A Silent Call

(Blindside's Agency)

Blindside observes as Kanji uses the simulation room to easily demonstrate his new ability in which he delivers an front kick but this time with his metal foot claws which easily crack the simulated villains hardened skin. Blindside grins "Excellent work, your new style is coming along nicely" he enters the room "Now let's teach you something new" he tosses Kanji a blindfold. "I wanna see how sharp your senses and reflexes are currently and if we can sharpen them any further" Kanji nods and ties the blindfold over his eyes "Alright, go for it" Blindside grins and quickly dashes forward and Kanji gasps as he narrowly doges the punch by moving to the right he then jumps back as Blindside attempts to trip him with his leg. They continue for a short period until one of Blindsides workers run in "Sir urgent report" the two stop and Blindside takes the tablet from them. "Crap…alright Kanji change of plan, looks like we're needed in Hosu" Kanji nods "Ok but what are we up against?" Blindside passes him the tablet and Kanji gulps silently seeing the Nomu again before growling "Right let's go" Blindside nods and the two run to the city.

(Hosu City)

Kanji and Blindside gasp as they see three Nomu's trashing the city, one charges towards them only to be kicked by the two heroes but despite their combined effort the Nomu only gets pushed back a few feet. Blindside growls "Damn these things are tough, Kanji watch yourself around these things" Kanji nods "Don't worry I learned first hand how strong these things" Blindside looks at him before realising "…Then be extra careful then yeah-" Kanji's visor displays a message from Izuku "My friend needs immediate assistance, permission to help" Blindside nods "Go for it I need to call someone as well go help your friend I'll be fine" Kanji nods and runs off while Blindside sighs and uses his wrist computer "Maindo could use a hand here" he hears a reply "Already here!-" Blindside hears the wall next break and the Nomu is knocked into the other building and Blindside laughs "Cut it a little close you know" he hears a laugh as Maindo walks out, wearing a black bodysuit with dark red markings, white gloves, white boots and a red and white mask with a black visor which just barely shows a claw like scar over the left eye and black and red body armour. "Thought you hit harder" Blindside chuckles "Only as hard as a human possibly can, my quirk doesn't boost my physical attributes by much but my senses are way better" Maindo chuckles "Guess you should have sat out then-" Maindo barely avoids the Nomu's punch as it charged towards him from the wreckage of the rubble before turning around activating his quirk which makes him arm glow a bright red and a massive shockwave hits the Nomu as his fist hits it directly in the neck with a loud snap and crack. Blindside sighs "It is dead?" Maindo laughs "Should be" the two bump fists before turning to one another "So Maindo you and Lasher still together-" the two avoid the Nomu again and hit it in the chest knocking it away. "Yeah though she's being finicky about getting engaged for some reason-" they avoid a piece of concrete that the Nomu hurls at them, Blindside laughs "Sounds like Lasher all right, probably doesn't wanna get mobbed by Midnight since she's working at UA" Maindo nods "Probably-" the Nomu roars at them and the two sigh before getting ready to pummel it.

(Alleyway, Hosu City)

Kanji jumps from wall to wall attempting to locate Izuku when he notices him, Tenya and Shoto fighting against someone, he takes a closer look and hears Tenya blurt out the name Stain and decides to watch the fight and wait for an opportunity to assist if they need it.

(A While Later)

Kanji looks at Tenya with narrowed eyes "This will be a hard lesson for him to learn" he continues watching before moving in as they beat and restrain Stain. "Impressive work guys" Izuku looks over to see Kanji appear from the darkness of the alley "Kanji you got my message" Kanji nods "Yeah got here late though due to the Nomu and all" he looks at Tenya "And also Tenya you are going to learn from this I hope" Tenya nods and looks down slightly while Shoto doesn't say anything. Kanji senses something coming from behind and narrowly misses a flying Nomu with his kick before being knocked away by its wings as it grabs Izuku with its talons before trying to fly away. Kanji growls and goes to move but before he can Stain gets up and charges after it and the three watch as he stabs it in the head. The other heroes arrive including Blindside and Manido and Stain looks at Endeavour with hate in his eyes "All you fake heroes and pathetic criminals must be purged for our society to become purely just!" Maindo gasps slightly feeling Stains willpower "This force of will is, insane!" Blindside doesn't react and doesn't say anything while Endeavour takes a step back before Stain falls unconscious while standing up.

(Hosu General Hospital)

Kanji stands with Izuku, Shoto and Tenya while they recover when the door opens to reveal Gran Torino and the chief of police Kenji. Gran Torino introduces them to him before Kenji speaks "After your battle with him Stain is being treated for serious injuries and you four will be punished due to you using your quirks for violence without superior permission" Shoto grits his teeth "If we didn't intervene Native would be dead" Kanji puts his hand on Shoto's shoulder "I don't think that's his personal opinion Shoto" Kenji nods "Indeed that would be my opinion as chief of police but as a person I am glad you saved him and I will pardon you due to the lack of witnesses that saw the events however due to this you will not receive any recognition for your heroic actions. The four nod and Kenji leaves along with Gran Torino and Kanji leaves to head home bidding his friends farewell.

(Elsewhere, Unknown Location)

A sighs as he breaths through an oxygen mask before a dark figure drops from the ceiling and pops into view revealing themselves, wearing a black, white and red set of armour forged to look like a spider with a four eyed helmet, claw tipped gloves and claw tipped boots along with one seemingly openable compartments on both of the arms and mouth they also seem to have four leg like appendages that resemble spider legs with sharpened tips. The man grins "Glad you came Airachind or should I say Kumo" Kumo sighs "Call me whatever, what do you want now anyway more people for me to capture or something?" The man smiles "Yes and no, I do have a target for you but also an order. First I need you to go to Tomura and get into their missions once that's done I'll brief you privately on the rest." Kumo nods "Yes sir" the man smiles "Also make sure he gets new villains in" Kumo nods before climbing up the wall and out of the window.