Showing Off A Bit And A Worrying Encounter

(Kanji's House)

Kanji wakes up and sighs as he feels a small weight on his chest, he looks down and sees Razor fast asleep, he he smiles softly before gently nudging him "Hey Razor, come on it's time to wake up bud" Razor fidgets but doesn't get up. Kanji sighs and gently pokes Razor's tail which wakes him up "There you go, morning buddy" Razor meows and nuzzles into his chest while Kanji looks at his watch "Right, I gotta go to class Razor, you hold down the fort for me ok?" Razor nods his head and Kanji pets his ears "Good" Kanji thinks to himself "I wonder what it feels like to have someone do that to me?" He immediately blushes "Why am I thinking about that?!" He clears the thought out of his head before getting changed and grabbing his hero suit's box and heading out the door for his class.

(UA High, Classroom)

Kanji walks into the classroom and sighs as he sees yet more violence from Bakugo and a few others but he ignores them and sits down in his seat before grabbing one of his notebooks and begins writing down some notes to himself.


"Train to focus on fighting style, maybe add techniques that allow for flow control so the opponent can be easily overpowered with the correct speed and momentum".

"Use the hero training from today to see how the fighting style and suit holds up to see if any improvements need to be made and if so make them"

"Come up with a hero name and a fighting style name for when the time comes to choose"

"Take notes on my classmates quirks so I can see what kind of quirks I can fight against easily and which ones would prove problematic".

(Back In The Classroom)

Kanji finishes his notes just as Aizawa walks in "Morning 1A today you actually have a special class with Lasher on close quarters combat consider it a warm up before your hero training" everyone nods and Aizawa motions towards the door and Lasher walks in with her almost floor length light brown hair "Greetings 1A, I'm Lasher and I'll be your teacher on CQC for let's get started right away" she stands at the door and motions for everyone to follow her which they do.

(UA School Field)

Lasher stands in the middle with the students gathered in front of her "So what we are doing first is seeing how adaptive you are to a changing fight scenario so you'll be fighting against me for this lesson. Don't hold back either don't worry I can take it" she grins and the class get ready until to be shocked when her hair begins moving on it's own and begins attacking. Kanji gasps "She can control her own Hair?" Everyone keeps distance from her except Bakugo who try's and fails to get in close and gets trapped by her tendril like hair before being thrown back. Kanji attempts to use the distraction to hit her in the back but she immediately flicks her hair at him which he winces at "Her hair feels like a hydraulic press, can she alter its properties too?!" He flips and lands back on his feet before seeing an opportunity to utilise his agility, he goes on all fours and begins dashing forward, Lasher gasps as she barely sees Kanji move and manages to catch her and hit her in the leg, she knocks him away before grinning "Kids fast I'll give him that but speed and momentum won't mean anything to a strength or endurance based quirk or a hardening quirk" she manages to grab all of 1A and traps them in her hair before chuckling "Good effort everyone I'll conclude today's class now but keep in mind one thing...always utilise your quirk in the most efficient and effective manner possible" everyone nods and Kanji thinks to himself "I can dash better on all fours...with the correct environment I could easily overwhelm most of my classmates with superior speed and sensory capabilities. If we are fighting a closed off area like a building I have the speed and momentum advantage...though it won't mean much against someone like Bakugo or Uraraka or even Shoto".

(Later, Hero Class)

Everyone arrives to see All Might "Welcome 1A to your basic hero training class, now go and get changed into your hero suits so we can begin the exercise" everyone nods and Kanji goes into the changing rooms and pulls his out of the box, he marvels at the segmented design before testing the retractable steel claws on the hands and feet. He grins "This should definitely help me with climbing and moving through the environment with ease" he puts on the suit which consists of a black bodysuit with segmented metal plates which resemble a cat like body with cat like claws on the hands and feet, a metal tail piece and a cat like helmet. He carefully places his tail into the tail piece before admiring the look "This should definitely help me out" he walks out to meet with All Might and the others.

(Grounds B)

Kanji walks out and smiles while a few people like at his design with Deku and Uraraka liking the look as it fits his quirk perfectly. He smiles while unaware that the grape haired girl is staring at him "He looks adorable like a literal cat...I hope he's on my team~" Mineta is cut off by All Might announcing the rules "You will all be spilt into two teams, Heroes and Villains, the villains will be guarding a weapon that they plan to deploy while the heroes fight to defuse and capture it" he produces a lot and tells everyone to put their name in so he can announce the teams.


