The Final Exams

(Blindside's Agency)

Blindside sighs as he sits at his desk looking over the doll case reports when his door opens to reveal Manido "Hey Shiryoku, hears about that "incident" didn't think we had crazy's left in this city" Blindside chuckles "I thought so too but it seems we were both wrong" Manido sits down on the chair in front of his desk and laughs "Yeah I guess we were, anyway what's been up with you aside from your work" Blindside smiles "Got an intern from UA a while ago very good kid" Manido's eyes widen with intrigue "Ooo, that cat kid you were talking about from the festival?" Blindside nods "Yep, agile, smart and adaptable a hero in the making" Manido grins "Good to see this generation growing up quickly, Lasher tells me the finals for them are coming up hope he does well" Blindside nods "Me too". Blindside sighs "Anyway you come here for any reason or just wanna show up for nothing" Manido chuckles nervously "Well…I managed to get Lasher to agree to announce our engagement though she's only doing it in UA and telling them not anyone else" Blindside chuckles "I imagine that took some convincing…maybe even a few favours~" Manido blushes and stutters "Nothing like that" Blindside laughs "Sure, sure". The two laugh with Blindside continuing his teasing of Manido.

(Kanji's Home)

Kanji sighs as he wakes up in his training room, "Guess I really put work on over this period" he gets up and stretches before walking downstairs to see Razor asleep in an odd position on the couch, he chuckles silently "Awww, so adorable" he walks over to the kitchen and sighs and wonders what to make before turning the tv on and going back to his thoughts "What should I make today, gonna need energy for today" his is brought out of his thoughts by a news report on the tv.

(News Report)

"Breaking news, there have been a few deaths in hero industry today with one key theme, whoever did this has a spider mo and is proficient in use of poison and webbing. All citizens and heroes are asked to keep an eye open for this alleged assassin though no image of the suspect exists at this present time, this has been your news report for the evening".

(Back to Kanji)

Kanji groans "Another villain running around this time a spider gimmick, great" he sighs and decides to just make some Takoyaki and sitting down and eating before realising the time "Ah crap I might be late at this rate he finishes his food and pets Razor before grabbing his stuff and leaving the house.

(UA High, Classroom 1A)

Kanji arrives and sits down before Eraserhead immediately enters the room "Morning 1A, I don't think I need to remind you but you must put your body and mind to task for these written and practical exams so please study and train hard" Kanji thinks back on his midterm marks "I got a middle score though I think I can do better this time" he is brought out of his thoughts by Denki and Mina admitting they didn't study while Fumikage agrees with them however Rikido states that the exam will be far more difficult then the midterms. Kanji thinks about their words before nodding in his head "They are all right about that, this exam won't be easy by any means" he hears Minrou say something about only the physical being an issue before hearing Deku and Tenya attempt to encourage Denki before Shoto says it would be easier for them if they payed attention on class. Denki sighs but Momo offers to tutor him for the test, the other hear her proposal and ask her for them same, leading her to arrange a study session for the class. Kanji declines her offer but tells the others to try their absolute best to which the class agree.

(UA High, Lunchtime)

Kanji sighs as he walks with Izuku until Neito bumps into Izuku's head and sarcastically apologies before criticising them for the hero killer incident but stops when Kanji extends his claws before he is struck in the head by Ituska who apologises for his behaviour before informing them that an upperclassman told her that the exam will involve fighting the robotic villains from the entrance and obstacle race. Kanji retracts his claws and thanks her for the info before she drags Neito away while chastising him for antagonising 1A.

(Classroom 1A)

Kanji and Izuku tell everyone what they heard from Itsuka and Denki and Mina get excited knowing they can fight against the robots easier. Mezo states that it's likely because they can't control their quirks against real people yet while Bakugo growls and says that regardless of it being human or robotic they need to learn to control them anyway before telling Izuku he saw him emulating his during the race with All Might and declares to surpass him and Shoto.

(Kanji's Home)

Kanji sighs as he studies with Razor sat on his lap, "I wonder though with all this villain activity if robots are an effective training measure at this point" he ignores the thought and puts his pen down before carrying Razor and himself to bed.

(Day Of The Physical Exam, Changing Room)

Kanji sighs as he looks at his helmets redesign after it was destroyed by the Nomu and almost removed by Doll having gotten rid of the black glass and metal frame and remade into a simple face mask with a metal shield over it to protect his mouth and filter out gases as well as enhance his sense of smell. he gets out of the changing room and meets up with his class as they approach Eraserhead and the other UA staff. Izuku notices Kanji's redesign "Hey Kanji you change your helmet?" Kanji nods "Yeah, the old one obstructed my peripheral vision and made it difficult to see in dark areas so I swapped it out for a mask with a filter and a metal cover leaves my head more exposed but gives me better hearing and vision" Izuku nods. They stop and Eraserhead notes they seem to have knowledge of the test which Denki and Mina confidently state saying they are fighting the robots from before. Nezu appears from Aizawa's scarf "I am afraid 1A you will not be having battle simulations against robots" the class gasp aside from Kanji who thinks to himself "I guessed correctly" Nezu goes on to say that due to recent villain activity they feel the students need more battle experience and so are being pitted against the UA staff. Nezu speaks again "Your pairs for the staff have already been decided and they are Shoto and Momo with Eraserhead, Izuku and Bakugo with Allmight, Me against Denki and Mina, Thirteen versus Yuga and Uraraka, Present Mic versus Koji and Kyoka, Tsuyu and Tokoyami versus Ectoplasm, Hanta, Minrou and Kanji versus Midnight, Mezo and Toru versus Snipe, Rikido and Kirishima versus Cementoss and finally Tenya and Ojiro against Power Loader. Most of the class are visibly anxious about facing the teachers until All Might reveals them all to be wearing ultra compressed weights as a handicap though Bakugo states that they underestimate them.

(Exam Area)

Kanji sighs as he watches Minrou run away from Midnight after seeing Hanta become unconscious due to Midnights quirk, Kanji thinks to himself "I'm lucky I swapped my mask out otherwise one whiff of that gas and I'd be out cold with Hanta in a matter of seconds due to heightened sense of smell" he quickly moves towards Midnight to aid Minrou but nearly gets struck by Midnights whip which he just manages to deflect with the flat side of his metal claws. Midnight fires a wave of her sleep quirk gas at him which he quickly moves away from before Minrou throws her purple balls to stop Midnight from using her whip to attack however she gets whipped in the face for her troubles but doesn't notice Kanji dash behind her and attach the cuff to her free hand. Midnight chuckles "Your fast Kanji" Kanji nods "Yeah, being honest without my redesign I'd have already been knocked out" Midnight chuckles before announcing that he and Minoru passed the test.

(League Of Villains)

Kurogiri asks Tomura why he's so interested in Izuku but is blown off until Giran appears with three people which claims are recruits for the league of villains. One is a badly scared man, the other a young girl and the final one is a man wearing a suit resembling a spider in appearance. The spider one walks forward first ahead of Giran and introduces himself "I am Airachind or if you prefer The Spider" Giran gasps "Why are you here?! I thought you had a network to run?" Airachind sighs "Thats none of your business Giran" Tomura looks at Airachind with intrigued eyes before looking at the other two in disgust. A brief scuffle breaks out which is stopped by Kurogiri before he asks Giran to give Tomura some time to consider the offer. Giran nods and they leave while Airachind remains "Now that they are gone I will say my reason for being here…a certain sensei asked for my presence here" Tomura and Kurogiri look at him in shock before nodding "Glad to have you aboard" Airachind nods and sits down and opens his phone.