~~<<3rd PERSON POV>>~~

Y/n: ugh...

Y/n Slowly opens his eyes to see a darkness with a spotlight, shining on him. He pushes himself up to get a grip on things as he continues to look around only to see the same dark void he opened his eyes to.

Y/n: I.... I gotta get out of this... b-but how?

He says to himself as he thinks of ways to escape this nightmare. Suddenly, sounds of people booing was heard behind him. He turns around to see he was now in the middle of a circus stage, all spotlights shining onto him. He noticed that his clothes were now replaced with a clown costume, makeup and all. Already freaked out by this, he looks to the bleachers where watchers would sit in to watch the circus, to see all of his ancestors in a zombified state. Even his parents and grandparents were there, booing him. Shouting profanities at the boy.

???: YOU SUCK!



???: WE HATE YOU!!!

They yelled at him.

Y/n: m-mom? D-d-dad? They wouldn't! they would never say those things!!!

Suddenly, a brick was thrown which hits him on the head hard, causing him to stumble back onto his butt. Their booing and yelling grew louder and louder, to the point it started to hurt his ears.




???: TRASH!!

???: JUST DIE!

They then start chanting the word "Die" over and over again as Y/n held onto his head, trying not to let it get to him.

Y/n: no... no No... NO!!!

He yells as they all stop yelling at him. Suddenly, he was then flung backwards, bursting through the circus tent walls and landing outside. His clothes were now back to normal, but the landscape sure wasn't. he quickly stands up and looks around to see the nightmarish landscape. He wipes the tears that had managed to escape from his eyes before hearing that voice again.

???: Lali-ho!~

Y/n: who the hell are you!?

He asked, but it never answered. Suddenly, a strange noise alerted him to his right. He looks over to see a fleshy blob with a lot of eyes and mouths, consuming everything like a tidal wave. Y/n decided to not stay put as he immediately runs away from it. He vaulted over a snack stand and took cover behind it as he takes a moment to take a breather.

Y/n: fuck... shit...

He cursed to himself before covering his mouth as the blob was now in the area, searching for him.

Y/n: 'okay Y/n... this whole thing might be a nightmare, but its still my dream. And like hell would I let this mysterious entity ruin it!'

He thought to himself before summoning a rocket launcher. He peeks out from the stand and aimed for the blob who had now noticed the boy.

Y/n: fuck off!!!

He yells as he shoots the rocket at the blob. The rocket flew to the blob before stopping mid air.

Y/n: what the fuck?

The rocket then turns around. Now facing the boy.

Y/n: oh... oh no.

The rocket then flies towards Y/n at full speed as the boy had little time to react as the rocket had blew the stand up as he was about to jump out of it. He tumbles on the ground and face plants onto it as he groaned in pain.

Y/n: fucking hell...

he raised his head from the ground as he shook it to get his bearings. Suddenly, a fleshy tentacle wrapped itself around Y/n as it then lifted him off the ground. The blob had Y/n in its grasp as it slowly opened its enormous maw that had rows and rows of razor sharp teeth.

Y/n: oh fuck! Oh shit!! oh fuck!!

Y/n tried to wiggle out of its grasp but the tentacle just tightened its grip on him. His head was now halfway inside its mouth as the saliva dripped down onto his face as he closed his eyes, awaiting death, but then, it suddenly stopped before taking Y/n out of its mouth.

Y/n: huh? Wha-

Y/n questioned but stopped as he looked behind him to see the masked entity he saw on the Ferris wheel. Now with a better look at the entity.

He saw that the entity appeared to be humanoid in shape, and is cloaked in a dark robe. Its smiling jester mask that had a downwards curved eyes and an very eerie smile. It also wore golden colored metallic gauntlets, shoulder pads, a collar, and a high hat.

Y/n: y-you! You're the one behind this aren't you!

The entity stayed silent, before grabbing a hold of Y/n's face as it stared into his soul.

???: ... I sense a great power within you.

It spoke. Its voice was of a Childs that had a distortion filter added to their voice.

???: my master.... asked me to dispose of you. Too bad for you, since I like playing with my prey.

Y/n: w-who the hell are you? No... what the hell are you!?

