Missing you..

After five years later...

Now, after five years, Aayla has resigned from working at True Soul Company. She now in her hometown and lives there with her grandparents. She uses her saving money to open a cafe in her hometown there.

After what happened a time ago, Aayla resigned because she did not want to continue to remember about Aaiden. She had to forget Aaiden for Maria's sake. She knew it would be difficult to do all that if she was still facing or working with Aaiden. Thus she chose the path to get out of their place.

Even after two years... Aayla still missing Aaiden. She really misses him so much. Actually, she feels regret to not hold to Aaiden and try to accept Aaiden in the first place but, she can't be selfish and she feels sympathy for Maria.

Sometimes.. when she missing Aaiden, she will write something like a letter then she folds it into a star and puts in some jars. She knows that only like that she can move on and fighting over herself not to missing him too much.

Aayla thoughtful herself in her room, then suddenly her grandmother coming and startled her from her daydream.

" Aayla... what are you doing here? Don't you get ready to start open your cafe? Grandma wants to go garden after this with your grandpa. " her grandma said to her

" Oopss.. okay grandma.. I ready right now. "

Her grandma just shook her head to see Aayla like that.

After 15 minutes, Aayla was ready. Before she going to her cafe, she had talked to her grandparents...

"Grandma.. grandpa.. I going out now. You too must careful when going to the garden okay? And also don't forget to eat and.. your medicines okay? " Aayla still worried about her grandparents healthy.

" Okay, my dear we know... you just go ahead and be careful also okay. " her grandma answered.

" Yeah.. yeah... I know.. ok bye.. "

Aayla just leaves in her car. Her cafe is near there down hometown for around twenty minutes to go there.

Aayla's cafe name was Smiley Cafe's. She always dreams of has her own cafe when she young. She works hard to achieve her own dreams. So now, she finally can make her dream come true.

Aayla has two assistants in the cafe. Her shop response also sometimes good and sometimes less because she knows also because people in her hometown are less interested in drinking coffee. But, if there is a holiday season in her hometown especially young people, will visit her shop.

One day, she got a call from her friend Lea. She wants to visit Aayla's and want to see her friend cafe's business.

"Hi, Aayla! This weekend our colleagues plan to visit you and also want to try your coffees there's." Lea said to her

" Hi, Lea! Oh sure, just coming! I welcome you all! " Aayla answered with happier.

" Okay.. see you this weekend dear! Bye! "

"Bye, Lea! "

Aayla was happy to hear her ex-colleagues to come to visit her. So, her sales this weekend must be high! Aayla jump for joy!

That night, she sat by the window of his room while listening to a song and looking at the stars in the sky. She suddenly smiling herself when she remembered the first time she met Aaiden.

'Oh no! why I remember him' Hmm.. I wonder what he doing now and where is he now? ' Aayla was missing Aaiden.

'Aayla!! You must wake up! He must already be married to Maria and they're happy with each other.! She tries to convince herself not to keep thinking about Aaiden.

Then.. weekend is coming...

That morning, Aayla wake up early. She went to organize her cafe and welcoming their colleagues to her cafe.

As noon approached, Aayla colleagues arrived with three cars. They hugged each other and were happy to meet each other again. They met each other five years ago. They really miss Aayla. Then, as usual, Lea and Aayla missing each other, even though they not always see each other, but they still connecting thru the phone.

"Hi, my dear friend! How are you? I really miss you. " Lea said to Aayla.

" Hi, too Lea! I'm good like always.. and I miss you too friend! Eh,..your husband didn't come with you? " Aayla said to Lea.

Lea already married to her long-time boyfriend.

" Nope! I don't want to bring him! I want freedom! " Lea laugh when telling Aayla.

" What?? "

" Hahaha.. no Aayla, he busy so he just allows me going here with our colleagues."

"Oh... I see... " Aayla smiled hearing that answer from Lea.

While they all chatting with each other at Aayla's cafe... there someone who just arrived and park in front of that cafe. Aayla comes in front and wants to see who is that. Lea and the other make a nervous face because they actually brought their boss, Mr. Aaiden.

This time visit actually Lea and Mr. Aaiden planned. Lea wants to help Aaiden and Aayla to together again. She knows they still like each other and there is something that they must settle.

When Aayla opens the door, she was surprised to see Aaiden in front of her. Both of them looked at each other for a moment. Aayla didn't know what to say and Lea comes to save them from awkward moments.

" Hi, boss! You already arrived. Come in join us there. " Lea invited her boss.

"Oh ya.. sure... I'm coming!" Aaiden answers her back.

Before Aaiden enters, she stopped in front of Aayla's and greet her.

"Hi... Aayla! Aaiden said to her.

"Hi...sir... Aaiden... Mr. Aaiden.. !" Aayla' answered him back with a trembling voice.

Aaiden smiled seeing Aayla speak like that. He remembers that Aayla always speaks like that when she startled or shocked.

'' Lea..! Why didn't you tell me that Aaiden also coming here?'' Aayla was angry at her friend.

''Aayla, cool down. .dodon't you know he your ex-boss also and as you know.. this time holiday, he sponsors us! Hahaha..'' Lea laughed when say that to Aayla.

''Lea! you!''

'' Aayla, until when you want to keep yourself like this? I know you also feel tormented before this. I think this time..just let be all finished. I hope you can talk with Aaiden. I think you should let him see and talked to you.''

Aayla just silences listen to Lea. She didn't want to make things become worst like the past. She knows that her feeling still there if she sees Aaiden but she still not confident to face this all again with Aaiden.

After they all loiter together at Aayla's cafe, they plan to go to their homestay near Aayla's house. Aayla helps them going to their homestay and let them rest. They will continue their activities by walking into Aayla hometown there. Tomorrow they planned to see the waterfall and want to go up the mountains there.

When Aayla finished to settled all her friends to get each room, she going back to her house. Then, suddenly she saw Aaiden still standing in front of his room corridor. She tries to talk to Aaiden.

''Mr. Aaiden, are your room okay? Is there anything you need?'' Aayla ask him

''Emm...everything okay. Thanks, Aayla.'' Aaiden answered him back. But..he still wants to talk to Aayla.

''Okay... it's good. Welcome... so...i going home first..'' Aayla tries not to stay there too long.

''Aayla....wait...! I...I need to talk with you something...'' Aaiden tries to make Aayla stay there with him for just a minute.

''Emm....what is that?'' Aayla ask him.

''How have you been at this time? Did you....still...'' Aaiden wants to continue his words but Aayla cuts it.

''I'm just fine Mr.Aaiden! I just fine...well as you see..I managed to open my own cafe's and its great living here with my grandparents.'' Aayla answered him.

''Oh..yeah! I can see that. But actually not that one I want to know...I want to know if you miss....''

''Mr.Aaiden...I think...I should go now...I don't want my grandparents to wait too long for me at home. We can talk later tomorrow okay''

''Okay, sure! But Aayla! One more thing...can you just called me Aaiden...? I'm no longer your boss right?'' Aaiden said that and make a wink at her.

''Err....okay...see you tomorrow...Aaiden! Bye!' Aayla feels embarrassed and runs faster as she can.

Aaiden just laughed after teased Aayla. Then inside Aaiden heart...he wants to tell Aayla...that he missing her so much...