I felt someone pushing me out from the bed, "Ouch," I rubbed my back; it kinda hurt a little. The culprit is Lisa Eonnie and her long leg. It was unexpected. Well, now. I get up and get ready for the day.

"Good morning, Jennie eonnie," I said, "Hi, you're early," she said, "Yeah, Lisa Eonnie, kick me off the bed," she chuckles and hugs me, "Wanna go swim?" I decline her offer. I don't have a swimsuit with me. "We can buy it here, don't declining my offer again," said Jennie eonnie.

We got out to the pool area, which is on the highest floor. We chose to go to the indoor pool. "Is here have a warm pool? I'm freezing," asked Jisoo Eonnie. I asked the pool guard, "Yes, we do have a warm pool; here, let me show you," he said. He directs us to a room, and the warm air engulfs my body. He left us, "A private pool?" Lisa eonnie jump and get us wet. "Look at y'all faces!" she laughed, and we all crack up.

"I'm hungry," said Rose eonnie, "Alright, let's go," said Jisoo eonnie. "But, before that, we shall pack out things first," said Jennie eonnie. We check out at noon. Jennie eonnie called the porter (not potter) to help carry our things onto the car.

"Food, here I come~" sing Rose eonnie. I take the last spoonful of my food. It was good.

On the way ride quite fun, the whole mood maker, Lisa, and Jisoo eonnie. They rode me back to the company.

"Thanks for this 2' days 1' night trip, eonnie," I said, "No problem, sweetie," said Jennie eonnie. I pull out my bags from Jennie eonnie trunk. "Bye, see you tonight," they said.


We do our schedules as usual until the time. I pass YG's black paper bags to them. "YG?" said Giselle. I nodded. "Why in sudden you give us Blackpink sunbaenim new merch?" asked Ning-Ning. I pick up an elegant black and pink envelope for them. "Tonight is the show," I exclaim.

We get in on our hotel's room. Our scheduled place is far from our dorm so, Heejin eonnie decide to stay overnight. About the clothes we wore tonight, I already contacted Heejin eonnie last night.

On the way ride, Winter blabbering how much she loved Blackpink. She's a blink. We came out from our van. "Look, it's Aespa!" said one of them. All the cameras--heading toward us. We get transferred into the VIP lounge room.

Not long after our arrival, they came. "Karina," said Jisoo eonnie. I embrace everyone with a hug. "Shall we get inside?" cut Rose eonnie, "Sure," I said. I take a seat between Rose eonnie and Giselle. Overall in the movie, there's a lot of clip about their concert's and tours.

We spent our night in a 5-star restaurant. We get inside the lift, '24' pressed Lisa eonnie. "Good evening, madams'. I'll be your server this night--can I help you with it?" said a butler, "A VIP room for 8," said Rose eonnie. He brought us to a private room, which contains 8'chairs.

Rose eonnie order a bottle of wine for celebrates their movie's premiere. "Who's still underage here?" asked Jisoo eonnie, "Me," squeak Ning-Ning. We get her an orange juice instead of wine. Jennie' eonnie and I lead "For Blackpink," "For Aespa," We have a splendid night together.


(Time skip)

Wild guess, where am I right now?

Kitchen? Nope.

Living room? Nope.

Alright, I'll tell thou. Now, I'm on my bed. I know, it isn't me. I feel my whole body ache, and my belly hurt so bad. I check on my phone calendar. I huffed. Yes, it is.

My period day has come. "On your period too?" asked Giselle, "Yeah, I got it this morning," I said--taking clean clothes to the bathroom.

Today is the day for our flight. We have a video call with my sister, "Are you sure you have it all?" asked Irene eonnie. "Yeah, I'm sure," I confirm her. "Can you take care of yourself? Do you need Rose to accompany you?" asked Irene eonnie. She can't go with us, her group, Red Velvet, has a comeback this month (August).

I saw a glimpse of Rose and Irene eonnie raise their eyebrows; it seems someone plans something. "I have to go, love you, bye," I said--ending the video call. "Are you all ready?" yelled Heejin eonnie from the main door. Security helps us to fit in our suitcases. Croatia, here we come!

We have 50 minutes left before we take off. Heejin eonnie went away to buy some light snacks (eggs, warm choco milk, etc.)