Death 13: you already saw my name... The words that had been written with the corpses of canines. But if you must be reminded of it... I am Death 13. an entity that can control dreams and absorb the life force of any living being. Right now, you're life is now hanging by a thin thread as I am absorbing your life force outside in the real world, where your body is sleeping soundly.

Death 13 commanded the blob to let Y/n as it releases him from its slimy and fleshy grasp. And not even a second later, Y/n was grabbed by the throat and was lifted up to the entity's eye level.

Death 13: I could kill you on the spot right now, and no one in the real world would notice you passing away... but where's the fun in that?... I want you to experience all you're worst fears before I take your life... I want to see you scream in agonizing pain as the life from your being withers away into nothing... so...

it says before everything gets engulfed in darkness as Death 13 disappeared, leaving Y/n in the darkness. Then, its voice echoed throughout the darkness.

Death 13: how about we continue that? Lali-ho!~

The voice disappears. Then, a light shone onto the entity's body and 4 people who were kneeling on the ground, tied up with bags over their heads. Black, inky, tentacles then came out behind Death 13. the tentacles then took the bags that were covering the heads of the 4 people. Y/n's eyes widened in fear and shock.

Y/n: n-no...

The 4 people were revealed to be Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, and Kazuma.

Kazuma: w-wha? Where am I!? what's going on?

Darkness: it seems to me that we are all tied up... though, I'm not complaining.

Megumin: why is it so dark?

Aqua: Y/n? is that you?

They say as they tried to understand their situation.

Y/n: No! Y-you wouldn't...

Y/n muttered. Death 13 stood still. Unmoving.

Kazuma: Y/n! what's going on!?

Aqua: yeah! I want answers!

They say as they start to get uneasy.

Y/n: guys, you're-

Y/n tried to explain the situation but stopped as he saw Death 13 drawing a Scythe, twice the size of of its body. Y/n felt it stare at him as it spoke it's line.

Death 13: Lali-ho!~...

Y/n: no... nonononono NO!!!!

Y/n then made a break for it, tears flowing out of his eyes... but it was too late. Death 13 swiped his scythe, beheading them all in an instant.

Kazuma: what?... just...

Kazuma couldn't finish his sentence as his head then flew into the air as their blood flew everywhere. Everything then slowed down as Y/n watched his friends get beheaded. And as the heads and blood flew, Death 13 stared, it stared straight at him. silently taunting him.

Y/n: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Y/n screamed as he ran full speed at Death 13. he raised his fist, attempting to punch Death 13. but as he was about to, Death 13 intercepted him as it appeared right in front of him, it's face, inches away from touching his.

Death 13: ... fall.

It says before disappearing, causing Y/n to miss his punch. suddenly, he felt as though he was falling. He looks down to see he was very high up in the air.

Y/n: AAAHHHH!!!!

The blob before had now increased in size, to the point where it now had engulfed the whole carnival in its mass. Its maw opened wide, ready to eat the boy. Y/n flailed around in the air, in a desperate attempt to stop himself from getting eaten. But it was no use. There was nothing he could do. After a few moments of this, he eventually stopped. Knowing that there was no point in trying anymore. And as quickly as he gave up, he was eaten by the blob as it closed its mouth and swallowed him whole.

Y/n: there's no point...

Y/n was back in the void. But this time, he couldn't feel anything. He had no body anymore. It was only his consciousness left.

Y/n: maybe they were right... maybe I am just a failure of a person...

He says, Referring to what the zombified version of his ancestors said to him.

Y/n: did I even do anything significant in my life before getting transported here?... who am I kidding, all I did was wallow in my own self pity. Watching anime as a way to forget how much of a disappointment I was.

He said, his hope slowly disappearing.

Y/n: would I even be remembered if I were to die?.... I never did anything significant so why would they remember person like me... maybe... I should... just...... die.

As he slowly accepted his death. A voice spoke to him, this one, being very familiar.

???: are you really going to give up!? after everything you went through!?

It was Hikaru's voice.

Y/n: H-Hikaru?...

Hikaru: look. Even if you were a disappointment and a failure in you're previous life, that doesn't mean you could give up on this one!

Y/n: why!? I've failed! I'm useless!

