~~<<3rd PERSON POV>>~~

The moon shone brightly through the place as the night covered the the town in its dark blanket. Back in the Mansion where our beloved idiots reside in, we can see them relaxing in the living room of their new comfy home. Off to the side, Megumin and Y/n were playing a game of chess while Darkness and Emerald watch from the sidelines.

Y/n: interesting move you did there Megumin. It would be a shame if... I were to unleash my ultimate piece.

Megumin: bring it on! No one can withstand the might of the crimson demons! So all your moves will be futile! Mwa ha ha ha ha!

Y/n: very well... I will now be conglomerating my pawns into a... MEGA CHESSATRON!

Megumin: w-what!?

Y/n: Now, I shall ravage your kingdom and lay waste to your people as I take Victory out of your grasp! Now, FEAR ME!!!

Megumin: Nooo!!! my valiant troops!

Megumin cried as Y/n proceeded to swipe all of Megumin's pieces to the side before taking her queen and triumphantly laughing in victory.

Darkness: I-is that even allowed?

Emerald: at this point, might as well be. They've been at it for a while so anything is fair game to them.

Emerald and Darkness: 'I don't even think they're playing chess anymore...'

They thought to themselves in unison as they watch the two from their seats.

Megumin: no fair! You cheated!

Y/n: hey! All is fair in love and magic!

He says as he continues to laugh triumphantly. Meanwhile, near the fire place, we can see Kazuma chilling on the couch as he lets the fire place cover him in its sweet warm blanket. Suddenly, a wild Aqua appears as she comes from behind the couch before announcing her presence to the boy.

Aqua: Kazuma! Relinquish your spot to me, the exalted Goddess Aqua!

Kazuma: huh?

Aqua: look!

She says as she then pulls out her adventurers card and flaunts it at Kazuma.

Aqua: I'm level 21! the highest level in the party!

Then, from the other side of the room, Y/n exclaims.


Aqua: yeah- whatever!

She yells at Y/n who in return, stuck his tongue out as he blew a raspberry at her.

Aqua: anyway, Kazuma, you're awfully being impertinent for an under-leveled lowbie. If you understand your position in the level hierarchy, then give your spot nearest to the fire place to your superior.

She says as she tries to shoo Kazuma away from his spot. Kazuma was about to retaliate until he noticed something.

Kazuma: huh? I don't think your stats have risen at all since the last time I saw it.

Aqua: heh. Kazuma, you fool. My stats were obviously maxed from the very beginning! You're mistaken to lump me in together with the ordinary adventurers.

She says. Meanwhile, back at the chess game.

Megumin: if anything is fair game then I will unleash my ultimate attack!

Y/n: really? What would be more powerful than my mighty, Mega Chessatron?

Megumin: it's time, SNOWY! ATTACK!

Y/n: WHAT!?

Suddenly, Snowy comes out behind Megumin as it starts knocking over Y/n's chess pieces before toppling his Mega Chessatron to the ground.

Y/n: No!

Megumin: Yes!

Emerald: now this is just getting ridiculous.

Darkness: agreed.

Now back to the couch. Kazuma stood up from the couch as Aqua looks at him while having a smug expression on her face.

Aqua: oh? What's this? You're being obedient.

Suddenly, Kazuma puts his hand on Aqua's shoulder as he bore a sympathetic expression as he thought to himself.

Kazuma: 'so that explains it. Why her intelligence doesn't improve, no matter how much she levels up.'

Aqua: huh? Wait, why the hell are you crying? Whats with that look in your eyes!? like your staring at something pitiful!?

Kazuma: goodnight.

Is all he said before heading strait to his room

Aqua: hey, Kazuma!

Aqua: sheesh, what's your problem!?


It was the next day as Y/n, Emerald and Kazuma were seen roaming the streets of Axel.

Emerald: so... what are we doing today?

Kazuma: just, chillaxing.

Y/n: yeah, it's been a while since I've got a proper day out with the boys!

He exclaims as he then puts his arms around Emerald and Kazuma's shoulders.

Emerald: I-I see

He says with an embarrassed smile on his face. Y/n then lets them both go before he continues to walk along side them. While they were walking, Kazuma noticed two suspicious looking individuals who are walking back and forth in front of an alleyway.

Kazuma: hey, isn't that Dust and Keith?

He says as he points to the two boys who are now peeking inside the alleyway.

Y/n: oh, yeah you're right. Hey! You two!

Y/n yelled for the two as the Dust and Keith jump in surprise at the sudden call for them. They both turn around to see Y/n waving at them while Kazuma and Emerald followed behind him.

Keith: oh, its just you guys. Don't scare me like that!

Y/n: hey, it's not my fault you two are so jumpy.

The three then engage in conversation while Kazuma and Emerald watch. Emerald then had a question so he asked Kazuma.