"Let's go," said Giselle. We enter the plane and search for our seats in the first-class area. My seat is near the window and beside Winter. I put my seatbelt on and listen to the information given.

All the sky turn dark-yellowish. It's 6.30 p.m. I chose dish A for my dinner. "Orange juice, water, tea, or wine?" asked the flight attendant, "Water, please. Thank you," I said. I enjoy my dish with a movie, Captain Marvel.


A warm breeze hits my bare face. A piece of welcoming traditional music fills the air. "Excuse me, are you perhaps Karina from Aespa?" a teenage girl asked in English,

"Yes, I am," giving a warm smile to her,

"Karina, why you took so long? our car is here," said Giselle behind me, "G-Giselle?! Woah, so pretty," said the girl,

"Thank you," smile Giselle,

"I'm a fan of your group. Can my brother and I take a picture with both of you?" the girl sheepish smile at me,

"Sure," I said--taking her phone out from her hand.

"Thank you, have a nice day, Karomi and Riri," said the girl. [Karomi and Riri is Karina and Giselle nickname given by their fans, MY]

Giselle and I walk in a hurry to our car to prevent the crowding fans. Our company rent a villa for us that located near the sea. It took 1-2.5 hours due to the traffic from the airport.

Our villa was humongous; there are 8' rooms, living rooms, an outdoor pool, a balcony, bathrooms, etc. "Let's play rock, paper, scissor--whoever wins first can choose a room and hid on it until your roommate comes," said Giselle, "What if someone did not come into that room?" asked Ning-Ning, "They got the room for herself," I said, "Great idea," said Heejin eonnie.

It turns out:

Karina - Giselle

Ning-Ning - Winter

We decide to take a rest today, before tomorrow we start filming our first episode. We are currently at the beach to shoot our show teaser. "Ready? Action!" says the cameramen.

"Be My ae. Hello, we're aespa!"

K: So, on this bright day, we'll have some exciting news to tell you.

G: We'll go on a trip, everyone! Woohoo!

K: Right, we're going to have a reality show trip to Croatia for over 2' weeks

W: For anyone that guesses right in the competition will personally get the prize that we choose.

N: This show will be air on Monday, 23rd of August 2021. 7 p.m (KST). See you there~


What a hot day! I'm going to chill myself in my room, "I'm going back to the room," I announce to them. My room-wait, Giselle, and I room are on the front side of the house. We have a private view of the sea. Isn't that great? I opened my laptop, writing my diary.

21/08/2021. Today, my teammate and I left on a trip to Croatia for over 2' weeks. This trip was the best second gift of this whole year. The first gift is my birthday, remember? Tomorrow is our first episode making. I wish nothing worst happen on the way, and we all can enjoy it. That's all for today, see you tomorrow. Love, K.

"What you do?" asked Giselle, "Not much, write my diary," I replied. In each room, we have a double bed and a bathroom. I picked my bed on the left, near the window considering Giselle more prefers on the right side.


We are on our way to find a place for dinner. "Why don't we go to the mall?" suggest Ning-Ning, "Sure, can you search the nearest one?" asked Heejin eonnie. We go to the nearest mall to our villa, 'City Center one Split'

"Wow, this mall was huge," said Winter, "Yeah," I replied. We wait at the front gate for someone, "Who are we waiting again?" asked Ning-Ning, "Our translator," replied Heejin eonnie--who keeps an eye on her phone every 1 minute.

I presume she's our translator. "Zdravo, jaz sem Karina," I said. Her eyes turn wide, "Zdravo draga," she replied, "What are you talking about?" asked Giselle. "Wow, Karina, it was amazing!" exclaims our translator, "Thank you," I shyly smiled at her, "Sorry, I forgot to mention my name. I'm Mia," she said.

I learn the Croatian language back when we were on the plane. We get inside explore half of the mall. We also eat dinner at Croatia's traditional food restaurant. It was good.

"Karina, how can you fluently said that?" asked Mia, "I learn it on the plane," I blabber, "Excellent, I expect you can learn more if that does not bother you," she said, "No worry, I'll spend some time to learn it," I smiled her. "Thank you for today, Mia," we said, "No problem, girls, see you tomorrow?" she said, "Sure," we replied. We get back to our villa, all went inside their room to take a rest, and that's how our first night end in Croatia.