Hikaru: no you're not! When you died, you were given a second chance! A chance to become something you couldn't become in your previous life! You were even given a gift by the gods that makes you special! Who's to say that you can't become something! Plus, you promised!

Y/n: promised?

Hikaru: you promised to me that when I gave you my power! You would bear the responsibility that it held! You promised me that you would kill the Demon lord if I gave you my power! Are you really gonna break that promise!? besides, this is all a nightmare! Nothing of this is real! Everything you saw was just the materialized form of you're fears! If you want to gain control, then get over your fears and FIGHT!

At that moment, Y/n realized. Everything he experienced, had just been materialized form of his fears. The weight of the expectations of his ancestors, he was afraid of disappointing them. His fear of losing the ones he loved. his fear of being powerless. these fears wore him down. The constant rising of his parents expectations of him, made him hate himself. The thought of losing everyone he knew and loved. And the constant reminder of death and the existential dread that came from it. These were things that held him back. He realized that if he wanted to become better, to become something, he was going to have to get over these thoughts and feelings, and move past them.

Y/n: I... refuse... to... Die!

a small light then appeared in the darkness. Despite not having a body anymore, he still tried to reach out to the light. And thanks to his newfound determination, his hand then slowly appeared from the nothingness.

Y/n: rrrrRRAAAHHH!!!

With one last shout, he reached forth. Grabbing the light before it glows a blinding white light. Inside the Blobs stomach, everything inside it was like how the outside of the blob looked, full of eyes and mouths. Suddenly, fingers appeared from the blobs insides before a full hand had came out which then gripped onto the blobs flesh. After a moment or two, a head came out.

Y/n: RAAH!!!!

Y/n screamed as he tried to escape from the blobs flesh. With a bit more trying. He finally got out as landed on the fleshy floor of the blobs stomach.

Y/n: *huff* *huff* I- *huff* made it!

He says, exhausted.

Hikaru: took you long enough!

Y/n looked over to his side to see Hikaru slowly being absorbed by the blob.

Y/n: Hikaru! Don't worry! I'll get you outta there!

Y/n quickly stood up as he goes over to her and attempt to free her from the blob.

Hikaru: what are you doing!? just leave! There's no time!

Y/n: No! If I'm going to fight! You're going to help me!

He says as he continues to scoop out the blob's flesh away from Hikaru. After a while, there was a decent opening for Hikaru to come out of.

Y/n: now get over here!

He says as he grabs Hikaru's arm and pulled her out. They both then stumble down to the fleshy ground as they catch their breaths for a moment.

Hikaru: ... thanks. Y/n.

Y/n: no, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would've let Death 13 kill me right now. But now, we're going to fight back.

They both stood up as Hikaru asked Y/n about something.

Hikaru: so ya got any plans to get out of this blob?

Y/n: yeah, I do.

Meanwhile, outside the blob. The blob had returned to its original size instead of its humongous size like before. Then, out of nowhere, it starts convulsing before exploding into a million bits as Y/n and Hikaru flew out and landed onto the cold hard ground. They both then slowly got up from the floor.

Hikaru: you're plan was to use a grenade launcher to get us out!?

Y/n: I did the job didn't it? You should be praising me instead of berating me.

Hikaru: we could've died you know.

Y/n: but we didn't. so hah!

Hikaru rolled her eyes at his logic.

Suddenly, everything started to shake as the two held onto each other to keep their balance. then, seemingly from out of nowhere. 2 enormous gauntlets appeared as they slammed themselves onto the ground before a giant smiling jester mask , now with a frown instead of a smile, appeared as it proceeds to look down onto the two.

Death 13: you stubborn little pests! All you had to do was give up and die! But you decided to fight! Did you forget you're powerless here!?

Y/n: no, because I never was! I let the fear get to me which gave you control over everything! But you forgot! This is my dream you're hijacking! So if you think I'll just let you do what you want, then think again!

HIkaru then places a hand on Y/n's shoulder before she merges with him as a white aura radiates around him as his eyes now turned to silver.

Y/n: cause I, Y/n L/n, have Dream! And that is to send back to hell!!!

Then from behind him, a giant version of his stand, [Making Mirrors], appeared as it took on a fighting stance. Death 13 glared at his stand before summoning its Scythe and prepared itself for a fight. Y/n then threw his arm forward before yelling.