Emerald: h-hey Kazuma, who are those two?

Kazuma: oh, those two are Dust and Keith.

He tells him about the two new faces. Dust has blonde hair, and a black mole under his left eye. His outfit consists of a neck choker, a red track jacket with cuffed sleeves, bandaged forearms, brown pants with tucked socks, and black shoes.

Keith on the other hand, has black hair and black eyes. His outfit consists of a long, black coat with white furs.

Kazuma: so, Dust, Keith, what are you two doing in front of this alley way?

Kazuma asked as the two looked at Kazuma and their new member, Emerald.

Dust: ooh~ who is this cute young lady?~

Y/n: stand down, Dust. He's a guy.

Emerald: u-um, hello. I'm Emerald Grustao. Nice to meet you.

Dust then paused as he processed Y/n's words.

Dust: .... d-did I hea-

Kazuma: yes, yes you did.

Keith: pfft!-

Keith then starts laughing as Dust then gain an embarrassed and shocked look on his face as his perception of reality broke like a piece of glass. Y/n then comforts Dust by rubbing his back with his hand while having a sympathetic look on his face.

Y/n: don't worry. You'll learn to ignore that fact.

Kazuma: anyways, what the hell were you guys doing?

Dust and Keith then looks around a bit, before pulling the three into a huddle as they explain what they were doing.

Dust: look, this is a secret only male adventurers need to know.

Kazuma: okay?...

Y/n: c'mon, just tell us already.

Dust: shh!... have you three heard of a shop covertly run by a succubi that let's you have "nice" dreams?

Emerald: s-succubi? Aren't they, like.... dangero-

Y/n then shushed him as he wore a serious expression on his face.

Y/n: shh!

Emerald: bu-

Kazuma: shh!

Emerald: but they're-

Y/n and Kazuma: shh!!!

At that point, emerald just gave up and shut his mouth as he wasn't going to be able to talk them out of this.

Y/n: okay, continue dust. Tell us more about this... succubi shop?


Inside the inconspicuous succubi store, we see the boys inside almost bursting at the seems as they look on at the many succubi women attending to all of their male costumers who wish to have a "good" night's sleep.

Emerald: I-I-I-I don't think we should be doing this...

Y/n: awe, c'mon! Don't be such a stick in the mud! Learn to have fun with the boys!

Emerald: but-

Y/n the shushed him once again as he pressed his index finger to his mouth.

Y/n: shh! No buts! Just, go with the flow!~

And as if on cue, 5 succubus's approached the group as they lead each person to their respective booths. They all then got sat down and told to wait as the succubus's went to get some forms for them to sign. Kazuma had an anxious look on his face as he waits for the succubus to return. Y/n had a calm and collected expression as he was thinking long and hard about what his dream was gonna be while Emerald was a fidgeting mess as he didn't want to be a part of this from the start but was dragged here anyway. While Y/n was deciding, he noticed a person to his right who was oddly familiar to him. He looked over to see that mow hawk guy that hangs around the guild.

Y/n: hey... you're...

The guy finishes signing his questionnaire as he then looks at Y/n with an ominous looking smile as he spoke.

Mohawk guy: heh. Welcome to hells door, kid.

Y/n: i still don't know who you are. Seriously, who the hell are you?

The guy just stands up from his booth and walks away, but not before looking back at Y/n.

Mohawk guy: do your best, daredevil.

He says as he turn back around and heads for the exit.

Y/n: I still don't know who you are!

He slightly raises his voice to reach the man but not enough to convenience the people around him, but sadly, his words fell on deaf ears as the man had exited the building.

Y/n: seriously, who was that guy?

Succubus: here you are sir?

Y/n then notices the succubus that was in front of him, holding a sheet of paper which she then places on the table.

Y/n: o-oh, thanks.

Succubus: no problem. Say, are you new to this establishment?

Y/n: yes, yes I am.

Succubus: I see. Then I shall explain what we do here, to give you an idea of what your getting.

She says as she does subtle poses to accentuate her prominent "features" to the young man in between every sentence she says.

Y/n: I-I see

Succubus: we succubi have established a mutual beneficial relationship with the male adventurers of this city.

Y/n: uh huh.

Succubus: many adventurers live in stables correct?

Y/n: can't say I do but two of my teammates used to live in the stables so I guess its true.

Succubus: It is. So we believe that males get pent-up in various ways, but they are unable to do anything about it since there are other adventurers sleeping all around them.

Y/n: true... it does get hard sometimes... and I mean that in both ways.

Succubus: right? And if you were to make a move on a female adventurer sleeping nearby, the other adventurers would notice instantly and would beat you into submission.

Y/n: *gulp*

Succubus: or it's possibly the person you tried to mess with would cut your little buddy with a hidden dagger.

