The Mall Incident And A Dip In The Pool

(UA High, Class 1A)

Kanji yawns as he writes in his journal about his experience from Blindside and his encounter with Doll before he hears Denki and a few others worry they won't be able to go to the camp due to them thinking they failed the exam. Kanji sighs and thinks to himself "I don't really see the point in this camp…maybe I'll get proved wrong when we get there" he hears the door open and looks up to see Aizawa who makes an announcement to the class "Welcome 1A, I will inform you that regardless of what you got in your exam you will all be going to the training camp, we left you windows of opportunity to win and you must go to the camp to get stronger" Kanji sighs "So they held back, what a waste of time that exam was. I was expecting a real experience" he hears many of his classmates complain openly about how they were "tricked" and Kanji thinks to himself "I have to agree with them there.

(UA High, After Class)

Kanji looks over the brochure before walking to Aizawa "Hey sir can I ask you something?" Aizawa nods "What is it?" Kanji speaks up "I wanna ask can I bring Razor with me, my cat I don't have anyone else to look after him and I'd rather not leave him alone for a week?" Aizawa shuts his eyes for a second before opening them again "Very well, but he's your responsibility once we get there" Kanji nods and leaves to join his classmates.


He meets up with his classmates and hears Toru suggest that they should go to the mall together to buy supplies, everyone including Kanji agrees except Shoto and Bakugo who leave the group to head home.

(The Mall)

Kanji thinks to himself while he walks around the mall with his hood up "I really hope no one bothers me in here, I don't need publicity rn" He buys his supplies which include food, drink and cat food before he thinks about something else. "Hm I might actually buy something to keep Razor busy most of the time while we are there just so he doesn't try and wander off". He grabs a jar of catnip before paying for his supplies and heading home.

(Kanji's Home)

Kanji sighs as he packs his bag for the camp on the counter and wonders what it will include and what heroes might be present there and what they will learn before he is brought out of his thoughts by Razor who sits in front of him. Kanji chuckles and pets him softly earning a few purrs and meows from Razor which he replies to with a few of his own before picking him up and sitting down on his couch. Kanji yawns and looks at the time before thinking "I think I can fit in a quick nap" he lays down with Razor on his chest and falls asleep.

(Later, Kanji's Home)

Kanji is awoken by a knock on his door, he gets up slowly and wonders who it could be, he approaches the door and hears a few voices before opening the door and seeing Izuku, Denki and Minrou. Kanji thinks to himself "How did they?-" he remembers that he told Izuku where he lived. Kanji yawns "What's up guys?" Izuku replies "Hey Kanji wanna come to the pool with us" Kanji winces internally at the mention of the word pool remembering the last time he went to one and got thrown in by some kids who wanted to see if he was scared of water like a normal cat. Kanji sighs before replying "Sure, why not" he goes to get his swim gear before following them to the pool.

(The Pool, UA High)

Kanji sighs as he changes into his trunks before stretching as he walks to the others who are surprised to see him there. Izuku smiles and greets him "Hey Kanji, we thought we might as well use this time to get some endurance training in" Kanji chuckles "Better time then any I guess" the two laugh while Minoru stares at Kanji with a blush and hearts in her eyes "Such a wonderful body matched with an adorable face and personality. He truly is catlike those ears just add to it-" she quickly stops staring once the girls turn their gaze to her and looks away "Almost got caught".


Kanji decides to listen to Ida and train though is the only one to actually swim while the others use their quirks to get across the gap. Kanji sighs "What's the point in endurance training if you guys are that lazy you can't even be bothered to swim a few meters" he sighs while Bakugo asks Izuku to fight him which he refuses and Kanji hears Izuku, Tenya and Shoto make a vow to be the best heroes they can. Kanji smiles "They'll go far in the hero world" Kanji and the others prepare for the final race to see who's the fastest and Kanji again easily out sprints most of his classmates except Bakugo, Izuku, Shoto and Tenya who he is equal to or a little faster then, however before they can finish Aizawa kicks them out of the pool area and Kanji sighs and grabs his stuff and heads home but not before thanking Izuku for offering him the chance to be there.


Arachnid sighs as he reads the data being fed to him by his informants about a training camp and waits for the signal to tell Tomura about it but before he can he watches Tomura makes a phone call using his surveillance cam hidden in the league's hq and mentions a "'new game" before hanging up. Arachnid looks at him cautiously and thinks to himself "I've never dealt with someone so impulsive…I'll have to be careful from now on".

(League Of Villains HQ)

Seducer smiles as she sharpens her nails to fine points "I wonder what Tomura's new plan is…I hope it involves getting back at those kids. I wanna make that icy brat pay for his interference in claiming a new toy for myself" she grits her teeth before grinning "I can't wait…you can't hide from me for much longer…kitty."