Meeting 1A And The Pitch Test

(The Next Day)

Kanji wakes up and gets changed and lays out some food for him and razor and pets him on the head "Ok be good Razor I'll be gone a while so take care of yourself ok" Razor meows and Kanji smiles and hugs him before grabbing his bag and hoodie before heading out the door to UA High for his first day.

(UA Entrance)

Kanji walks nervously as his feels his tail twitch in his pants and he sighs "I wish this thing would stop for just a minute" he continues walking and feels everyone stare at him before they quickly avert their eyes and he sighs "Why do they have to stare?" He continues walking and finally makes it inside the school.

(UA, Hallway)

Kanji walks into the hallway and looks at his plan and reads that he's in class 1A, he sighs and heads down until he sees the number 1A and hears yelling and talking and sighs "This probably isn't gonna end well especially if there are any idiots in this class" he opens the door and walks in.


He walks in and is immediately greeted by a green haired boy who holds out his hand "Oh hey I'm Izuku, nice to meet you" Kanji smiles and shakes his hand "Nice to meet you to I'm Kanji Fuyō" he looks around the class and sees a blonde haired boy kicking off a black and gold haired boy, a red haired boy and a black haired boy with weird elbows. He also notices a purple grape haired girl, a pink skinned girl, a black haired girl, another purple haired girl, a green haired girl and an invisible person. He thinks to himself "Quite the class" He sits down in his chair. He breaths internally before he pulls his hood down and immediately he feels eyes on him and he then feels his tail worm it's way out as well as it stands completely straight up. Kanji's face turns completely red and he freezes, before he feels something poke his tail, he slowly turns and sees the grape haired girl and he shakily yells "Can you not?!" She backs off and Kanji sighs "Why did I think this was a good idea?".

He hears movement in front of him and breaths a sigh of relief as the teacher appears "Welcome class 1A I'm Aizawa and I'll be teaching you during your time hear at UA High, now let's get started immediately, he produces a box "School issues PE uniforms, take one and meet me on the school field" he hands them and they all head to change.

(PE Field)

Kanji fidgets nervously as his tail waves in the wind slowly while still staying in a diagonal direction, he looks forward as Aizawa explains what they are doing "In short we will be testing the potential of your powers in this mini obstacle course then a pitch test,oh and one more thing who ever gets the lowest score will expelled" Kanji sweat drops internally "Are you kidding me?!".


He takes his position and sprints at his full speed easily outpacing everyone else and shocking everyone else as he uses his superior agility and senses to easily climb and jump over the obstacles in his path before landing the finish line shortly before anyone else. Kanji smiles slightly but Aizawa soon shatters the mood "Ok now we will be pitching" he holds up a baseball "Whoever pitches the lowest score with this is expelled, Katsuki your up first" Bakugo growls and grabs the baseball and throws it into the air using his quirk and Aizawa measures it "Hm, 600m not bad" Bakugo walks back and Aizawa turns to Kanji "Kanji Fuyō" Kanji takes the ball and steadies himself and swings his arm back and throws it quite far into the air shocking a few people and Aizawa looks at him and thinks "I think his strong suit isn't pure strength but rather agility and momentum...If he plays his to his strengths he'll make it" Kanji walks back hoping he did well. Everyone finishes pitching and Aizawa speaks "Well done 1A, I see my ruse got you to actually try" Kanji and everyone gasps "What?!" Aizawa nods "Yep I wasn't actually gonna expel anyone I just said that so you'd give it your all" everyone breaths a sigh of relief as they head back into the school to finish up their day.

(After School)

Kanji walks outside and is greeted by Izuku, and Ida as well as a girl called Uraraka "Hey Kanji" Kanji waves and approaches slowly "I know this is probably a dumb question but are those...real" Kanji narrows his eyes "Yes...yes they are" his tail bends in a downward curve "My ears and tail are real, it's part of my quirk" Izuku nods "Oh" Ida looks at him "Either way your strong, you threw that baseball like a superhuman pitcher" Kanji smiles softly "Thanks". He leaves and waves as he does before heading home.

(Kanji's Home)

Kanji walks and finds Razor waiting for him at the door "Hey bud" Razor jumps into his arms and rubs his face into Kanji's chest. Kanji smiles "I missed you too bud" he pets him before walking over to the tv and sitting down with razor in his lap, he turns on the tv and sees a live taped battle between the pro hero Crystal and a villain who calls herself Seducer, Kanji watches as Crystal forces her to retreat but not before Seducer turns to the camera and blows a kiss to the audience.

(Hosu City)

Seducer sighs "Whys Crystal gotta be such a bitch~" she sighs "I was just trying to discipline some brats and then she shows up and kicks off a fuss, honestly~" she turns and licks the blood off one of her needles "Ooo, this one tastes nice but still...I want something more a partner, a thrall who will do nothing but satisfy my desires but I haven't found the perfect one yet" she sighs and heads to her hideout and falls asleep on her body cuddling a body pillow.