Y/n: [Making Mirrors]!!!

His stand then charged at Death 13, dishing out a right hook to its face. Death 13 raised its right gauntlet and blocked the attack before pushing the stand back before swiping at it with its scythe. [Making Mirrors] ducked down and avoided the scythe before going for an uppercut which successfully hit.

[Making Mirrors]: ARO!!

Death 13: GAH!

Death 13 got sent back a bit before going on the offensive as it begins to randomly slash at the stand. [Making mirrors] dodged the oncoming slashes before catching the scythe with both it's hands when Death 13 went for an overhead strike. Now they were in a test of strength as they try to overpower the other.

Death 13: do not underestimate me fool! GAH!!!

Suddenly, a volley of white light arrows struck Death 13's face as it yelled in surprise and pain.

Y/n: shut the fuck up! I've heard enough of that sentence! If you're so powerful the prove it! Don't say it! Like this!!!

While Death 13 was distracted by the arrows, [Making Mirrors] had grabbed the handle of the scythe, and proceeded to yank it out of Death thirteens hands.

Death: my scythe!

Y/n: correction, MY scythe!

His stand then Kicked Death 13 away in an attempt to distance them both. Death stopped their momentum by planting their gauntlets on the ground.

Death 13: you, YOU-

Y/n: I think you should Shut up! I'm going to teach a valuable lesson!

[Making Mirrors] then raised the scythe over its head as it readies to bring it on Death 13.

Y/n: WITH MY STAND! [Making Mirrors]!!!

[Making Mirrors]: ARO!!!

[Making Mirrors] then brought the scythe down onto Death 13's mask as it splits in half.

Death 13: no! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Death 13 screams as a blinding light shone from their mask. The light then slowly engulfed everything.

(end Background music)

Y/n: GAH!

Y/n's quickly opens as he quickly tries to sit up straight but was then pinned back down as an ethereal entity had now grabbed a hold on Y/n's neck.


Y/n: s-so... this I-is... what y-you look l-like! Death 13!

Death 13 real form was just a humanoid shaped spirit with 2 red dots for eyes and a white mouth as it's most prominent features.

Death 13: RRrrhhh!

Death 13 then used its free hand and covered Y/n's mouth to prevent him calling for help.

Y/n: Mph! Mmpph!!

Y/n struggled for air as Death 13 squeezed its grip on his neck. The boy looked to his side to see Hikaru's orb sitting on the the bedside table. Y/n tried to reach for it but it was just an inch too far. He was slowly losing oxygen as his vision started to get blurry. he tried and tried, hoping his arm would dislocate itself to give him and extra length to reach but that was never gonna happen.

Y/n: 'this is it... even after everything I've learned. This is how it ends."

The lack of oxygen now affected his body as his arm starts to weaken, slowly on the verge of giving up.

Y/n: 'I'm sorry... Hikaru... it was all for nothing, in the end'

Y/n was ready to accept defeat and let himself die at the hands of Death 13, but by some miracle, the orb had rolled over to his hand. He looked at the orb and then at the one behind it. It was none other than Snowy. Snowy had woke up from the sounds of struggle Y/n was making, so after seeing Y/n trying to reach for the Orb, Snowy tried to open the lid of the jar before coming to the rescue.

Y/n: 'Snowy... you are the real hero.'

Y/n, with little ounce of strength he had left, grabbed a hold on the Orb.

Y/n: 'Hikaru, I need your help!'

Hikaru: 'I'm already on it.'

The orb then merged into Y/n body as a white aura appeared. Death 13's red dot eyes widened as [Making Mirrors] appeared over Y/n's body before punching Death 13 right in the face.

[Making Mirrors]: ARO!!

Death 13 flies into the wall before getting pinned on it as [Making Mirrors] hand gripped its neck, chocking it this time around.

Y/n: well, that was a close one. Wasn't it? If I didn't reach the orb in time, I would've died for real. But Now I've got you pinned. Y'know the real reason you lost death 13?... it's because...

Y/n raised his head to reveal him glaring at the spirit with rage as his silver eyes glowed with so much intensity.

