Training And Finding A New Friend (OC Bio)

(OC Bio)

Name: Kanji Fuyō

Age: 16

Hair Colour: Auburn

Eye Colour: Yellow

Height: 5,2

Birthday: January 25th

Sign: Aquarius

Quirk Type Mutant : Neko, gives him cat ears and a tail along with the abilities and advantages of a regular cat including enhanced speed, endurance, sharp claws on his hands and feet, stamina, enhanced senses and smell, superb climbing abilities and the ability to survive falls normal people would be badly hurt from without a scratch thanks to his more flexible bone structure. The disadvantage is that he also suffers the weaknesses of being a cat including a fear of loud noises , his tail, hands and feet are sensitive to touch and could be used to distract him and a heavy weakness to red dots however luckily he doesn't suffer the eyesight weakness that actual cats do.

Appearance: (Casual) Kanji wears a brown shirt with an orange jacket with a hood that is almost always up to hide his ears along with fingerless black gloves, he also wears black shoes.

(Hero) Kanji wears a black bodysuit with armour over it that resembles a cat including retractable claws on his hands and feet, a metal tailpiece, and a cat shaped metal helmet with a black visor, the armour is also almost completely made out of metal segments to allow for greater manoeuvrability though it could prove to be a hindrance if the segments are sufficiently damaged.

(Flashback, Six Years Ago, Hosu City, Kanji's Home)

Kanji gets up slowly and looks at his watch before getting up and changing into his clothes "Time to train up" he walks out of his house carefully and looks around "Better watch out for that landlord before he catches me for squatting" he moves out quickly and heads to an abandoned area to train. He picks up an old punching bag and dummy and begins practicing his close combat skills, starting off with kicks, he performs a spin kick before then back flipping and punching the bag behind him. He continues for about an hour before breathing heavily with sweat down his face, he drinks some water before continuing, he stops after his hands start bleeding and he looks at them, before continuing to punch with a determined look in his eyes "No matter what...I will be a hero who will stand out" he punches the dummy one last time breaking the old thing in half, he gasps for breath before pulling his hood back up.

(Kanji's House)

He sneaks back in through the window and microwaves a meal he managed to find before glancing at his now bandaged hands, "I will get in, I swear it" he turns on the news and watches a news report featuring All Might facing off against a few villains. He watches with intrigue before looking at his claws, he grabs a small file and begins sharping them into fine points.

(A few hours later)

He finishes with the file and looks at his now razor sharp claws on both his hands and feet before slashing at wall, he cuts deep into it, he sticks his claws and and begins climbing using them, he grins and jumps down "Good another new ability to use when I do the entrance exam for UA" he sniffs around and notices an odd scent and looks behind an old box where he finds a small black and white kitten, it yelps weakly and Kanji gently picks it up "You ok little buddy?" He gently strokes it to which it responds by meowing weakly, he continues before grabbing some water and gently giving it to the kitten allowing the kitten to drink it. He then grabs some small chicken he made earlier and the kitten eagerly takes it from his hand, he smiles and strokes it, receiving a purr in return, he smiles and gently lays it down in a small bed made out of cardboard, he then lays next to it and pulls the worn blanket over him and watches the kitten fall asleep "I think I'll call you Razor...just look at those claws" he examines Razor's sharp claws before falling asleep himself.

(Flashback End, Six Years Later, Kanji's Home)

"Razor?, razor?, Where did that damn cat go?" He looks around before hearing a meow and he looks over where his bed is to find Razor half asleep, he smiles softly "Ah, you big softy" he gently lifts Razor up and he meows, Kanji smiles and meows back before walking downstairs with Razor not far behind he smiles and gives him his bowl while eating his own food when he looks at the time "Ooo, sorry Razor gotta go, I'll be back soon ok", Razor meows and Kanji smiles before walking out the door to head to the entrance exam area.

(Entrance Exam)

Kanji walks where all the people are gathered and hears the voice of present mic "Hello and welcome the UA entrance exam" he goes on to explain what you need to do to pass the exam and Kanji sighs "Guess I've got my work cut out for me, I'm gonna need those assist and rescue points" he hears the buzzer signalling the start of the exam and he runs forward to go and help and hopefully defeat a robot.

(Exam Area)

He jumps and just barely saves a group of people from being crushed by a robots debris before seeing a robot worth twenty points on the horizon. He runs toward it and begins climbing it before managing to loosen its plate and climb inside before he begins damaging its internal body before jumping out and hearing the robot explode. He holds his hood in place as he falls so it doesn't fall down, he then assist and saves a few more people before hears the buzzer ending the exam.

(Outside The Exam Area)

Kanji sighs to himself "I hope it was enough to pass" he walks into a store nearby and grabs some food for him and razor before hearing a load of commotion and seeing a villain with purple and black hair, a revealing purple bodysuit, black armour, black boots and black gloves as well as a black face mask. He takes cover behind a wall as he hears them laugh "Come on I know there's a wonderful pro somewhere to excite me~" she walks around and starts throwing needles everywhere which everyone manages to avoid and Kanji runs off while wondering "Great new villains to deal with" he carefully heads back home making sure to watch his back.

(Kanji's House)

Kanji walks into his house and feels something touch his foot, he looks down to see a letter, he grabs it and walks over to his counter and sets the groceries down as razor jumps up on the counter to the right of him, he grabs the letter and tears it open while razor looks in the bag. Kanji finds a small disk and sets it on the table before a projection of All Might "I am here as a projection" Kanji grins and All Might continues "Kanji Fuyō I am pleased to tell you that you have just managed to pass the entrance exam by one point, well done" Kanji smiles "Yes!" He smiles and All Might continues "You achieved the highest needed to get in terms of rescue and assist points so good job and welcome to UA High" Kanji smiles and hugs razor "Razor we are in buddy, we got into UA" he holds razor to his chest while tears run down his face and his ears point up as much as they can "I will be a hero and I will stand out".