I want you.. but I can't go on...

The next morning... Aayla went to work as usual. Before that, she kept reminding herself to work like usual and must control her feeling to be calm when seeing Mr. Aaiden.

"Good morning Lea! Have you had breakfast? " Aayla asked Lea.

"Good morning too Aayla! Yup! I already had breakfast with my boyfriend to the cafe just now. I thought you coming late to the office. "

"Oh.. yeah.. sorry, actually I don't feel really well today. "

" Are you okay Aayla? Did something happen that I don't know?" Lea asks with curiosity.

"Hmm... I'm okay friend.. just... " Aayla look pale and cough a little bit.

" Are you sure Aayla?? I don't think so you okay. You seem like you hiding something from me. Is that something happen between you and Aaiden? " Lea asked Aayla while frowning.

"I'm just okay Lea. Thank you for your concern. " Aayla try not to make her friend worry.

" You think I didn't know you? I knew something happened right and this also must have something to do about Maria right? " Lea asked Aayla.

" I don't know Lea... I don't know what I must do... I feel like I missing someone that yet to be mine. I just feel like I am someone replacement. " Aayla say to Lea with teary eyes.

Then Lea hugged her friend and try to comfort her.

"Tonight let's go drinking! " Lea says to Aayla and both of them laughed.

When Aayla and Lea chatting with each other, suddenly Mr. Aaiden appeared and he says something to Lea.

"Lea, can you help me to review our marketing report last month because I think there is some missing and still needed an adjustment. "

"Err.. okay sir., I check it now. " Lea walk quickly and left them both there.

''Hi! Mr.Aaiden... I have some documents for you to sign.'' Aayla talked to Aaiden.

''Just put it on my table. I need to going out now.'' Aaiden answered her casually and just went on.

Aayla feel gasped by looking at Aaiden behavior like that to her. She knows that Aaiden must feel angry with her about yesterday. She really feels wrong about that and she hopes that Aaiden will know what his heart really wants.

After two weeks, Aayla's life just going on. She and Aaiden still meeting like a worker and only talk about work only.

Even though they can be a professional in their work but their heart still missing each other and only they know how their heart feels inside.

One day, Maria come to the True Soul Company office. She wants to see Aayla. Aayla shocked to see Maria coming there and she knows that Maria must want to see Aaiden.

"Hi... Ms. Maria? Did you come to see Mr. Aaiden?" Aayla asked her.

"Hi, Aayla! Actually yes.. but before that, can I have a little talk with you?"

" With me? Anything I can help you?" Aayla asked Maria with her curiosity.

"Yeah.. just a little help okay? Let's talk outside there. " Maria brought Aayla near garden park behind their office.

Aayla just followed her. Besides that, Lea had a look that Aayla was going talk to Maria.

Lea thought to herself what's gonna happen and why did Aayla talked with Maria alone?

Aayla and Maria already in the garden park. Then Aayla asked her...

"What you want me to help you, Ms. Maria?"

"Just call me Maria only okay? " Maria said to her.

"Oh.. emm.. okay. " Aayla answer her back.

"Actually... I want to tell you that I still love Aaiden... "Maria said to Aayla.

Then, Aayla gets a little shocked by her confession. But Aayla still looks calm and listen to what Maria gonna telling her.

"Aayla... I need you to forget about Aaiden. I really.. really need your help to just let go of Aaiden please..'' Maria suddenly begging to Aayla about Aaiden.

''Maria...what this all means? I never had any relationship with Aaiden. We only workers and as you know he was my boss. '' Aayla try to explain to Maria.

''I don't think so Aayla...I know you like him right?'' Maria bluntly ask Aayla

''I think it's not your business to know I like him or not.''

'' I know it Aayla because Aaiden telling me when we first meet on that day I returned. We talked about so much but I can saw him completely changed. He, not the person that loves me so much back then.

Aayla just sat there listening to the words from Maria. She completely feels blank and didn't know what to do. Maria keep talking to her Aayla...

''You still remember the first time we meet, I saw that you shocked to see me, and the way you talked to Aaiden it is so different. Just for your information, I have known Aaiden for a long time. We know from childhood and supposedly we getting married.'' Maria makes a happy face and at the same time to makes Aayla feel lost to her.

''What?? Then, why you left him at first? And why didn't you married him .'' Aayla feels shocked and at the same time, she so heartbroken to hear that from Maria.

When Maria wants to continue her words, she had seen Aaiden coming there behind Aayla and she suddenly changes to a sad face. Maria actually has something that she wants.

''Aayla...before that, can you keep a secret for me?''

''What secret?'' Aayla asked her.

''If you want to know why I left Aaiden, because...actually I have a disease that I can't explain to you or Aaiden or everyone that I love...I must let him go so that he can find anyone. I don't want to see him feel miserable when with me.'' Maria begins crying after telling to Aayla.

Aayla speechless after hearing Maria said about that. At the same time, she feels sad for her but she angry also because Maria didn't tell the truth to Aaiden.

''Why didn't you just tell Aaiden about your disease? Even though you feel like that, in the first place you must tell him! Didn't you love him?'' Aayla said all her want to say. She really feels heartbroken at that time but she tries to calm down.

Suddenly, Aaiden coming closer to them. And he said...

''Maria... Did all you saying just now was the truth?'' Aaiden asked Maria with closer.

Aayla was surprised to see Aaiden was there too. She feels taken back and wants to give some space to them. At that time, she really feels that she will lose Aaiden forever.

When she wants to left, their eyes met for a second. That time, Aaiden wants to hold Aayla's hand but he knows that's will be made Aayla's heart to be more hurt. He only saw Aayla pass him by. He needs to settle all this problem before going to Aayla. He wants to make a promise to Aayla but... it's only on his mind only.

Aayla just left and let them there. Inside Aayla's heart...she doesn't want to let go of Aaiden because she really loves Aaiden and she wants to be with Aaiden..but she knows the truth that only Maria for Aaiden.

That night, Aayla be pensive alone at her home. She tries to forget all about what happened to her today. She taught herself that she gonna be okay after this. She must wake up from this situation and let the guy name Aaiden Mark left in her life. She believes that she will forget about Aaiden when the time comes.

Suddenly, her phone ring. She got called from Aaiden.

Aaiden call me?? What he wants?. Aayla surprised to get that call but she takes it though.

''Hello? Aayla...its me...can we talk?'' Aaiden talked to her

''Hello...err...sir...Aaiden..why you call me? It's already late.'' Aayla said to her.

'' Aayla..I know you don't want to talk to me it's okay, but now...I hope you can listen to me only.. just listen okay..''

Aayla only silence listening to Aaiden.

''Aayla....I know you must feel heartbroken today, but I call you right now... I want you to know that... I will still love you... I know that you still didn't believe me, but you must know that I truly love you as you are. The first time we met, I know that you the one for me and the only one I waiting for the rest of my life.'' he takes his breath then continues talked...

''About what happened to me and Maria, I will handle it on my own. I just hope you will be waiting for me.. and I also hope one day... you will come to me and make a confession too to me. I want to hear it from yourself. Bye.. take care of yourself...

Aaiden finally telling all that he want to Aayla.

Aayla tries to hold herself from crying but she can't. She crying out of all from her heart. Their conversation just ended like that. Aayla's crying in her bed until she fell asleep that night.