After Team A and Team D face off along with Team B and Team I All Might draws another lot "Team C vs Team G with Team C being villains and made of Kanji, Minrou and Momo and Team G being heroes and made of Denki and Kyoka" Mineta smiles as she stares at Kanji who doesn't pay her any mind as he's thinking of possible strategy's. He is brought out of his thoughts by Momo motioning for him to head down the grounds.

(Grounds B Building)

Kanji activates his claws and visor before scanning around and using his ears to sense for vibrations, he looks down and notices a concentrated pulse a few floors below and stops before turning to Momo "Their about two floors below us I think...probably better for you two to stand guard here while I attack directly" Mineta looks at him confused "What? Why?" Kanji sighs "Because your quirks are better suited for traps while mine is combat and traversal" he dashes away shocking the two who end up using their quirks to set up a trap.

(Lower Floors)

Denki walks through the building while channeling his electricity to try and locate them through their radio transmissions before he feels something collide with him at full speed, he gasps and flys backward and looks up to see a feint line dash away before he is hit in the back and knocked into the floor and feels something hit his neck knocking him out cold. Kanji picks him up and leans him against the wall before checking his visor to search for Jiro, he notices her directly above him and dashes back up the vent he came down from to attack Denki.

(Upper Level)

Jiro hears the vibrations and immediately links her earphone jack's to her arms and punches the ground ahead of the vent, Kanji hears the wave coming and manages to lock himself in place with his claws "Damn that's a strong heartbeat" Jiro walks away thinking she knocked him down only to hear the vent panel get kicked off, she turns to see Kanji for a spilt second before he disappears, she plugs her amps back into her hands and goes to punch the ground but is stopped by something striking her neck and knocking her out cold.

(Monitor Room)

All Might smiles "Kanji's using his strong suit of agility and momentum and combining it with his metal claws to allow him to easily traverse the building by bouncing off the walls...clever."


Team C is declared the winner by capture and Kanji smiles and thanks Mineta and Momo before heading back to class, he sighs as he walks down the hall "I need to replace the bodysuit for something more protective but with what...maybe a flexible chain Mail type mesh, nah too heavy...I'm sure I'll think of something" he heads out of the school.


He sighs and looks down at his phone and sees that he has his grocery list and heads to the store until he hears several screams and he narrowly doges a sharpened needle that just barely missed his neck. He looks forward and sees Seducer messing with a few people when she turns and locks eyes with him "Oh hello little kitty~" Kanji turns to run but realises he can't move "What the hell?! What kind of quirk is...a paralysis quirk?" She walks toward him slowly with a swaying motion while Kanji try's desperately to move but he only manages to twitch his fingers "Ooo please struggle more little kitty it makes you look so cute while reinforcing how helpless you are" she cups his chin and smiles "So adorable...I've always wanted a cat boy". Kanji growls as his ears flatten and he try's to yell but no sound comes out "What's wrong kitty, cat got your tongue?" She laughs while Kanji growls more "This damn woman-" he sees her eyes glow purple and she pulls down her face mask "Doesn't matter you don't need to say anything your mine now kitty-"she goes to jab him with her needle but she is knocked away by Crystal who grabs Kanji and moves him away from the battle before going back to fight Seducer. Kanji runs off and gets back to his house and slams the door alerting Razor who rushes to him, Kanji picks him up "Hey boy I missed you...I got lucky I encountered a villain today" Razor meows and nuzzles against him fiercely. Kanji chuckles "Relax I'm not going anywhere bud. I'm sticking with you all the way" Razor meows again and he picks him up and makes him and Razor some food before thinking on the encounter "Man, Seducer's creepy...who the hell dresses like that and speaks in such a..." he shrugs it off and sits down on the couch with Razor for a nap.


Seducer sighs "Damnit Crystal why you gotta ruin my plans, I just wanted that cat boy Urgh" she growls and crushes her soda in her hand "I'll find you again boy don't you worry. I'll find you then I'll mark you then your mine forever and ever" she laughs to herself while watching the news.

(End Of The Chapter)