Hallucination Quest | Prolog

() is the editor

(The sun is rising in Croatia. The sound of the sea breezes fills inside the Villa. Today was aespa first day filming their show. Prolog, Aespa Trip: Croatia, will be starting soon.)

A soft alarm voice comes out from Giselle's phone. "Giselle, can you turn off--your alarm?" I said, "Giselle?" I call her again. I put aside my blanket and put my slipper on. I walk to Giselle's phone to turn it off.

What time is it now? I slowly open the curtain, a bright light come into my sight, my eyes squirm to adapt to the light. The view here in the morning was gorgeous! I open our balcony door. The cold sea breezes and view was completing my morning; in our dorm, all I see in the morning were buildings. Some day, I'll buy a house far away from the city, and I'll live happily with my own family.

My body was freezing. It was a bad idea to walk out to the balcony in the morning without any warm clothes. I walk inside the room. I take my clothing and go to the bathroom. Our bathroom is quite simple yet, still looks elegant.

I walk out of the toilet. I see Giselle still in her dreamland. She must be tired. But, it's already 08.30 a.m. I soft called out her name, "Giselle, come on, wake up. We have a schedule to do," I said, "10 more minutes?" she said with her eyes close, "No, let's go," I said. I whisper her something, "Do you want MY to see your sleepy state? The camera is on now," I said. She jolts up from her bed. "I'm going down preparing breakfast," I said. (I wonder, what are they talking about? it still a mystery till now)

I walked down happily to the kitchen. The fridge is--empty. Heejin eoonie and the staff must forget to buy the food necessity. I found a letter and a couple of bread near the refrigerator.

"Dobro jutro, aespa! Congratulation! It's your first mission on your show. You'll be pair on a group based on your roommates. We will give an hour time to find an alphabet letter from the supermarket. The first group who could find the answer will get breakfast first. Clue: The oldest restaurant in Croatia,"

(Could aespa find the letter? Which group will win first? I bet on Karina and Giselle. If I lose the bet. I'll give aespa a treat)

"Good morning, eonnie," said Ning-Ning, "Morning," I said, "What's our breakfast?" asked Ning-Ning. Ning-Ning and I eat our chocolate bread quietly. Giselle and Winter come not long after we ate our mini breakfast. "Is this our breakfast?" asked Winter. I nodded. "Here," I give them the mission letter. "A mission? Okay, I accept this," said Ning-Ning. (Team Eonnie line x Team Maknae, vote your team)

We arrive at 'Tommy Supermarket T-153' "Okay, please keep attached on your team and don't let other team stole your letter," lead Heejin eonnie, "We're not a team. This is a competition," said Giselle to the maknae team, "Yeah," I defend Giselle,

"Ready? Set! Go!"

Each team has cameramen that follow us and a walkie-talkie. "The oldest restaurant in Croatia is Dubravka Restaurant & Café," I exclaim. So far, we have found 4' letters Dub; Res; fé; ant. We need 5' more.

"Team Eonnie line, how many left?" asked Heejin eonnie on a walkie-talkie, "5' more to go," answer Giselle, "Good luck girl's," said Heejin eonnie. We found 2' letters on the Food corner, rav; ka. 3' more letter on the clothing corner, Ca; tau; &.

We put the alphabet letter inside the cap we both used. Don't worry--we have washed our hair. We run fastly to the main door. We have 15 more minutes. "Team Eonnie line, done!" we exclaim and have been followed by Team Maknae line. "We won," said Giselle with a winning grin.

We won the first mission! It's our honor to receive the prize. Dubravka Restaurant & Café here we come. 1.5 hours long journey from the supermarket till here. (On the way ride, Karina and Giselle both sleep until they arrive at the restaurant)


A waiter brought us to the indoor table. We order breakfast bokar and infuse lemon water. "Enjoy your breakfast," said the waiter. I acknowledge that his name was Adam. How did I know him? It's Mia eonnie--big brother, he told me earlier. "Thank you," said Giselle. We do enjoy our quiet breakfast--while listening to the sea breezes and enjoy the warmth of the sun. "I'm stuffed. I try to look around," I said, "Okay," replied Giselle.

I walked around and spotted a mini garden with beautiful and colorful flowers. I needed to take a selfie but, no one was nearby. I found a waitress there, "Excuse me, can you take a picture of me?" I said with Croatia's broken language, "Seveda," she said. "1, 2, 3," she signs me. "Lepa," she said. "Thank you," I said. I walked back to our table.

A woman in their mid 40's seat beside our table approaches us--asking about our parents. "We're 20's," I said, "Really? You both look very young and beautiful!" exclaimed the elder, "Thank you, you look prettier," said Giselle, "Both of you will be a perfect couple with my sons," the elder said. She spots her sons beside her. "Mom! You're embarrassing me!" he said--the younger one.

We laugh stiffly. I poke Giselle's arm. "I think it's time for us to leave," I said--grabbing my bag and Giselle's arm. "Why so hurry? We can have tea time together," said the elder, "Our group mates are waiting," said Giselle politely. I give the crew a warning to cut the video. They didn't notice me.

She asked me again harshly. Our bodyguard notifies our dilemma. They circle our table, "Sorry ma'am, you can't touch them, please walk away," said our bodyguards.

"This way, ms," our guard show us the way out.

"You good?" asked Giselle, "Yeah, my wrist a bit red," I said. A guy patted my shoulder, "Yes?" I said, "Sorry about my mom back there; she's having a rough day," he said. "It's okay," I said, "I'm Matthew," he said, "Karina," I responded. I step out toward the exit door, "Karina, can I know your phone number?" he asked, "Sorry, she can't--our company rules," said Giselle.

Heejin eonnie called me as soon she discovered my news, "Are you okay?" she asked, "I'm okay, eonnie! 100% fine," I said, "Are you sure?" she asked, "Yep," I said. We go to a market near our restaurant before.

I hold the camera with Giselle beside me--wander around the market near the beach. Our mission is to acquire any seafood animals. We buy fresh crabs, oysters, and shrimp. "I think is enough," I said. (What will they do with that groceries?) We spend our time to the beach--savor the sunset view.

"Let's play Truth or Dare," exclaim Giselle,

"Dare," I choose,

"Dance 2' songs from your eonnie newest comeback," challenge Giselle. I choose 'Queendom' & 'Pose' "I'm ready," I state the crew. By the way, it's my favorite song from Irene eonnie group comeback. (What's your song preferred Red Velvet 'Queendom' Album?)

(Peoples begin to develop around them--loud applause from the public after Karina completes her dance. Our leader is the best! Giselle and Karina spend their time on the beach--watch the sunset. A beautiful scene of sunset looks by gorgeous girls.)

It's 6.30 p.m. We are back home with our exhausted bodies. We met Winter and Ning-Ning in the living room--look fresh and calm. "I'm tired!" I mumble. For 20' minutes, I burry myself to my bed. "Eww, go take a bath," exclaim Giselle. I drag myself inside the bathroom and back using a hoodie.

We all gather in the backyard. "It's time for BBQ!" exclaim Ning-Ning. I cooked the food. Giselle and Winter, preparing the drinks. Ning-Ning arranges the table. We eat our dinner from our hard effort today happily and savor the night inside our bedrooms.

* Dubro jutro: Good morning

* Seveda: Of course

* Lepa: Beautiful