Staying in a single room

Prince Zosar cleared his throat, coughing lightly, and said, "your princess will stay in her room and prepare a guest room for me."

The maids were terrified, listening to his words. They kneeled to him and pleaded, "we are sorry, prince Zosar. You can only stay in the guest room if the princess is not present. We are strictly warned by her not to allow you to stay in the guest room and to treat you equally to her."

'I was so bold in my past, not bad. Even though I don't remember how we met, but it seems I was so fond of this shy prince,' Parhthena thought to herself.

"Okay, okay. Prince Zosar will stay with me in my room, you people go. Once the chefs prepare dinner, call us," saying Parthena dismissed them.

"Yes, princess! We have already prepared your clothes," said maid Panya and they respectfully retreated from there.

Even though Zosar knew she was always like this, he felt happy and content looking at the same behavior of hers.

When they reached, Parthena opened her mouth in 'o' shape, looking at her room. Unlike the princess rooms in movies, the room is plain white, and there were Lillies of all colors placed on the bedside table.

The cot is made of bronze and a soft mattress on top of it. The side walls are decorated with ancient Egyptian language, whereas the roof is covered with a half-moon.

The front and back walls had paintings of the ancestral figures of the Nabil family. Parthena's father is so proud of his ancestors and always wanted to make sure that everyone in his clan would be familiar with their ancestors.

The wardrobes are similar to nowadays but made with heavy metals. Unlike present-day mirrors, their mirrors are not exact but a bit clumsy.

Parthena's personal maid prepared a beautiful dress and placed it on the neatly tugged bed.

Looking at the clothes placed on the bed, Zosar felt shy even though he lived with her in the same room. He still remembers how her dressing would be.

"I will go and take a bath, okay..?" saying Parthena went into the bathroom.

Zosar went towards the large open window at the bedside and stood there, feeling the low wind blowing on his face. His green eyes scrutinized the area outside the window as longs as they can while his blank mind wandered on its thoughts.

Seth went to his room and popped on the bed. He just looked at him from top to bottom and thought to himself.

'Hmm, I have never thought that I will come back to my previous life in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with Adidas shoes. If someone says to this me, I could have laughed out until my stomach hurts, but now I believe. I hope Diana also believes and fulfills her responsibilities.'

When he turned to his left, Seth noticed his bedroom is filled with paintings of his ancestral. Sighing to himself, he looked up and saw his eyes were pitch black.

On the other side of the Nile river, the golden palace looked more lively, and the servants were standing at the entrance to welcome someone prominent.

Even the Pharaoh Shepseskaf is also present along with his two wives. The first wife, Bahiti, had two sons named Kafit and Nenkhsekhmet.

The second wife, Fukayna, is a commoner. While his visit to the town, Pharaoh Shepseskaf noticed this woman and made her one of his concubines. She has two daughters named Berenike and Chione.

The third wife is somewhat mysterious and never came into public. As her name says, Dalilah is a delicate yet intelligent woman. Pharaoh Shepseskaf was not so fond of her after spending several days with her.

Dalilah has only one son, prince Zosar Rameses, named after Rameses, the son of God. The high priests in the palace believed he was born on the same day with the same zodiac sign sharing with the son God.

Compared with all his children, Zosar is more intellectual and strategist and the son of Pharaoh's least favored wife, Dalilah. This made all of his other children jealous of Zosar, and they bullied him ever since he was a child.

Today they were all gathered to welcome the wife of the first prince Kafit, Aneksunamun.

When Zosar was waiting in Parthena's room, an eagle landed at the open window with a piece of linen cloth attached to it secretly.

The cloth had information about Aneksunamun and how prince Khafit won the war against their neighbor town.

Looking at the picture drawn by his trusted spy, Zosar remembered how that woman framed him of something he never would do.

'This is the time I entered into the palace and, like a silly child, trusted my brothers and sisters,' Zosar shook his head, thinking to himself.

While he lost in his thoughts, Parthena shouted from the bathroom, "hey prince, give me the dress that is placed on the bed."

With a smile, he took the dress into his hands and moved to the bathroom. He knocked on the door slightly and said, "here is the dress" he hesitated a bit but continued, "do you remember how to dress in these clothes..?"

"Of course I remember to dress, give it to me. Don't tell me you are planning to enter," Parthena mischievously said while opening the door.

"No, no. why would I..?" He hurriedly replied and gave the dress to her.

She laughed and took the dress. Looking at the dress, she felt, 'aah! Why is it covered with so many layers? Forget it. I am in my past life now.'

Her feathery tail and bunny ears were disappeared, and she looked like a human now.

At the same time, Seth finished bathing and was struggling to wear his clothes for a long time.

At last, he wore the dress and looked at himself in the golden mirror. 'I thought it would be embarrassing like hell to wear ancient clothes, but it seems not that bad. Hmm, I quite like it,' he spoke loudly to himself.

Her maid knocked at the door and said, "Prince Zosar, the dinner is ready. Will you come to the dining hall..?"

"Athena, dinner is ready. Will you come out..?" He politely asked Parthena.

"This dress I so frustratingly long. I am done and coming," saying Parthena came out of the room.

Looking at her, Zosar didn't know what to say. Even though Zosar knew the woman in front of him came from the future, she looked so pretty and evil at the same time in their clothes.

Her blue eyes were hiding mischief while her smirk depicted ignorance.

Zosar hugged her, saying, "my precious Athena, I never longed for anything apart from you," and tightened his hands around her waist.

She hugged him back, saying, "I am here in front of you. What's there to worry about? By the way, is Athena my other name..?"