An Odd Encounter

(Outside Blindsides Agency)

Blindside sighs as he waits for Kanji and reads through the latest report he got on the villain known as Doll who's been suspected of kidnapping several people in the span of a few days. "This doll person works quickly and silently, better keep my ears focused then" he is brought out of his thoughts by familiar approaching footsteps "Kanji glad you could make it, we got an interesting case this time" Kanji looks at him with intrigue "What about?" Blindside smiles "We're hunting down that villain I told you about before the doll one, apparently they've been kidnapping innocent people" Kanji's eyes widen. "We got a location" Blindside nods "Only a last known one but it should give us a lead" Kanji nods and follows Blindside to the location.

(Hosu City, Downtown District)

The two heroes walk through an alleyway and spot a mini crime scene with some officers there, they approach and notice several pieces of what appears to be porcelain and other ceramic pieces on the floor. Kanji approaches them examines them, Kanji sighs "I hate doing this but" he sniffs the piece and gets a strong scent that makes him reel back "Woah, that's strong smells like industrial grade, uh I think I'm gonna throw up" Blindside chuckles "I guess having a sharp sense of smell isn't great huh?" Kanji nods "Yeah its why I commissioned a full suit with special filters on the helmet" he groans before standing up. "Anyway scents leading us further west" Blindside nods and they continue moving until they stop at an old building that looked to be from the Victorian era and looked incredibly out of place. Blindside looks at Kanji "This the place" Kanji nods and Blindside motions the police to follow them as they knock on the door but receive no answer before the police force it open and they all step inside.

(Inside The House)

They walk in and are immediately hit by the strong smell of saw dust and fire they all cover their mouths as they walk through the house and see it filled with Victorian style furnishings and ornaments including old dolls and toys. Kanji hears something from below and motions them all to the basement door which they carefully walk down. Blindside takes point and steps out into the basement and looks around and gasps slightly seeing dozens of life sized dolls wearing Victorian era attire staring at him with fixed expressions, the others follow and Kanji gasps feels his stomach churn "This is very creepy" Blindside nods "I heard they weird but not like this" they hear a noise and the police draw their guns and shout for the person to reveal themselves. They receive no response for a few moments before soft footsteps are heard from their right they turn to see a woman with wearing a white undershirt, a black and white dress, red gloves, black tights and white flats as well as a white mask which is attached to her face with a fixed grin. She doesn't say anything as the police approach her with their weapons drawn while Kanji and Blindside stare at her nervously as a cop reaches to grab her he is slashed by a ceramic blade from one of the dolls behind her. Kanji and Blindside gasp as the dolls around them begin to become animate and the police are quickly dispatched leaving the two alone to deal with her, she stares at the two closely before turning to Kanji and tilting her head in an odd way as the fixed grin on her mask shifts to a soft smile. Kanji feels his heart beat faster as they continue to stare before Blindside dashes forward and sends one of the dolls flying with a single hit, the woman looks at the now damaged doll then back at Blindside with surprise before stepping back as the other dolls charge at the two heroes who begin fighting them. Kanji kicks the last one in the face and it falls over and the woman audibly sighs before speaking a soft and soothing tone which surprised the two heroes "My poor dolls, did you have to damage them so horribly. It took many hours and days to make them as they are" Blindside growls "We aren't here to fight your dolls we are here to find the people you've been kidnapping…so where are they" she audibly chuckles and picks up one of the dolls and removes its mask revealing one of the missing people "They were right here and I didn't "kidnap" them I saved them from their suffering on the street" Kanji growls "Before crafting them into crude creations against their will" the woman looks at Kanji and her mask's soft smile turns to an expression of anger and she attacks the two heroes with a shower of sharp porcelain shards the two dodge her barrage but Blindside is sent through a wall by the woman after being hit by a large porcelain cube. Kanji growls and continues to evade her before she hits his legs and Kanji falls to the ground and try's to break the porcelain that's slowly forming over his suit but his attempts are stopped by the woman who makes the porcelain cover his body except for his head. Kanji struggles against it while she kneels down and stares into his eyes "My creations are not crude they are beautiful, much like you" Kanji looks at her confused before continuing his efforts as she reaches to grab his helmet but before she can she is knocked aside by Blindside who breaks Kanji out of the porcelain and turns back to where he knocked her to only to see she has vanished. Kanji breathes deeply and shakes slightly "That was very creepy" Blindside nods "Indeed and tragic" he looks down at the corpses of the dead officers before the two use their radio to call more to the house.

(Outside the House)

Blindside and Kanji hand in their statements before leaving the area and they stop by a building "You ok Kanji, you were shaking?" Kanji nods "I'm fine just not used to dealing with that level of creepy, I hate those things too creepy for my liking" Blindside nods "I'm not a fan of them either, try and keep your composure though. Villains will take any sign of weakness and exploit it…I probably shouldn't have brought you with me on this occasion but it seems to have worked out ok. I won't be taking that chance again though until your actually ready" Kanji nods "Fair enough, it's been great learning from you Blindside smiles "And it's been nice to have you Kanji and my offer is still open look me up when you graduate". The two laugh before parting ways and Kanji heads home to rest and think on what transpired.

(Kanji's Home, Bedroom)

He sighs as he lays in bed with Razor sat on his chest thinking about earlier and the realisation that the dolls he let loose on were actually just regular people forced into crude shells that made them go against their morals. He shakes it off not wishing to dwell on it before falling asleep.


The woman sighs as she leans against the wall of an ally "Those heroes may have set back my work but I have more then one storage place" she smiles before heading somewhere and thinking to herself "That cat hero would make an adorable addition to my collection especially with the correct crafting. I hope to see them again soon".

(UA High, Class 1A)

Kanji yawns as he walks back into the classroom and is welcomed by everyone and is immediately bombarded with questions about his internship "All right one at a time, jeez" he tells them about his internship with Blindside and most of the class are surprised with Bakugo being angry because Kanji got to train and do field work. Kanji sits down at his desk at opens his journal and writes some notes down.


"Style is now working better thanks to additions from Blindside and my own tinkering, should add some move moves to it later down the line"

"Need to focus on exposure to remove fear for certain situations otherwise risk being caught off guard and having the fear exploited in future"

"Need to get a redesign on my suits retractable claws so they can be tipped in a sharper metal to enable better grip"

(End Of Notes)

(Class 1A)

The bell rings and the class get up and head to their hero class with All Might with Kanji wondering what exercise they will doing today.

(Hero Class, Field Gamma)

Kanji listens closely as All Might explains the exercise "Today we will doing a rescue training race in this training field, you'll be tasked with locating my distress beacon, you'll be spilt into five four man teams with the exception of Kanji being on one of them". The exercise begins and Kanji moves through on the second group and begins showing off his agility and climbing skill shocking many including All Might who notes Kanji's ability to easily grip on and bounce off the environment thanks to his claws and the flexibly of his suit and which allows him to be at a faster pace without losing speed. Kanji manages to place Second after just being narrowly beaten by Hanta while Izuku comes last due to an injury.

(Changing Room)

Kanji sighs as he gets out of his suit when Izuku alerts him to a hole in the changing room wall that wasn't there before, Kanji glances at it and notices a familiar face on the other side before groaning "Seriously what is up with this girl" he grabs his suit claws and stabs it into the hole scaring Mineta who was staring through it "That was one of Kanji's claws" being she is reprimanded by Kyoka who sends sound through her body with her earphone jack.

(Outside UA)

Kanji sighs and thinks to himself "Gonna need to put my head down now, these exams are gonna determine a lot, I wanna perform at my best for this." He grins and runs home to go train and study but not before giving Razor some pets and food.