Y/n: t-that sounds o-oddly specific... h-has that happened before?

Succubus: it's a rare occurrence around these parts but it happens nonetheless.

Y/n: d-duly noted.

Succubus: now. Back to the explanation, we succubi give you male adventurers dreams that would bring you relief. But, we do end up taking a bit of your vitality.

Y/n: vitality?

Succubus: yes, just a bit of it. We do it in moderations as to not endanger your lives

Y/n: huh... 'if I didn't know any better, this is the finest example of ingenuity. Not bad. Not bad at all.'

Succubus: now that your informed in what we do, please fill out this questionnaire for your desired dream.

Y/n: a questionnaire huh? Seems easy enough.

He then filled out the questionnaire before handing it back to the succubus.

Succubus: thank you for your patronage. Oh, I almost forgot. Don't drink too much this evening, okay? If you sleep to soundly, we can't show you any dreams.

Y/n: understood. 'tonight's gonna be good!'


The day had gone by after their business with the succubus shop as the three boys were now back in the mansion. The whole group was now sitting in their dining table as they were presented with a luxurious feast of crabs.

Kazuma: dang, this is some feast.

Aqua: ha ha! Tonight's gonna be good!

Y/n: I'll say. Can't wait to dig in.

He says as he rubs his hands together while a waterfall of drool falls from his mouth from the anticipation of getting to taste their bountiful meal.

Emerald: where did you get all this crab?

Emerald asks.

Darkness: my family sent them to congratulate us on moving in.

Aqua: its super high-grade marbled red crab, and it even came with this amazing, top quality liquor!

Y/n: sounds to me, Darkness's family is loaded. You sure you're not some daughter of a noble or something?

He speculates as he looked at Darkness. Darkness then begins to fidget slightly as she tries to deny Y/n's question.

Darkness: o-of course not! Why would I be a daughter of a noble? Nope, that's completely far fetched and completely untrue.

Y/n: well, I don't really care for specifics. All I care about is to have this marbled crab in my stomach!

Megumin: agreed! Let's dig in!

Everyone: Thanks for the food!

After they say in unison, they delightfully dug in to their meal with blissful expressions on their faces.

Kazuma: my god, this is delicious!

Y/n: you can say that again! *nom*

Aqua: Kazuma! Give me a little fire. I'll teach you a tasty way to drink this

She says as she pulls out the Liquor and a crab shell.

Kazuma: okay. Tinder!

He then summons a flame from his index finger which he then launches it onto a mini grill on the table.

Y/n: so whats this tasty way to drink Liquor?

Y/n asks while stuffing his face with crab meat.

Aqua: you just place the shell filled with crab innards here, and...

She says before going into a humming fit as she placed the crab shell on the mini grill before pouring the liquor into the shell and letting it boil. After a bit she takes the shell and proceeds to drink the liquor inside it before humming in delight.

Everyone except Aqua: *gulp*

Kazuma: I want to try!

Kazuma then tries to grab the Liquor but gets stopped by Y/n who grabbed on to his shoulder, preventing him from getting any closer to the Liquor. Kazuma was about to berate Y/n for stopping him but immediately knew what he was doing as he looked at Y/n who was seemingly blinking in Morse code, "remember what the succubus told us about drinking". while this was happening, Emerald looked on to this scene as he sighed as he knew that he too couldn't indulge himself in the Liquor because of the warning from the succubus, and also him being a non drinker.

Kazuma: on second thought... I-I'll pass.

Darkness: are you not gonna drink, Kazuma? Well if you aren't, then ill go first.

She takes the Liquor and pours it into a crab shell and boils it on the mini grill.

Kazuma: that was a close one. Thanks dude.

Y/n: anything for my bro.

Darkness: Ah!~ I can definitely drink this! It is good!

Y/n and Kazuma: ( ;- . -)

Kazuma and Y/n look at Darkness's blissful expression as they curse the gods for not letting them try the liquor.

Megumin: can I try some? Just for today! It can't hurt to just try, right?

Darkness: no way, I hear that your whole life would go "poof" if you start drinking in childhood.

Y/n: ain't that the truth. Which is why you should always, drink responsibly.

He says as he looks directly at you. Yes, you the reader.

Kazuma: what-

Y/n then plants his hand into Kazuma's face as he pushes him to the side.

Y/n: I said don't question it!

He tells Kazuma before turning back to the table.

Aqua: Hah!~ Everyone Drink up! I'm in a great mood now, so I'll show you the grand unveiling of my new party trick!

Darkness, Megumin and Emerald: ooh!~

Aqua then proceeds to mimic the Destroyer which everyone liked. After a bit, Darkness noticed that the two boys next to her seemed to have stopped eating as they sat there, trying their hardest to not give into their temptations.