Y/n: you, PISSED ME OFF!!!

And with that, a barrage of fists had made their way onto Death 13's face.


The wall then collapsed as Death 13 gets launched outside, onto the hallway floor. But because of the wall collapsing, it gained the attention of the other residents of the Mansion.

Darkness: what was that?

Megumin: I think it came from upstairs!

Aqua: it might be another succubus! Emerald, stay here and don't let the succubus' escape!

Emerald: s-sure.

And off the three go as Emerald was left with the task of looking after the succubus and the beaten up body of Kazuma.

Emerald: *sigh* I told you it was a bad Idea.

Emerald said as Kazuma groaned in pain before passing out. Emerald decided to open the window to let the 3 succubus's free which they gladly thanked Emerald for. Now back to the carnage, the girls had arrived to see Death 13's beaten spirit on the rubble as Y/n slowly comes out from the hole in the wall with unbridled rage.

Y/n: ya like that? Not so tough are ya now, Death 13?

The boy said as he lifts up his sleeves as he prepares for another round of ass whooping.

Megumin: Y/n, whats going on.

Y/n then gets distracted as he looked over to the 3 girls who were looking at the scene in confusion.

Y/n: oh, hey guys, perfect timing. I was just about to call Aqua for some help. Speaking of which-

His Stand the grabbed a hold on Death 13's fleeing spirit, keeping him from escaping through the window.

Y/n: where do you.. think... you're GOING!?

He says as he slammed Death 13 onto the floor in front of him with such force that it startled the 3 girls who were watching.

Y/n: Aqua, could you do me a salad and exorcize this spirit. That'd be great.

He says as he stepped back to let Aqua do her thing.

Aqua: well, okay then. Sacred Exorcism!!!

She yelled as a blue light shone as Death 13's spirit slowly disintegrated into nothing.


It was now morning as we can see Y/n, Kazuma and Darkness out in the front yard. Kazuma was Cleaning the Grave stone while Y/n was chillaxing by the tree, but the same cannot be said for Darkness who was Looking at Kazuma while pouting.

Kazuma: ... just talk to me Already.

Y/n: yeah, you've been doing that for a while now.

Kazuma: besides, I think you're par of the problem, since you also got caught up in the mood, too.

Kazuma raised a point as Darkness tried to refute it only to realize that she can't cause he was right. So instead of refuting, she just sighed before asking him a question.

Darkness: do you really don't remember what happened last night, right? You don't have any memory of it since you were mind controlled, by those succubus's, right?

After she asked those questions, Y/n snickered at how lame the excuse was. Kazuma picked up on that little snicker of his but luckily, Darkness didn't.

Kazuma: yea, it's really unfortunate, but I really don't remember. All I know is that I had quite the dream.

Kazuma says, trying not to seem suspicious, while Y/n was holding in a laugh.

Darkness: I-I see... good, then. Yeah, there's no helping it. It was sort of an accident. I-I'll try to forget it too

At this point, Y/n was on the verge of bursting out laughing.

Darkness: still, you were kind of overbearing at the time, and a little scary. But... It wasn't bad.

Y/n had now started to pound on the floor, his face turning red from holding in his urge to laugh at another persons misfortune. Kazuma on the other hand, was red for an entirely different reason. That being embarrassment.

Darkness: although, it was unacceptable for you to instill in me whatever you pleased just because I was ignorant of it...

Kazuma: I get, I get. Could you go now?

Darkness: fine, ill see you boys later.

Y/n: see ya Darkness.

Darkness then entered the house, leaving the two boys to their lonesome. The two stayed silent, until Y/n spoke up.

Y/n: ... you had a fun night didn't yo-

Kazuma: Shut. It. And speaking of last night, what happened with you?

Y/n: let's just say, it's something that we should talk about as a group. But until then, I'm taking a rest day. Nothing is going to keep away from chillaxing in this spo-

Suddenly, an emergency Broadcast was made from the Guild.

Luna: Destroyer Alert! Destroyer Alert! The Mobile Fortress Destroyer is currently on its way to this city!

Suddenly, the collective screams of the townspeople were heard even from the Mansion as chaos ensued.

Kazuma: ... umm-

Y/n: I'm standing by what I said!