froze in fear.

Kazuma: Megumin! What're you doing!? hey! Is your love for explosion magic even real!? if you're outdone by Wiz, you'll be a disgrace!

Kazuma says, finally snapping Megumin out of her fear induced state.

Y/n: Megumin! Stop doubting yourself! I've seen you're explosions first hand! Heck, I almost died from it! And I can say it's something no one can ever top! If you're really the greatest Arch mage the world has ever seen... then-

Kazuma and Y/n: SHOW US WHAT YOU GOT!!!

They exclaim in unison. With those words of encouragement, Megumin was now filled with Determination as her eyes then glowed a crimson red.

Megumin: heh... very well! I shall show you all the true power of the greatest crimson Demon mage!!!

She exclaims before both her and Wiz begin to chant.

Wiz and Megumin: Darkness blacker than black! Darker than dark! I beseech thee, combine with thy crimson! The time of awakening has cometh! Justice fallen upon infallible boundaries! Appear now as an intangible distortion!

Y/n: here it comes! Everyone, brace yourselves!!!

Y/n shouted to all the other people around him as they all took cover.

Emerald: and.... that's.... it!

The vines had now disappeared as Emerald had exhausted his mana reserves. The Destroyer now free, continued to march over to the city.

Wiz and Megumin: EXPLOSION!!!!!!!

They scream as two fiery magic circles appeared above the both of them before beams of destruction shot from them and into the sky. The two beams closed its distance to the destroyer before it Impacts it, causing a ginormous explosion that broke the Destroyer. The Destroyer's body skidded to a halt just a foot away from darkness who didn't even flinch.

Y/n: Emerald. Remind me to take a vacation after all of this is done.

Emerald: s-sure...

Back at the tower. Kazuma sighs in relief as everything had been successful.

Kazuma: Megumin, you did it!

Kazuma congratulates her as he turns around to look at the girl. The girl then fell flat on her face as she used too much of her mana.

Megumin: guhehe!~ that's a lich for you. Her level far exceeds my own. How frustrating...

She says while Kazuma crouches down to look at her.

Kazuma: there, there. Good job, good job.

Everyone: Woohoo!! we did it!!

???: when this is all over, I'm gonna get married!

Y/n: 'oi, oi! Don't go triggering red flags like that! You'll doom us all!'

Y/n thought.

Aqua: come on! Let's go back to the guild and Celebrate!! I wonder how much the reward will be?

Kazuma and Y/n: You idiot! You just set off a red flag!!!

Aqua: huh?

Suddenly, the Destroyers eyes starts to glow red as an alarm starts blaring from the destroyer

Y/n: oh god! That sound is always the sound people use in the movies when something is about to self destruct!

Kazuma: See!? now look at what you've done Aqua!

Aqua: how was I supposed to know that would happen!?

Suddenly, a robotic voice spoke from the Destroyer, seemingly giving out a warning.

Destroyer: Due to extreme damage, the self destruct sequence has now been initiated. All personnel and crew aboard, evacuate immediately. I repeat, All personnel and crew aboard, evacuate immediately.


Kazuma: KIDDING ME!?

Everyone then started to panic as they all retreated back into the city.

???: It's no use!!

???: we're all going to die!!!

???: run!!!

They said amidst their mass hysteria.

Kazuma: Y/n! go get Darkness!

Kazuma shouted from atop the tower before going over and hoisting Megumin over his shoulder and making his way down.

Y/n: okay! Emerald Lets go!

Emerald: o-okay!

He says before they both book it towards Darkness.

Emerald: Darkness!!

Emerald called as they both ran over to Darkness who still hasn't moved an inch from her spot.

Y/n: Darkness, I know you're doing this because it's your sworn duty to protect the city and probably to get you're rocks off but gosh darn it! You need to comeback with us!

Darkness: I cannot withdraw until the very end.

Emerald: Darkness, you're going to get hurt if you stay here! It's safe!

Darkness: I told I'm sta-

Darkness was then cut off as Y/n gripped her wrist very tightly as he glared at her. She blushed at his forcefulness as his grip on her wrist was a tad bit too tight to the point it turned her on.

Y/n: I am not gonna let this thing kill you or anyone else so whether you like it or not, you're coming!

Y/n says in a serious tone before attempting to drag Darkness back to the city. Though, his efforts were fruitless as he couldn't get Darkness to budge.

Y/n: come... on! How... heavy are you!

Darkness: Y/n, you know it's rude to ask a woma-

Y/n: you know damn well what I meant!

Y/n continues to pull her away but fails no matter how hard he tried. Darkness looked back at the Destroyer as it's danger level was enticing her to risk it all. She tried to resist her urges but the kink was too strong as she lost all sense of reason and dashed towards the Destroyer without any regard for her safety while panting heavily.

Y/n: wha?- HEY! Darkness comeback!!

Emerald: Darkness no!

Their words fell on deaf ears as Darkness was long gone. And without even a moments notice, every adventurer who they thought retreated charged head on at the Destroyer as they were now trying to Destroy it.

Emerald: what? But I thought-

Kazuma: guys!

They both turn around to see Kazuma with an immobilized Megumin, a complaining Aqua, and Wiz who decided to tag along.

Y/n: do you mind telling me why they decided to attack and not run away with their tails between their legs?

Kazuma: apparently, they saw Darkness charging towards the Destroyer thinking that she was risking her life to save everyone.

Y/n: well, the risking part is true but the reason itself is so far from it.

While they were talking, The adventurers were had now scaled the Destroyer as they were breaking apart whatever they could break. They used any means for destruction as multiple bombs were detonated in an attempt to finish off the Destroyer.

Y/n: this thing is mechanical right?

Emerald: well from the looks of it. It probably is.

Kazuma: then that means, there's something powering it!

Y/n: if we could just find the power source and destroy it, it might shut down the self destruct sequence.

Wiz: so you're saying if we locate the power source, we can be able to defuse it?

Y/n: basically.

Aqua: but how are we gonna find a way to get in! It can't be that ea-

Suddenly, another explosion happened making them all look towards where it exploded.

???: it's Open! Charge!!

An adventurer cried as they all charged into the Destroyer.

Y/n: guess that answers that. Emerald: stay here and look after Megumin. The rest of us will go find the power source and destroy it!

He commands as Kazuma had Megumin lean on a piece of rubble.

Emerald: I will. Good luck everyone!

Kazuma: thanks, let's go!

Aqua: but I don't wanna! I wanna go home!

Y/n: too fucking bad! we're going!

Y/n then summons a portal gun and shoots a portal onto the Destroyer before shooting another by his feet as to save them time. Kazuma jumped in first and then Wiz followed suit. Aqua was a bit hesitant at first but with a "little" push from Y/n, she went through the portal without a hitch. Before jumping in though, he opens his sling bag as Snowy flew out from it.

Y/n: you're staying here little buddy, keep them company would ya?

He asks in the UwU dialect in which we all use to talk to our pets while patting its head with his finger. Snowy leaned in to it before going over to where Emerald and Megumin were staying at. He then jumps in without anymore delay. It was now the homestretch. All they have to do is keep the Destroyer from blowing up. It's now a race for the clock!