Darkness: Kazuma, Y/n. did the food my family sent not suit your tastes?

Y/n: huh? Oh no, I loved the crab. I'm just letting it settle in my stomach since I ate too much of it.

Kazuma: yeah, what he said.

Darkness: well then, why not try the Liquor?

The two looked at each other to think of a way to put down the offer while not being suspicious.

Y/n: you see...

Kazuma: we kinda... uh.. ah! We kinda drank with Dust and Keith earlier so we're kind full on the booze. Right, Y/n?

Y/n: yup! Plus, don't want to get a hangover tomorrow and puke out the delicious crabs I just ate.

Darkness: I see. Well then, please, indulge more on the crabs.

Y/n: well... if you say so.

Y/n said as he grabbed another crab leg to eat but was then bonked on the head by Kazuma, causing him to drop the leg.

Kazuma: stop being such a glutton!

Y/n: but, the crabs! 'they're too irresistible!

While the two were bickering with each other, Darkness watched them with a small thankful smile on her face before going back to her meal and drink. After a bit, the two then suddenly stood up from their seats, causing everyone to look at the both of them.

Kazuma: It's been a blast, and it might be a little early, but I think we'll head to bed.

Y/n: yeah, I'm stuffed from all the crabs I just ate so I'm going to hit the sack.

Kazuma and Y/n: goodnight everyone.

They both says as the girls, and Emerald, watch them leave the table and head to their room. Emerald then sighed as he knew what was going on as he too has a dream to have later.

~~<>~~ ~~<>~~

Me and Kazuma were now in our beds, ready to go to sleep.

Y/n: ... it's time.

Kazuma: it is.

And without anymore dilly dallying, we both lay our heads on our soft pillows as we prepare ourselves for slumber.

Kazuma: whelp, goodnight.

He says as he then turned the lamp off, engulfing the room in darkness. I gave snowy a headpat before it goes into it's jar and dozing off. I then closed my eyes as I await for my dream.

I slowly opened my eyes as I try to see if I had successfully drifted off to sleep. After I had gained vision, I had noticed that I was sitting on some sort of seat while I had cotton candy on my right hand and popcorn on my left as carnival music was playing in the background.

Y/n: what? What is al this?

I set the items down on the seats beside me as I stood up to look at everything.

Y/n: weird, this isn't what I asked for at all. What gives?

I say as I walk over to a window to see that I was in some sort of carnival place. I was inside a Ferris wheel which was tall enough that I could see every attraction from roller coasters to food stalls.

Y/n: a... carnival? What the hell is going on?

A bad feeling struck me as something had definitely gone wrong. Maybe the succubus messed up the dream or something else was at play here. I started to question my situation before barking was heard from behind me. I look behind me too see a cute little puppy.

Y/n: aw!~ what a cute little guy!

The dog barked as I was at awe at the little puppy's cuteness. I tried to pet the little guy but as I was about to touch it, something unexpected happened. The dog suddenly exploded covering the whole place in blood and guts.

Y/n: AAHH!!!

I stumble back onto my butt as I was covered in blood which blinded me. I wiped away the blood from my eyes as I try to regain my vision.

Y/n: ugh! I got some in my mou-

I stop myself as i noticed that everything had turned ominous. The sky was now blood red. The whole carnival had changed into something more sinister as everything turned into a nightmarish version of itself. The carnival music sounded more distorted which added to the overall creepiness of everything.

Y/n: what the fuck!?....

I stood up from the blood and gut covered floor as I look out to see the nightmarish waste land which used to be a carnival. I looked down only to see "Death 13" written on the ground with dog corpses which looked to have been chopped, sliced, and ripped apart by something. I back away from the window with a horrified look on my face as I try to process the situation. Suddenly, a dark feeling found its way behind me as it sent shivers down my spine before hearing something.

??? lali-ho!~...

I instantly turn around to only see nothing but the remains of the puppy that exploded earlier. At this point, I was ready to go and shit myself because of all the gruesome things I've seen. Then, out of nowhere, the floor started to shake before a hole appeared beneath me, causing me to fall but I was able to save my self by supporting myself on the edge of the hole. Though, to my misfortune, the floor was covered in dog blood and because of that I started slipping and before I knew it, I fell. The last thing I saw before landing on the hard ground was a dark entity wearing smiling jester mask, looking at me through the hole I fell from.



~~<<3rd PERSON POV>>~~

Back in the real world, inside Y/n's and Kazuma's shared room. An entity of darkness is seen hovering over Y/n's sleeping figure. Kazuma was nowhere to be seen inside the room. It was only it, and Y/n. a malicious smile crept up onto its ethereal face as it slowly drains Y/n's life while the boy suffers his worst nightmare in the dream world.