Staying in a single room(II)

"No, it's not your other name. It's that, I, I am used to calling you with that name," prince Zosar replied, blushing lightly.

"Aww! Does it mean this is the name you like to call me?" Parthena asked Zosar pinching both his cheeks.

Zosar looked at her shyly and nodded his head as yes. He always liked the way she treated him. In his deserted life, she is like a rain that can soothe all his worries and makes him feel happy and content.

"Hmm, I like this name, prince," Parthena smiled at him. Hand in hand, they walked towards the dining hall.

Prince Zosar looked at their hands and looked at her face. 'Advantage of coming from future, I guess,' he thought to himself and intertwined his fingers with her's carefully.

As soon as they entered the dining hall, Seth whistled at them, "what took you so long to come for dinner..?, Don't tell me you were trying something new," and glanced at her with mischief dazzling in his eyes.

"It's just this stupid dress which made me took so long while wearing. Don't make your mind run wild, okay!" Parthena answered calmly while smoothing the dress, whereas Zosar coughed lightly, making his presence known to them.

"Then how would you explain you both holding your hands as if you were an old couple in love for more than a decade," Seth pointed out at their intertwined fingers with his eyes completely ignoring Zosar, while Zosar looked a bit flustered.

Thinking she might feel uncomfortable, Zosar slowly moved his fingers, intending to take his hand back when Parthena's voice resounded in the dining hall, "don't tell me you are jealous that I have a boyfriend," with a naughty smile plastered on her face.

Seth shook his head, complaining to himself about their public display of affection, whereas Zosar and Parthena took their respective chairs.

Servants brought different kinds of food and served it to their queen along with her loved ones. They have completed the dinner in peace.

Before the high priest informs her about other activities, she stopped him and said, "let us rest for the day, give some time to my mind so that it can process all this okay..?" to which he nodded reluctantly.

Others as well took their leaves from their queen and went to rest for the day. Unlike the high priest, most of them were happy and satisfied that their queen was alive and returned.

When Seth also stood up to take his leave, Parthena said, "I want to take a stroll in the mansion, come and join me."

"Why should I come with you when you have your prince..?" Seth countered back grumpily but still followed her lead. Parthena looked at him but didn't answer, and she looked back at Zosar silently, asking if he would join them, to which he nodded.

"Parthena, you believe everything that happened to us, right..?" I think we have been sent to our past lives to avenge all the wrongdoings that were happened to us and also save these people, Don't you?" Seth asked her absentmindedly.

Even though Seth is quite excited about this new life, he can still bring himself to believe in reincarnation. Moreover, they witnessed gods. It's still quite undigestable for him.

"It seems we have a great purpose for being reincarnated to our previous lives along with the future knowledge. Let's see what will unfold from now on," Parthena answered while moving closer to Zosar unknowingly.

From the moment she came into this ancient world, Parthena noticed she hated to be apart from Zosar. She needed to be close to him like he is the only one who can bring peace and comfort to her.

They went inside the nearby garden and sat on the rocks that were as benches. Seth looked around him and said, "Parthena, since we can hear our inner thoughts does it mean we are like twins."

This time, Prince Zosar answered, "you both are not like twins. It's just that you are the direct descendant of the god of death, Anubis. It was you who found me when I was almost drowned in one of the sand holes and bought me to this royal castle."

"So I am the one who created a chance for you both to meet. I don't dislike you, prince Zosar. It's just that I don't want my little cousin to have the same fate as before," Seth poured his thoughts.

"Hey, I am not the little cousin. In this life, you are several years younger than me, remember," Parthena pointed out.

"Alright, Alright, my queen! Please take off this little cousin from your maternal family okay," Seth lifted his both hands and bowed to her dramatically.

"Parthena patted his back and said, "we can discuss things later. It's getting late, and we should get some rest.

Seth and Zosar and went to their respective rooms. While going to Parthena's room, Zosar hesitatingly said, "if you are not comfortable with me being around you, I will stay in the guest room. Even though you are the same Parthena, there is still a trance of future is there in you."

As soon as Seth reached his room, he fell asleep because of the tiredness and nostalgia he felt all day.

Parthena gave him a serious look which made Zosar shut his mouth. When they came inside the room, Parthena gestured him to sit on the bed, and she closed the door with a hand gesture.

"My dear prince, I remember everything, so you don't need to be so concerned about me. Moreover, I was the one who approached you first back then, if you remember. I can sense your hesitation and discomfort. This time I will be with you no matter what, I promise," Parthena looked at him with pure adoration and love.

"I am just afraid that this is just a dream and I will be alone in this world like before. Yes, it was you who approached me first, but you are the only one who made me fell in love," Zosar voiced out some of his inner thoughts.

"Don't worry. From now on, I will always be with you," Parthena answered and signaled him to lie down now. Zosar felt relaxed and followed her instruction and patted on his shoulder.

Parthena smiled and lay down beside him placing her head on his shoulder and let him play with her hair.

'It seems I really like this prince a lot, which is why my mind is in peace. Since I came from the future and didn't have any boyfriend there, I might go ahead with the relationship. Moreover, he is too shy, which will be more fun to tease him,' thinking Parthena smirked at herself, and without giving any notice, she leaned in and kissed his lips lightly.