Unseen Plans And Worrisome Thoughts

(Kanji's Home)

Kanji wakes up as he feels something jump on his chest "Oof, what the-" he is cut off by something licking his face "Ah, Razor, Razor chill. I'm awake, I'm awake" he manages to pull the cat of him and wipes his face with his sleeve "Impatient hm?" Razor meows at him which Kanji replies to with one of his own before placing the cat against his shoulder before walking into the kitchen and placing him on the table. "Let's get you your food and mine shall we" Razor meows in delight while Kanji thinks to himself "He's so adorable...I wish...someone would look at me like..." his shakes his head "No, no I don't need that, I'm not a pet. I am a person with feelings who just happens to have cat ears and a cats tail" he gives Razor his food and sighs to himself while eating his own "Do I really think that...or am I simply deflecting the issue?" He gets lost in thought and stares into space before realising the time and rushing out the door to UA.

(Unknown Area)

Seducer sighs as she inspects her needles before a black and purple portal opens and she walks through it to see a man with hands all over his body and a man in a suit with purple and black mist where his head should be "Seducer, I've heard good things about you...perhaps your willing to help us with something" Seducer looks at him intrigued "Ooo, do go on" the man continues "I need villains for an assault upon UA's USJ facility. I have it on good authority that All Might will be there and-" Seducer grins and cuts him off "Say no more I'm in" the man nods "Excellent, here take this" he gives her a slip with a number on it "We'll call you when the plan is ready" she nods and leaves through the portal she came in and comes back out where she was before "I don't really care about All Might I mean he's beautiful and all but...I want to get that boy from before I mean who doesn't love a person with cat ears. Their fucking adorable~" she grins and laughs to herself before grabbing her needles "Reminds me I need to check on my good friend Hōtai and ask her if she wants to come with me" she changes out of her villan outfit and runs off to go find her friend.

(Apartment Building)

Seducer smiles as she approaches the door and rings the bell and it opens to reveal her friend who she hugs immediately "Hōtai I missed you so-" she is cut off by bandages wrapping around her "Cut the shit Yokujō, why are you really here?" Yokujō grins "First, if your gonna bind me at least make them tighter then this~" Hōtai sighs and releases her bandages from Yokujō who pouts "Your no fun Hōtai" Hōtai sighs "If you wanna have your fantasy go find Midnight or something" Yokujō pouts "Don't compare me to that woman, I'm far better then she'll ever be" Hōtai stifles her laughter "In the exhibition department perhaps" Yokujō grins "That was my point" Hōtai sighs "Anyway why did you actually come here...to annoy me or flirt" Yokujō pouts again "Nothing so simple, I actually came to ask if you wanted to join me on a little excursion" Hōtai looks at her with confusion "What kind of excursion?" Yokujō grins "Attacking UA's USJ Facility with the league of villains" Hōtai looks at her with widened eyes "Your joking...your not joking are you" Yokujō shakes her head "Not at all dear" Hōtai sighs and thinks to herself "Well I do need to find something to do with my time" she smiles "Fine I'm in" Yokujō giggles and hugs her "Yeah, don't worry I'm sure it'll be amazing apparently even All Might will be there" Hōtai sees Yokujō's eyes glowing brightly "You know he's like...old right" Yokujō nods "Yes but he's still imposing however he's not my target". Hōtai looks at her with confusion "Then who is?" Yokujō grins "My dear Hōtai that would be telling wouldn't it, I'd prefer not to spoil" she sighs and the two walk into her house and start discussing potential plans as well as an escape if things don't go right.

(UA High, Class 1A)

Kanji arrives and walks in and sits at his desk before grabbing his journal and writing more notes while Aizawa speaks to the class "Morning 1A, I have a small announcement to make to you, your class needs a representative. The title of class representative will also grant you further recognition" Kanji sighs and thinks to himself "And this is the part where the egos start showing themselves" he sighs as his prediction comes true as everyone immediately try's to vote for themselves until Ida speaks up "We should put it to a vote" Aizawa nods "Seems like a fair idea Ida" he hands everyone a paper with instructions to write their vote for the class representative on it. Kanji thinks for a moment before writing Izuku's name on the paper before giving it to Aizawa, Aizawa then announces the winner "And the two class representative's are...Izuku Midorya and Momo Yaoyorouz". Kanji looks at Izuku who has a shocked look on his face while Momo has an unreadable expression.

(Later, Mess Hall)

Kanji sits with Izuku, Tenya and Uraraka with them reassuring Izuku that he is capable of leading the class. Uraraka then asks Tenya about his family with Tenya admitting he is part of the Ida Hero Family, Tenya's words trigger something in Kanji "Hm, wish I knew mine though maybe I don't. They did abandon me after all" he sighs silently while eating his food until Uraraka turns to Kanji "What about your family Kanji?" Kanji goes to answer her but they are interrupted by an alarm going off. One of the third years remarks that it means someone got past the barrier and assumes it's a villain leading a panic, the four rush to hallway only to be caught in the jam as people try to leave. Kanji watches as Uraraka floats Tenya up to the sign above the door and he yells at everyone that it's only the press relieving the situation, Kanji breathes a sigh of relief "Thank god, last thing we need a villain attack at school in broad daylight" he follows the four back to class where Izuku decides to resign as class representative and gives his spot to Ida which is approved by the class. Aizawa then turns to the class "Oh and today you all will be taking part in a rescue class at basic hero training, so suit up and get on the bus outside" everyone nods while Kanji thinks to himself "Can't wait, hope this goes well".